Do you believe in Aliens from outspace?

well it ain't a mollusk, that's for damned sure.
Ever wonder WTF the aliens will look like. They can't look like humans unless their planet evolved the EXACT same way as ours did....

If they were intelligent, do you think they have things like TV, Movies, music, weird things for entertainment?
Very high chance that aliens exist.
We have no idea on how big the universe is. We can only estimate based on how far stars are away that we can see, new galaxies show up as the light hits our eyes. When that light does hit our eyes though... we're seeing information that is billions of years old.
It's foolish to believe that, in our infinitly expanding universe which is full of trillions and trillions of planets, that there isnt any intelligent life out there.

nuff said :P
Well, like everyone has said... Theres god knows how many planets out there in their own solar systems and such. It's highly unlikely that we're the ONLY planet in all of space that has/will have/had life on it.

If we are the only planet that has life, I'd be VERY shocked. But that wont ever be proved in my lifetime... so I aint getting shocked any time soon :P.
It would be so cool to be invaded by hostile aliens. :P


What I would give to throw away this worthless life of working 40+ hours per week just to pay bills and live a generally unfulfilled life to become a gun-toting freedom fighter walking the post-apocalyptic streets of my hometown, ducking into alleyways as alien extermination squads pass by, then carefully sneaking around the corner to snipe the lead drivers head off, causing the patrol vehicle to veer off course and crash into a dilapidated building, causing it to crumble to the ground...

I think that was a run-on-sentence...

But seriously... that would be boss.
I do believe that aliens exist and the reason that they haven't try to commicate with us is that they don't give crap about us
Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure about sentient life, but given how big the universe is i'd say the odds are in favour of life out there somewhere.
As Jintor allready states: The vastness of space will result in many many lifeforms in many many places in the universe. The only problem is distances. If some Alien-civilisation wich is an advanced lifeform wants to visit us, they'll have a long trip or they found some loophole. So I don't think we'll see Aliens soon. I do think we'll 'hear' the aliens in the not so distant future. That'll be one of those never to forget experiences. Hope I'm still here that day.
I do believe that aliens exist and the reason that they haven't try to commicate with us is that they don't give crap about us

They probably saw how doomed we were anyway, and just thought it would be a waste of their resources to speed up the innevitable haha
The bulk of you know my thoughts. They are amoung us in my opinion. As was stateded before, it would only take a million, nay even a thoasand years difference and something could be furhter than us.
However, I'm strecthing into imagination here. One of Saturn's moons is made of ice, and scientists suspect that lifeforms (non-sentient/intelligent though) could live under the ice, in the water below. Like whales.
Thats a little closer to home and realistic no?
I do believe that aliens exist and the reason that they haven't try to commicate with us is that they don't give crap about us
Well, that's the cool thing to think, isn't it?

I believe in most-likely sentient alien life. Details if asked for.
atomic piggy i think you're talking about Jupiters moon Europa.
The bulk of you know my thoughts. They are amoung us in my opinion. As was stateded before, it would only take a million, nay even a thoasand years difference and something could be furhter than us.
Further than us?
However, I'm strecthing into imagination here.
And possibly a whole new language.

One of Saturn's moons is made of ice, and scientists suspect that lifeforms (non-sentient/intelligent though) could live under the ice, in the water below. Like whales.
Alien whales are hiding amongst us? You don't think they'd stick out a tad?
Yet what basis do you have for this belief? Do you have any evidence?
Why would they come here but stay in secret, when, if they do exist it is likely so do thousands many more civilisations, why us?