do you believe the porn industry does a service or a disservice to society?

Do you believe the porn industry does a service or a disservice to society?

  • Service

    Votes: 97 82.2%
  • Disservice

    Votes: 21 17.8%

  • Total voters
I saw a movie once in which one guy inserted his fist into a woman's vagina while another guy inserted his fist into her anus.

That is physically impossible, I have tried. I'm guessing the guys are midgets..yes?
Oh, and everyone should have seen "The Opening Of Misty Beethoven". It's a hilarious porn flick :D
Oh, and everyone should have seen "The Opening Of Misty Beethoven". It's a hilarious porn flick :D
According to Wikipedia, that was the first porn flick to feature pegging: female-on-male action via a strap-on dildo.

Kind of an off topic question, but how many of you guys would let a chick do that to you?
conflict-theorists will tell you it is a harm because it takes advantage of women and keeps them in a submissive, impoverished role

functionalists will tell you it is a service because men require a sexual outlet to keep them from raping people, and gives unskilled women money.

it all depends on your point of view.

I'm a conflict theorist..btw...even though...what man in his right mind would not like porn if he is in the mood?
Service. It's filling a need, and as much as people might detest it for being immoral/perverted, were it not there then there'd be alot of people seeking much less desireable alternatives. As long as it's not hurting anybody (except for, arguably, the viewer :P), I refuse to see anything wrong with it.

Whether as a product of society or just our nature, or both, humans are perverts - so get the **** over it.
SO, from reading this whole thread, it seems that two points are brought up over and over.

1. Porn can be a sexual outlet.
2. Porn can desensitize and dehumanize sex.

So, my conclusion:

Certain porn portraying sex in an emotional and healthy way is good for society. Currently, however, there exists a lot of dirty and bizarre porn that just makes me cringe.
It really makes me sad that so many of you believe its a service. Pornography is not only generally degrading to women it can break up families, husbands who are addicted to porn are giving more attention to pornography then their wives. Because pornography is everywhere and so easily accessible it gets children at an early age, and gets them interested in things they shouldn't be. You really believe that rapists stop raping because they can look at porn? Porn is an appetizer, it fuels thoughts in your mind that give you sexual ideas, you start to look at women as objects instead of people, and i would be willing to bet that pornography has lead many men to rape. I can't say that we should ban porn, or that it should be a crime. It is your choice whether you look at it or not, and it is the employees in the porn industries choice if they want to degrade themselves in that way. But I definitely see something wrong with it, and I definitely think that there needs to be better protection against porn from children. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO ENTER PRESS OK IF YOU ARE 18. That is just ridiculous. That is their underage protection? That is their protection from not getting sued.
It really makes me sad that so many of you believe its a service. Pornography is not only generally degrading to women it can break up families, husbands who are addicted to porn are giving more attention to pornography then their wives. Because pornography is everywhere and so easily accessible it gets children at an early age, and gets them interested in things they shouldn't be. You really believe that rapists stop raping because they can look at porn? Porn is an appetizer, it fuels thoughts in your mind that give you sexual ideas, you start to look at women as objects instead of people, and i would be willing to bet that pornography has lead many men to rape. I can't say that we should ban porn, or that it should be a crime. It is your choice whether you look at it or not, and it is the employees in the porn industries choice if they want to degrade themselves in that way. But I definitely see something wrong with it, and I definitely think that there needs to be better protection against porn from children. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO ENTER PRESS OK IF YOU ARE 18. That is just ridiculous. That is their underage protection? That is their protection from not getting sued.
Ok, Glenn Beck;)

Do you want porn sites to start offering retnal scans? It's not the sites fault if some horn dog 13 year old lies about his age to view some T and A, the blame lies with his parents.

Like i said before, rape is more then sexual satisfaction, it's pertaining dominence over another. That individual would've crossed the line regardless of the porn he watched.
Even if you accept all that as true it still means that porn is about as dangerous as 90% of human culture.
You are absolutely right BUT the question was whether it was a service or a disservice, and i think it is a disservice because of the negative affects. Just because there are plenty of other harmful things out there, and there are, that doesnt mean it isnt one of them. Yes, they could do allot better job, for instance... i forget whos idea it was, but to give all pornographic websites a special .com so that they could be easily filtered out. It wouldn't even be very difficult :-\
screw moral and psychological issues. the money it produces. tax dollars earned from all the movies, income tax, equipment rentals, and such. theres a reason why its the #1 entertainment industry.

and imagine how high unemployment would go. more hookers and pimps on the streets != good
The XXX web domain has a whole host of problems associated with it that are probably left to another discussion.

And while other things being bad doesn't make it good, it does make it at worst a shade of gray. We're talking about something here that covers all mediums and pretty much every form of expression you can think of. Blanket statements don't work, and pretty much depend on whether you're talking about the best case or the worst case you can think of.
People should object to sex and nudity far less than they object to violence, but its the exact opposite.

