Do you have a pet?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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Well, do you? :D

If so, what's it called and what does he/she usually do?

I recently had a cat named Zimba, unfortunately it had to pass away since it didn't like anyone but me, went around biting people without a reason. :|

He was quite nice though, there's nothing like having a cat purring on your tummy when going to sleep. :)

Most of the pets my family has had seem to be the target of very bad luck, a cat my family had until around the time I was born was shot in the stomach by a hunting rifle and a dog I had when I was 12 broke his leg..

Anyhow, enough about my pets, let us know more about yours! :)
I have a greyscale tiger tabby named Max..and he is the greatest non-human ever...
I've got an old cat called Cleo, a Budgie called Billy.. another cat trying to move in called Felix.. And other assorted cats on the street who've decided they live here cause they get fed all the time heh.
Icarus said:
I have a greyscale tiger tabby named Max..and he is the greatest non-human ever...

Heh...I have 3 7:1 scale large cats. Ok, someone would say they are just your average catus domesticus, but me and the cats know the truth.
Currently, I have a pet cricket in my room that loves to chirp and drive me nuts. Until I find him, he's my current pet. I'll be lonely when I do find him though. :(
Two Cats, a Dog (Crossed with a Jack Russell, insane thing) and a Guinea Pig.
I've got 2 cats. They're brother and sister and they're great fun. Very friendly and playful, always following you around the house and purring like crazy. The male is a bit of a dumbass, the female is really territorial. When she sees another cat, sounds come out of her that you would not hold possible for such a small mammal lol
I have a cat, it is grey.

This isn't my cat though, but it looks funny.
I have a chocolate labrador (pretty much a labrador with a brown coat :p) - named Charlie. :D
MadHatter said:
Currently, I have a pet cricket in my room that loves to chirp and drive me nuts. Until I find him, he's my current pet. I'll be lonely when I do find him though. :(
My cat kills things like that for me :D
Mr-Fusion said:
I have a cat, it is grey.

This isn't my cat though, but it looks funny.
awwwwwww... so cute and helpless :cheers:

edit: my cats (and part of me)
Icarus said:
My cat kills things like that for me :D

Haha, same here, my cat used to bring "trophies" a.k.a mice and birds and drop them in front of me, I can't believe some people aren't proud of their lil' warrior felines when that happens! :D
I have an English Springer Spaniel called "Gyspy". She's both mad and daft.
I have a dachs (small dog, looks kinda like a short tube with legs) called Dixie. She likes eating, sleeping, and hunting for deer :) Other than that she's almost behaving like a human being.
CrazyHarij said:
Haha, same here, my cat used to bring "trophies" a.k.a mice and birds and drop them in front of me, I can't believe some people aren't proud of their lil' warrior felines when that happens! :D
I'm beyond proud...when max drops a bird or mouse head at the doorstep, I always pet him and tell him how good of a cat he is :)
Icarus said:
I'm beyond proud...when max drops a bird or mouse head at the doorstep, I always pet him and tell him how good of a cat he is :)
just wait until he brings something dead and leaves it in your bed :p
RoyaleWithCheese said:
just wait until he brings something dead and leaves it in your bed :p
I'll give him a treat for that one :p
I have a Swedish pedigree spitz. Her name is Ella. She loves to bark at elks, chase reindeers and gallinaceous birds. A good gun dog though I dont hunt :)

theres a picture. but shes grown a bit from that..
2 cats, Riley and Kramer (I named this one ;)). Black persian/tabby. Extremely cute, equally stupid.

2 rats, Sage and Pai. I don't pay that much attention to them :p
When I was small a laidy gave me a bunny, but one day my parents said that it would be best if I left my bunny at my grandparents place, there also lived my uncly and nice, it was on a farm. well my nice had a bunny to, one of those creepy white with red eyes, that was like 3 times as fat as mine. Then when I came later they said he had escaped and they even showd me a hole he has supposedly made, but my nices bunny did not. Well that night I ate a different kind of meat, I enjoyed it, only later did I find out the truth.

Also I had small turtles ones, but I didn't have place to keep them so I let them out in my yard, when I came back they were gone.

