Do you fear growing old?


Apr 12, 2006
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My greatest fear lately has been growing old. I don't want it to happen, and I think I would rather be killed than grow old. Does anyone else feel this way?
Old as in adult and being responsible for the future of your life or old as in...really old?
I plan on killing Crazy and then dying young myself after being shot by the next poster on this thread.
*ratatatatatatatat* :smoking:

but yeah im pretty scared of whats gona happen after highschool...
The next five years? Terrifying. The ten years after that I envision spending as a bitter 30-year old whose hopes and dreams are far behind, probably working as a teacher or something equally useless. I'm really looking forward to that part. Still, death before fifty is the plan after that.
What exactly about growing old are you afraid of? I can still do all the things I do now (well, 95 percent) when I'm old too.

And what do you mean by old... If you mean an adult, and you're afraid of the responsibilities and such.. Well...
I can still do all the things I do now (well, 95 percent) when I'm old too.

yes but people with normal lives won't be able to. drink, ****, smoke, strenuous physical activity, and just the general energy and activeness that's associated with youth, when youre old you're ugly, slow, the spark of life, spontaneity, is replaced by routine
the scariest thing is being alone, ie. my wife dying before I do.
Not at all.

My life's going in a positive direction at the moment.
Being old and alone would suck, but if I had some kids or a wife I'd have no problem growing old
I actually look forward to creating a family. So no.
yes but people with normal lives won't be able to. drink, ****, smoke, strenuous physical activity, and just the general energy and activeness that's associated with youth, when youre old you're ugly, slow, the spark of life, spontaneity, is replaced by routine
I meant doing the things I enjoy like music, computers, drawing, all that shit.
has no one here seen that thread about the 100 year old man kung fu-ing those dudes?
Post thread plzkthxbairapeyesplzineeditnowf*ckyesbaby.

And to answer your question: I only fear monkeys. I would totally kick old age's ass though. I FEAR NOT OLD AGE.
I want to experience everything before I get old. I wanna make it so that when I'm old I've lived through all the epic highs and lows so that I will be content with just relaxing.
I'm not talking like 40 years old, more like 60-100 years old. I suppose these years would be good if you had a family that cared about you rather than being stuck in a retirement home. Also the time not spent toying with life's little tasks could be spent contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
I suppose it depends on how I've spent my youth.
Your mind is weak. You cannot comprehend it.

Also....Look at mah sig TC. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
TC is pleased... [insert obligatory "Madcat is pleased" picture here (replace Madcat with a picture of myself)]

You may continue to live your petty life... for now.
I do not.
Do you care about growing young?
I do.
Scientists say the world will end in 10 years time, because of global warming. In 10 years time, the sea level will rise 20 feet in the air. So Long Island, New York (where I live) will be deep under water. D:
Scientists say the world will end in 10 years time, because of global warming. In 10 years time, the sea level will rise 20 feet in the air. So Long Island, New York (where I live) will be deep under water. D:

Where the hell did you here this??

If that was a joke, I apologize for my comical ineptitude.
Not at all. I want to grow old. What I fear is dying. I want to live as long as possible so I can see the future and do as much with my life as possible, meet as many people, make the biggest change possible.

I mean, being 60 in the year 2049 doesn't sound so bad to me. Hopefully medical technology by then will be good enough that I can get around quite nicely, and see all the cool stuff :borg: As long as I'm not totally unhealthy or delusional I wouldn't mind living to 100.
Where the hell did you here this??

If that was a joke, I apologize for my comical ineptitude.

My Marine Bio teacher, he said that some scientists went down to the arctic and expected this massive chunk of ice was supposed to last another century, they check it latter on, it melted in 8 days. Thats not very good.

Politicians say that if we don't try to stop or slow the process down, all life on earth will end in a decade. I wouldn't joke about this sort of thing.
Ah, well some people have a sick sense of humor. Just checking.

Anyway, these recent discoveries are a tad frightening...but expected.
My Marine Bio teacher, he said that some scientists went down to the arctic and expected this massive chunk of ice was supposed to last another century, they check it latter on, it melted in 8 days. Thats not very good.

Politicians say that if we don't try to stop or slow the process down, all life on earth will end in a decade. I wouldn't joke about this sort of thing.

Eh. I'm normally pretty serious when it comes to global warming, but thats a pretty alarmist estimate you've got there. 10 years? Not a chance. 100-150 years is when we will start seeing serious global consequences. 10 years and the temperature will have risen only a few hundreths of a degree.
It could explain the no snow storms during the winter and the consistant 100 degree weather in the summer, up here in New York.
It could explain the no snow storms during the winter and the consistant 100 degree weather in the summer, up here in New York.

The future will hold great adventures after all. I chose a good field to go into for college. (environmental Engineering)
I fear turning into a vegetable. I fear not being able to take a shit at my own will and requiring a nurse to squeeze the waste out of my stomach.

I fear being exposed to evil DNA-altering-laser beams that will morph me into an elephant octopus.

This is what i fear.
the only reason i want to get old and wrinkley is so when my face is starting to fall off i can go walk around and act like a zombie and eat people. thats about it..
I'd say I'm more afraid of growing old and having done nothing with myself apart from work.

I'd like to grow old, have a family that's growing and all of that stuff.

But until then, live for the moment and enjoy whatever comes at me.
I was for awhile, but it wasn't so much growing old as growing out of "youth" and not having much to show for it. As it stands now I'm a bit more onto that so not really sweating it too much... as for growing old, I've decided I'll cross that bridge when I come to it :)

Maybe I'll just have to make it to fame and glory as a musician before then. Plenty of old rockers leading rich and (arguably) fulfilling lives after their prime :P
Even if you're afraid of growing old, suck it up.

There's nothing you can do to stop yourself from growing old besides killing yourself. :/