Fox shows footage of actual people being killed. It's even on the news.
When a (covered) nipple falls out though, its a national crisis. People are messed up. Imagine seeing sex in place of violence on tv, matching how explict the sex is with how violent the violence is.

A guy playfully hitting someone turns into a playful kiss.
Footage of soldiers turns into footage of scantily clad people.
A debate about what country to bomb turns into a debate about the best way to give an orgasm to someone.
War movies are soft porn (those chuck norris style shoot 'em ups are more focused on the sex, while the apocalypse now style "thinking" war movies are more focused on the relationships)
Correspondents with armed militia men behind them are replaced with correspondents with topless women behind them


Sex (like it or not) is something (enjoyable) that happens between people who like each other (for reasons ranging from deep to superficial).
Violence (like it or not) is something (unenjoyable) that happens between people who don't like each other (for reasons ranging from deep to superficial).

One is more prevalent in society than the other.
I've always been against real deadly violence being shown on TV. And by that, I mean showing deaths of actual people. We don't need to see it happen to know it exists.

However, i've also always been pro nudity in entertainment, as well as pro violence in entertainment... as long as it is completely fabricated and fake. Examples would be video games or movies. Nudity in real life is fine too, as its completely natural.
You are missing the point, why does one bad thing have to be replaced by another? Yes violence being portrayed on television is bad, but depending upon your opinion, so is sex. I have a better idea, don't show either :-P. But thankfully its allot easier to pic and choose on TV, with cable we can select which shows can and can't be viewed, that gives us the power to decide what is and isn't viewed in our home. As long as we have that power, awesome. The internet, is a different story :-\
Porn is an appetizer, it fuels thoughts in your mind that give you sexual ideas, you start to look at women as objects instead of people
Answering your quote with a quote :D

The late Bill Hicks said:
You know what causes sexual thoughts? I'm gonna clear the air for you tonight. I'm gonna end this debate, hopefully once and for all while on this planet, 'cause outer space awaits our presence, we are better and more unique creatures than this and all eternity is our playground, so let me go ahead and clear this one issue up once and for all and let's move on to real issues.

Here's what causes sexual thoughts: having a dick.
Im a porn addict so dont ask me, but its a service to the society like any other service. Without porn i would probably go crazy when i see chicks, it keeps me calmed down for the day, seriously, if i cant have my myself...then i would spend that time with someone ells that probably doenst want to spend that time with me...aka rape.
It makes profit, helps the economy run. It's a service in terms of that.

However, in moralistic points of views, it rather does a disservice, especially to the minds.
However, in moralistic points of views, it rather does a disservice, especially to the minds.

I think it does a service to the mind. As someone mentioned above, it provides an outlet for people who can't get action otherwise. Now if you are talking of a woman having sex with a horse, that's something else. But what harm is it to watch two busty lesbians making out? Is it my fault that that is what my mind likes? :)
Theres a whole lot of people claiming that it causes long-term psychological harm. Can anyone actually cite any researching stating that it is or is not the case?
this whole idea or concept that there are things that are harmful to our supposedly frail, unable-to-adapt minds, is completely ****ing ridiculous. in my opinion, there is no such thing as corruption. quit worrying and enjoy what you enjoy, be it violent video games, bukkake porn or something else.

if there's anything harmful to the human psyche, it's worrying
this discussion is just a thinly veiled attempt at bring morality to the table ..I mean had you brought up any other media you would have been laughed at

the answer is dictated by whatever faith/morals/ethics etc the person being asked subscribes to and couldnt possibly be anything except opinion ..albeit some are more informed than others

People should object to sex and nudity far less than they object to violence, but its the exact opposite.

Fox shows footage of actual people being killed. It's even on the news.
When a (covered) nipple falls out though, its a national crisis.

I agree. good example:

on the tv show Heroes they showed a woman lying (apparently dead) on an autopsy table with her chest completely exposed ...well her bloody ribcage at least (she's cut open to the navel with her skin flaps pulled to the side revealing her entire rib cage) ..the person being a "super hero" then revives herself and closes her "wounds" by pulling the skin flaps together ..they show her chest fully closed however they cut it right before her breasts would have been exposed due to the skin being put back in place ...obviously exposed breasts are far more offensive than an exposed bloody ribcage
It really makes me sad that so many of you believe its a service.
What do you expect? This is a gaming forum :P. Seriously though I don't look at porn that often.

Pornography is not only generally degrading to women it can break up families, husbands who are addicted to porn are giving more attention to pornography then their wives.
The same can be said for games, TV, the internet, books, radio or films. Or for wives for that mater.

