Do you give a sh17 about Macs?

Macs, do you give a sh17 about them?

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I used to hate macs a lot, back when I had to use them in primary(elementary) school, but these days they're not so bad.

Apparently the rule of thumb is that desingers = macs.
Nah, I don't hate Macs. I just hate how Apple thinks that Macs are the best things since 1998.

Though I love my iPod. So that balances out.
My iPod keeps eating all my album covers and shitting out that annoying default music note all over everything.
I bought a third party player which is cheaper for higher quality and better features, which ironically is what I tend to end up doing when faced between the *snort*..."choice" between an Apple product and anything else.
I got a Mac and a PC. I use my Mac for the internet and for work (Final Cut Pro mostly) and the PC for playing games and occasionally the internet.

If I were looking for something practical and cheaper i'd go with a PC. But i don't really have the luxury of choice, since FCP is pretty much the industry standard for NLE's. There's Sony Vegas, but not that many studios around here use it, since everyone already uses FCP in the first place. Not to mention, the fact is its simply safer to do something like work on a Mac due to the extremely limited number of viruses out there for them.

PC's are better, but Mac's have their place too.

I've never understood the hatred from PC users about Mac's. PC's own the market as it is, whats to hate? That Mac advertises themselves as being cooler than a PC?
I don't see why people bother with fighting over which is better, it's getting really old. Just get what you want and thats that.

I've been using PC's all my life, and the next computer I'm getting is probably an iMac. I'm getting bored with Windows (before you mention it, I use Linux as well) and would like to mix it up with some OS X loving. Also, the computers look darn sexy.

The only problem as I can see with getting a Mac is that I'm a game developer and while stuff like Photoshop works very well on Macs, some engine tools does not. You could dual boot with XP/Vista/7 or whatever to get it up and running though, so no worries. In addition to that, Macs arent as powerful as PC's so heavy game dev stuff/gaming might be a bit worrying.

But still, I would love to have one.
I don't see why people bother with fighting over which is better, it's getting really old. Just get what you want and thats that.

That's how it always is; why can't atheists just shut up and let christians believe in jesus?

Macs arent as powerful as PC's so heavy game dev stuff/gaming might be a bit worrying.

What's less powerful about a mac? hardware? osx?
WTF is this talk of iPods? I thought the thread was about Macs..
I got a Mac and a PC. I use my Mac for the internet and for work (Final Cut Pro mostly) and the PC for playing games and occasionally the internet.

If I were looking for something practical and cheaper i'd go with a PC. But i don't really have the luxury of choice, since FCP is pretty much the industry standard for NLE's. There's Sony Vegas, but not that many studios around here use it, since everyone already uses FCP in the first place. Not to mention, the fact is its simply safer to do something like work on a Mac due to the extremely limited number of viruses out there for them.

PC's are better, but Mac's have their place too.

I've never understood the hatred from PC users about Mac's. PC's own the market as it is, whats to hate? That Mac advertises themselves as being cooler than a PC?

You're probably the least irritating mac user I've ever met. I've been saying it for years, Final Cut Pro is the Mac's only true redeeming quality.
It's what Sparta said that makes me wonder, forced use of Macs because of what? Less viruses (srs lulz) and it somehow became the standard for whatever FCP is used for?
It's what Sparta said that makes me wonder, forced use of Macs because of what? Less viruses (srs lulz) and it somehow became the standard for whatever FCP is used for?

I guess you missed the part on it being silly that every one pointlessly hates on macs.
I don't give a shit about macs, glocks, desert eagles, sawed-off shotties, whatever you strappin. Break yoself fool!
Pro mac user here as well. I use a Quad-Core Mac Pro at work (the shiny tower mac as opposed to the Imac), and run apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Acrobat, Painter, Sketchup, & Vectorworks pretty much everyday (I flip between apps a lot).

I have the same setup at home on my PC in case I need to bring anything back for an evening or weekend and I would say that in the performance stakes with certain software the mac edges it slightly Vs my home rig (which isn't too shabby tbh), but it's not a profound difference. The reality of design work is that your not racing against the clock every second of the day. If you're smart/experienced you've planned out your work and you have a good idea as to how long it's going to take, and the best way of doing it.

The intricacies of the OS really don't matter too much to me Vs how the software I use responds at the end of the day (I rarely bother with expose because I use folder links all the time). If you are working as a freelancer at home in graphic design/illustration then a Mac is a reasonable route to go down (it's fairly pain free), but certainly be aware that you're hardware will show it's age a few years down the line. Where as with a PC tower at least you'll be able to outfit it as you want.

If you were considering a Mac for home use, a Mac Pro has a lot more upgrade options available to it down the road Vs an Imac or a macbook, but they aren't cheap and you'd probably be able to build yourself an equivalent PC rig for a touch less, and have all the advantages being a PC with it.
It's what Sparta said that makes me wonder, forced use of Macs because of what? Less viruses (srs lulz) and it somehow became the standard for whatever FCP is used for?

