do you have a forum ego?

psssh peepzles unher pst cnt of like 1,000 are teh suck :frown: *looks at own post count* ON NOES I AM TEH SUCK !!!!1!1!1!!one!!!11

no post count doesnt matter to me, and i'm only a semi-regular anyway. And nope, mods are just people who can ban me, and i dont' mind getting banned. Its has heappened before, it will happen again. But i try not to be an ass, i just stick to my opinion. Oh and I come here to talk about stuff that intrests me, because not really anybody in real life listens to me and i have social anxiety disorder, lolz.

oh and.
Evo said:
Only care about my post-count when it reaches a cool number, like 666, or as this forum told me 616!

I tend to treat long standing members with more respect than new ones with large post counts.

I still post here as i am part of the community, i feel that i have stuff to contribute to it, and keep it going
my are code is 616 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :devil:
Muffin Man said:
oh and my are code is 616 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :devil:

Great, now I fear your unholy vengeance. ASS.

edit: Oh, and now my postcount is 969. Palydrom-y.
post counts usually are not cared unless looking at new member. i usually respect mods and vet members than new members. sometimes, i dont like new members. yah
Oh, I sorta forgot to mention, but: I have an ego in the sense that i really, really wish people would talk about me :D.
Don't hurt me. *huddles in corner* Just because I'm a newbie, that doesn't mean I'm a mindless drooling zombie-freak like the others.
I've been here about a year. The only thing that I don't take kindly to is abbreviated postings (e.g. ppl, u, etc.)

((That "etc." was from me, I don't mind those, crap, I'm confused now.))

Another thing is absence of punctuation and paragraphs in long posts. Though I are hardly correct myself grammatically.
lolz ppl n00bz llolololololololololoololololololololololololollololol i will bash da ashit ut of u
Jintor said:
Oh, I sorta forgot to mention, but: I have an ego in the sense that i really, really wish people would talk about me .

So how about that Jintor, huh? He's got a nice ass but he's a be of a ****, knowhuddamean?
Jintor said:
I get pissed at people who don't use correct spelling/grammar
The horror. I've got that, but not just as a forum thing, normal everyday linguistic violations make me see angry smells too.

'sides from that I don't really think I have a forum ego. I usually don't care about post-counts, although I will sometimes treat a post with more caution if it's from somone with a low count. When this happens it's usually brief and I reproach myself for it, reminding myself that there are plenty of morons here with a large post-count. Myself, for example.
don't worry, Mister Attorney. Chi just forgot the "delicious" at the end of that statement.
He should know. I wore his fleece - what a gentleman.

-Angry Lawyer
kirovman said:
I was just about to say "What? Don't you get irony?"

Oh I get the irony, it's just that I get sick of pointing it out, as no one ever spells it correctly around here. In fact, it seems like every time someone proclaims to have good grammar, they screw up terribly somewhere in that same post.

To name a few..
DreadLord1337 said:
Oh I get the irony, it's just that I get sick of pointing it out, as no one ever spells it correctly around here. In fact, it seems like every time someone proclaims to have good grammar, they screw up terribly somewhere in that same post.

To name a few..

ive got gud gramer your gay lol
Lol cormeh i opened up this page and quagmire was in tempo with my music, it was pretty funny, oh and welcome to the forums Firebox
A jerk with over seven thousand posts! Fabulous!
Thanks, Muffin Man!

Gah, I can't stand it when people use that stupid "chatspeak" drivvle. Honestly, I think the last living brain cell comes up with that one. What is "yo OMG WTF ppl lyke ya" supposed to mean?
It just makes it so hard to take anyone seriously. Fabulous!
I have a tendancy to lash out at people who have Alyx as an avatar, also people who have no avatar, or people that insult me.

Not sure why I must attack Alyx. Possibly becuase im frustrated with our relationship. She keeps saying, "Lets go Gordon!" "come on, hurry up!", but I cannot speak back to her in HL2. FRUSTRATING

My ego is no bigger on a forum than it is in real life. It's pretty big, but its not one of those vein "im prettier than you" ego's or rich persons "high and mighty" egos.

It's more of a "im VirusType2 who da **** are you" type ago.

I generally respect people more that - when disrespected - can laugh about it and discount it, instead of blowing it out of proportion like I do.

I love you all
outpost said:
**** no I don't! I'm just ****ing Fabulous!

Not just fabulous, Fantabulous.

shutting up now, but my forum ego is massive and incredible and like a living force of goddish nature.