Do you fear growing old?

The future will hold great adventures after all. I chose a good field to go into for college. (environmental Engineering)

Awesome. I chose chemical engineering with environmental as my tech area.

I wouldn't mind growing old. It's all good (as long as I don't end up with some terrible painful disease). It's that part in between now and sitting around being old that's worrying.
yes but people with normal lives won't be able to. drink, ****, smoke, strenuous physical activity, and just the general energy and activeness that's associated with youth, when youre old you're ugly, slow, the spark of life, spontaneity, is replaced by routine


My dad's nearly 60 and he still runs marathons.

The only reason you'll be old and knackered is if you don't actually sepnd any time looking after your body at which point you're the only person to blame.

Also he keeps buggering off to places like Egypt and India for weeks exploring.

As I'm only 25 got a fair way to go before anything starts dropping off I'm more worried about a serious injury. I had a skiing crash a few weeks back that dislocated my shoulder, luckly I'm fairly fit and it's healing well, but I do worry about knackering a knee joint or some such.
not really no. You can keep up your skin in a good health if you choose the right food and keep using Gym. :)
I can?t wait to grow young and have some cute nurse wipe my ass. A Chairlift to carry my stinking bones upstairs, a free bus pass, free healthcare, free money. FFS I want grow old!
I don't fear getting old itself as much as I fear looking back and having nothing to show for it all. Financial or personal failure, or busting my ass off for money only to realize that I just pissed away a significant chunk of my younger years. Then there's the obvious social implications. Middle-aged men that still get shitfaced relatively often aren't exactly normal. God forbid something like a family (which I don't really plan on) comes into the mix. Meh, responsibility sucks.

I've pretty much resigned myself to two outcomes in life. I will either become relatively wealthy by doing something I enjoy or I'll kill myself at 45. I'm not keen on getting too old any way.

Oh yeah, and having to work out to keep myself from turning into a man-boobed piece of flab is going to be a bitch.
While I'd much rather stay young, I don't "fear" old age. Its a nessacary part of life.
Well, considering I'm only 16 it's a bit too early for me to start worrying about growing old. But as long as I've had the chance to do my motorbike trip across America before I get old then I'm not worried!!!:D
Well considering they population charts show a decline in young people and a rise in old people it is our duty to ensure it balances out by simply not becoming old and having a few kids.
I'd rather stay young than grow old.
Just don't want to end up unable to go outside by myself, or stuck in some nursing home being spoon fed some mushy food. I'd rather die then end up like that.

As long as I lead a great youth then I don't care what happens when I grow all wrinkly.
I don't feel as able as I was 5 years ago, but that's probably because I don't work out anymore. I plan to change that when I get a bit more money.

My Dad is over 50 though and he can do really strenuous activities that I currently can't do (had installed my kitchen for me which was a heavy job). Almost paradoxically he smokes, drinks and only sleeps 5 hours everyday.

So the moral of the story is, live unhealthily.