Video editing. Not really sure why FCP is mac-exclusive, but there are plenty of Windows video editors that are equally powerful (Premiere). I just like FCP better.
I like them, they actually give you lots of software with the computer instead of making you pay for them as a separate package *cough*Microsoft Office*cough*
I dont care much for them, mostly just because I've used PC for so long, and if ease-of-use is one of Mac's big selling points then I dont see much point in me switching.

Though this thread is kind of confusing, as you could either be talking about the computers themselves (which could be dual booted anyways, so the only possible complaint is hardware), or the OS.
My phone is a Mac. Thus I must say "I do give some shits about Macs".

Cept for their godaweful warranty coverage. I mean really? You ain't gonna replace my iPhone that doesn't respond to touch commands from middle to the top-half? Why you say? Because it's an ongoing problem that thousands are having with your product? And you still don't cover it? Even though, since so many users are having this problem, it's basically a factory defect?

Yea **** you Apple. Making me buy two "Refurbished iPhones" for a bill each. I will shit in Steve Job's coffee.
You'd better shit in his cereal too. There's really nothing more offensive than shitting in a man's breakfast cereal.
So, I've got this friend. Dude knows nothing about computers. Nothing. Couldn't send an e-mail to save his life, probably. Yet this friend of mine is the most obstinate bastard ever about Mac superiority. I mean literally, the most immovable, opinionated person you have ever come across.

He constantly claims that the Mac is the "Ferrari" of computers. Without actually knowing what's inside the goddamned thing he thinks it's the greatest thing ever. His reasoning? Because ILM has them.

Yes, that is the fucking reason. He was a film student, and even though the only computer he owns--a piece of shit macbook--can't even RUN Final Cut Pro, he thinks it's the greatest thing in the world.

Nevermind that I worked alongside software developers who used Macs and PCs and said they'd rather use the PC. Nevermind all the multimedia work my coworkers and I did. Dude's not even close to being an artist, wouldn't know how to use any programs for artists, and he's like, "Macs are good for artists." That's just him recycling fucking Mac rhetoric he's heard. He's like a goddamned Mac hipster without the beret.

And whenever I bring this shit up to him, he gives me some kind of bullshit...I can't even remember what it is. It's basically some kind of dodge, I'm trying to remember the phrasing he's like..."Most people don't know...most people like you don't know about computers..." ah fuck, it's something, but it's always in response to him when I say, "I BUILD COMPUTERS. I WORK ON COMPUTERS. I HAD A JOB THAT REVOLVED AROUND COMPUTERS. I THINK I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. THE MAC IS NOT THE FERRARI OF COMPUTERS." Part of the reason I can't remember what it is he says is because it doesn't make any sense. Like I said, it's a dodge. It's his way of trying to placate me, but it really doesn't change his opinion in any way, because we always have the damn conversation.

Writing this has made me angry about it again, too. That's why I tried to stay away from this thread for a few days, but nothing else was going on right now on the board so...

Next time I see him I'm probably going to start yelling at him for no apparent reason. But it'll be because of this thread.

Goddamn him and his Mac faggotry.
That's because a Mac is like a dumbed down PC so that the brain dead, average Joe is able to access what they want, which isn't anything more intelligent than e-mail and porn.
McDonalds has shit food. Couldn't give a god damn about their Joes or Macs. Taco Bell? Now that's a mans food.
McDonalds has shit food. Couldn't give a god damn about their Joes or Macs.
Mac Tonight would be disappointed in you, but he's too busy being classy.

By the start of your previous post, I was like "oh shit..." by the end I was laughing.
You should strap him to a chair, put tape over his mouth. Explain it to him, make a recording of it, let the recording repeat for a few days, come back, and hope it will have sunk in.
What's less powerful about a mac? hardware? osx?

You're pretty much stuck to the hardware Apple wants you to have (graphic cards for example), and you get get more powerful stuff if you buy it for PC and put it in yourself.

That's because a Mac is like a dumbed down PC so that the brain dead, average Joe is able to access what they want, which isn't anything more intelligent than e-mail and porn.

It's not dumbed down, just open a terminal and try to figure out what to do with it (Hey, it's just like Linux!). Apple understand that we don't want complexity, we want usability. I don't want 100 options to tinker with, I just want it to work with minimal amount of work. You can still do all kind of weird super hax things with the Terminal, but I don't have to... and I'm happy for that. Take a course in Human-Computer Interaction and you see what I'm on about.
That's because a Mac is like a dumbed down PC so that the brain dead, average Joe is able to access what they want, which isn't anything more intelligent than e-mail and porn.

Elaborate how it is "dumbed down."
Video editing. Not really sure why FCP is mac-exclusive, but there are plenty of Windows video editors that are equally powerful (Premiere). I just like FCP better.

FCP is Mac-exclusive because Apple make it.

There's a problem brewing with it however. Since Apple now pretty much the market cornered when it comes to NLE's, they are now (rumour has it) making the next version of FCP the equivalent of what Avid has become. So instead of supporting its largely independent filmmaker userbase, its now going to ditch them in favour of appealing to major-studio's and give the independent filmmakers FCP Express or something like that instead.

It's a rumour, but if its true, its ****ing stupid. Which sounds like something Apple would do.