Because pornography is everywhere and so easily accessible it gets children at an early age, and gets them interested in things they shouldn't be.
Parents should keep an eye on their kids and if they think they shouldn't see or experience something not let them. And anyway, sexual urges are normal and 9 times out of ten if someone is prepared to go and look for porn, they're porbably ready for it.

You really believe that rapists stop raping because they can look at porn? Porn is an appetizer, it fuels thoughts in your mind that give you sexual ideas, you start to look at women as objects instead of people, and i would be willing to bet that pornography has lead many men to rape.
And I would bet it has assaults and rapes. It has been shown that masterbation can help reduce stress and anger.

I can't say that we should ban porn, or that it should be a crime. It is your choice whether you look at it or not, and it is the employees in the porn industries choice if they want to degrade themselves in that way.
I'm sure alot of them don't see it as degrading at all.

But I definitely see something wrong with it, and I definitely think that there needs to be better protection against porn from children. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO ENTER PRESS OK IF YOU ARE 18. That is just ridiculous. That is their underage protection? That is their protection from not getting sued.
True, but what are they going to do?
theroadtonowhere said:
You really believe that rapists stop raping because they can look at porn? Porn is an appetizer, it fuels thoughts in your mind that give you sexual ideas, you start to look at women as objects instead of people, and i would be willing to bet that pornography has lead many men to rape.
To be fair, I see everyone as objects instead of people.
I can't speak for society, but it sure as hell does me a service. :D
Well, many years ago in sex ed class, the school nurse said that page 3 of the Sun was definately doing a service to society.
I have to say... to me, pornography was a huge disservice in my life. When I was young I got a hold of porn, probably around 13 or 14 when I first started getting hooked. I watched it every day, and it felt great. The feeling was mind blowing, especially to someone so young, I had no idea what was starting, and how it would grow to be a huge problem.

Growing up in the church, I always had it hidden away and would never have admitted to being addicted to my family or friends.

Slowly it started to eat away at me... while it felt good for the moment, it always turned to guilt afterwards, I always felt bad that I had watched it and wanted to stop... but I couldn't. I kept going back to it... and until a year and a half ago, it was no big deal.

In my previous relationship my g/f was fine with me looking at porn, and she admitted she did too, though we never did anything sexually in the 3 years we dated. We broke it off after that and then 16 months ago, I met my current girlfriend who had a bad past with people in her life hurting her and its relation to pornography. I told her that I watched it early on, not thinking that it would be a problem.. I mean, my last g/f was ok with it, so I though Nicole would be also...

I was wrong, and for a very long time, Pornography seriously hurt our relationship. Trust me, its a HARD habbit to break, and if you are addicted to it at this moment, do yourself a favor and GET HELP!... the longer you are into it, the harder it is to stop... I know this for a fact. I'm not going to say to any of you here that you are a horrible person because of that, thats not the case at all. I am just saying, be careful that it does not get a too tight of a hold on your life, because when that dream girl comes into your life, and you have an addiction to pornography, this may be a HUGE hurdle you will need to get over... or lose the only one who can make you truly happy.

Pornography is only fun for a little while. Just like anything else, it will get a stranglehold on your life... just please, take it from me, dont let it get to obsession and addiction. I kept going back to pornography, desperatly seeking that feeling... even though it hurt my g/f so much... I finally went to see a christian psychologist, and he was extremely understanding and helped me with my problem so much... at this point in my life, I can say that I am Porn free... and trust me, it feels amazing.

I read this in an article online,

"I am shocked by the fact that so many men and women say that porn can help people sexually, that it helps them open up, that it's fun and harmless, but at the same time men who were fans of pornography were reporting that their sex lives were damaged. They had trouble maintaining erections, they were having trouble having intercourse with their wives, they simply couldn't enjoy real human sexuality any more. These men had programmed themselves to only sexually cue to computerized, commercialized pornography."[\quote]

If you dont think that this is a problem, then I dont know what is. I know first hand how destructive pornography can be... take my word for it... its definatly a Disservice to the human moral conscious, wether or not you think it is now... let it get a hold of you, and you will agree with me later on in life.

I dont want anyone to take this as me shoving my opinion down anyones throat... I just wanted to share my story so that maybe someone will read it and maybe it will help someone, somewhere.
Women are often portrayed in negative, submissive or otherwise objectified roles in pornography, and while this is obviously kind of "the point", it isn't realistic in any way to shape your view of the sexual woman around this tool-like portrayal.

yeah but alot of women actually like that, not in life obviously, but in the bedroom it's a very common fantasy for girls.

anyway in my opinion it doesn't do a service or a disservice, i mean the industry and porn itself is probably a negative thing on the whole, but eveyone watches it now, girls, boys, couples etc. i think societies fine, it's the porn actors themselves that are very often exploited.