Do you have a feature on your body people comment on all the time?

I was born club footed, so one of my legs is skinnier than the other.

The club footed-ness has more or less been completely corrected though.

In elementary, pretty much nobody noticed. A friend of mine noticed once in about 3rd grade, and would say my leg was "retarded" every now and then.

When I switched to a catholic middle school, people noticed and asked "is your leg real?". I told them "nah, it's fake", and that all the hairs and realistic skin were from fake skin coverings my mom had made for the leg.

One day some kid (didn't know about my leg) decided to trip me, and happened to trip me on my left (club footed) leg. I caught myself and didn't fall, but somebody who saw what happened yelled at the kid...


The kid went, "What, that's bullshit! Shut up ******!"

Eventually a bunch of kids started yelling at him, till I bailed him out and told them that I was just kidding about my leg being fake. I really didn't expect anybody to believe me tbh.

Freshman year in highschool, a friend of mine noticed that something was up with my leg in PE, so i lifted my pants legs and showed him (it's really impossible to tell till you see the knee line, where you can see where the muscle dips off and gets skinny). He saw, and a bunch of people noticed we were doing something, and also got interested. Pretty much blew over though, people just said "you really can't tell till you show people..."

Then Sophomore year, I was chilling with this fat kid and a few other guys, when one of them remembered that something was up with my leg. I showed, and "peg leg" was born. After a week or two, everybody at school is calling me peg leg, and it was starting to piss me off. I didn't mind when it was just my friends, but the entire school ragging on you is really irritating. Hell, half of them prolly didn't even know WHY they called me peg leg.

Anyway, they moved on and came up with some other names, like Peg Legged Pirate, and Frosty the Pirate, till it eventually blew over. Nobody but that small group of people calls me that anymore, and it really doesn't bug me, so long as the jokes aren't too lame.

They'll say some actually funny things like, one time, I was jumping into the pool when my friend dove in and said "I'LL SAVE YOU!"

I looked at him like "wtf?" and he said "Oh, you're ok, good. I didn't want your peg leg to get water logged".

But when every other joke turns into something like "hey, YOU HAVE A PEG LEG" or "don't break your leg!", it gets really irritating.
6'4", that's all I ever hear about.

"DO YOU PLAY BASKETBALL?!!" - some well meaning old bitch
I forgot, I can move my eyebrows independently of one another and make them dance to music. I`m doing it right now, half the time I don`t even notice and it gets me some very amusing stares in public.
Before I start talking here, I'm going to assure you, I am a STRAIGHT guy.

I have Angelina Jolie lips, deep blue eyes (like you can see into them) long eyelashes, and apparently mah drummer arms, and legs, and shoulders are the shit. Someone said they were 6'2 and not very tall... Pshh... You're a **** lot taller than me or gordon frohman. ><
Long eyelashes - It's good apparently o.o lol

Really deep and dark eyes - :)

Also been commented on about how broad my shoulders are. And I guess they are pretty broad considering my height. 5foot 5inches -_- lol yes everyone comments on my height too. :P it don't bother me though, some people think its cute :P
I most certainetly do. My BRIGHT blue eyes and long eyelashes. People love them. Some girls want them. Hooray for me.

Me too. Its an awesome thing to have.

Also, i always make a point to have a good hair-do without being a complete shithead about it, like the majority of scene kids.
I'm double jointed in a few....key....locations!
I can crack and click almost every spot you can think of.

And yes, that includes my penis.

And ears.
I can crack and click almost every spot you can think of.

And yes, that includes my penis.

And ears.

You may or may not be kidding about the penis popping..but I can do it as well, but only when fully erect. I have to push down on it really hard *like putting it between the legs while standing up* and then if I push hard enough, it pops. WTF pops?
People comment on my Aryan look: I'm blond and tall (1,95m); I have blue eyes and an athletic body.

I love it :D
It's a tumor.


Oh yeah, my eyes are apparently really 'big and beautiful' and
You may or may not be kidding about the penis popping..but I can do it as well, but only when fully erect. I have to push down on it really hard *like putting it between the legs while standing up* and then if I push hard enough, it pops. WTF pops?


Greetings fellow penis popper.
You may or may not be kidding about the penis popping..but I can do it as well, but only when fully erect. I have to push down on it really hard *like putting it between the legs while standing up* and then if I push hard enough, it pops. WTF pops?

I'd like to know how it pops. That is not possible.
That`s just what if feels like, it`s sort of a soft crack/pop.

Similar to what I`d imagine it would sound like if you broke a lobster claw wrapped in sponge.
That`s just what if feels like, it`s sort of a soft crack/pop.

Similar to what I`d imagine it would sound like if you broke a lobster claw wrapped in sponge.
Zomg penis popper country \:D/
That`s just what if feels like, it`s sort of a soft crack/pop.

Similar to what I`d imagine it would sound like if you broke a lobster claw wrapped in sponge.

Same way the ear pops...there's no REAL way for it to pop, but I've done it. Somebody was pulling on it with all their might one day *years and years ago* and it started popping. Maybe that's a reason I have poor hearing in that ear! :p

But yeah, you say it's impossible to pop the pen0r, but don't make me make a video of me doing it :p
Did you quote the wrong person or something Pitzy? I can do it as well...Why are you fighting me?!

The penis popper thingy is scaring me.

I get some remarks on my very hairy legs. (It's like a baboon down there.)
I think he was aiming it at me, but quoted the wrong person.

correct, my bad.

And I have a very hairy stomach. The hair is working bottom to top for me. Like I have little facial hair, but my stomach is hairy as hell, but my chest has some hair growing on it still *got a nice line....* so yeah, give me 5 years and I should be set.
correct, my bad.

And I have a very hairy stomach. The hair is working bottom to top for me. Like I have little facial hair, but my stomach is hairy as hell, but my chest has some hair growing on it still *got a nice line....* so yeah, give me 5 years and I should be set.

Cool can we see pics in 5 years?
You may or may not be kidding about the penis popping..but I can do it as well, but only when fully erect. I have to push down on it really hard *like putting it between the legs while standing up* and then if I push hard enough, it pops. WTF pops?

Thats the ligaments that attach your penis to you tearing.