Every summer we go to my nices and she had a lot of dogs but soemhow they always end up dead, one was shot because he attaked a soldier, and one had epilepsy and was gving a shot, somehow the last time I saw him I knew he would die, every day he was very bussy and jumped all around and barked,but when I was leaving he just looked at me and thats it.
I also played with a stray cat when I was small, then when it was winter i saw it besides the curve, it was dead and it had no more eyes.

I will always rememeber a dog I played with just before I left my home country for good, it was the best dog I ever saw I just saw it and had the feeling I knew it all my life, then i had to go in to a bus, I jus tregeret i didn't take it with me, but even if I did my mom would have probably not let me.
I think of that stray cat and dog as my pets, if only for a short time.
I have 2 part Bengal cats (look like this) at the moment as well as some fish. First pet I ever got was a cockatiel bird like this little guy, after it died of old age or something I got 2 more..then after them I got a rat. Then after that rat I got 2 rats and now I have two cats. My cats names are 'Sprite' and 'Meowsa'.
I've got a jack russell terrier named "Boing" and kitty named "Rayniesha" cuz she's a slut.
2 dogs a cat and a fish :)

a weimerana, a whippet and a big catfish :p

the cats a generic cat... :p
SHIPPI said:
I have 3 cats: Mishka, Sam, and Ginger, and two giant african land snails, Speedy and Bobrick. They are all awesome and I wub them so much! :D

Bobrick...May I call you bobrick?

Why do you have snails? No really...Just how giant are they? Do the cats run away? Are they as big as the slug on the "Salt will kill you" adverts?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Bobrick...May I call you bobrick?

Why do you have snails? No really...Just how giant are they? Do the cats run away? Are they as big as the slug on the "Salt will kill you" adverts?

because snails are cute. They're about as big as my hand at the moment.. hehe :D

And yes, yes you may call me Bobrick.
SHIPPI said:
because snails are cute. They're about as big as my hand at the moment.. hehe :D

And yes, yes you may call me Bobrick.

thats a big snail you got there, bobrick :p
Currently I have 3 snake, a blood python, false water cobra, and emerald palm snake. I'd post pics if I had any. I used to have a rottweiler, but we had to give him away when we moved houses a couple years back :(
I have fish... lots of fishies!

... let's count! A koi, an angelfish, 2 bala sharks, 2 tiger barbs, an Australian rainbow (used to have 2), a Buenos Aires tetra, 8 leopard danios, and a pleco. Yup...

different fishies I've had over the years: goldfish (I don't think I'll ever get another goldfish -- they produce... so much fish-waste!), comets (which are like goldfish), loaches a long time ago, rainbow sharks, a flying fox, a columbian shark, pearl danios, zebra danios, giant danios, neon tetras, black neons, rosy barbs, chinese algae eaters, platies.... and that's all I can think of for now :D.
No, but i want to. I want a cat or a dog... yes a cat.
Golden retriever.

It sucks though. It just lays around and does nothing.

It's also developed a nasty habit of eating itself.
I have had two cats, and one bird.

Sadly they have passed away. ;(

One cat was named Svarten (actually he had many different names, but we usually called him Svarten :)). He got 19 years old before he died, I lived with him in 17 years.
Svarten was the laziest of them all ;).

My other cat, named Missan was Svarten's mother. She had her tail cut off, don’t really know why. She died in cancer, 18 years old.

And my bird, called Kalle was a Budgie. He was very beautiful, we bought him when we were in the US. He was 2 years old before he died.
In the past I've had about 8 cats. A ginger pair called Dylan and Dudley , both passed away , a new Dylan and Dudley of whom Dudley is the remaining cat and stays with my dads ex, shes about 14 now. Sadly both Dylans were ran over, in the same spot in front of the house about 6 years apart :(

Dudley mark 2 -

Ruffy & Toby - Ruffy was a stray we took in but he died after a few years , we never knew how old he was.
Toby was the king of all. He was especially good at finding escaped songbirds .... I know of at least 7 he's gotten over the years. He died a few years ago.

Toby -

Last but not least Polo and Hamish. Brother and sister and mad as hatters. Hamish again is with my dads ex
Hamish -

Polo we kept here until she vanished a few years, I think she was either taken by foxes or stolen as she was so friendly and approachable.
Polo -

Leaving my surviving pets being my goldfish who now clocks in at 14 if I have done my math right. No piccies but I dubbed him blinky a few years ago in honour of one of my favourite cartoon fish :D

Leaving Ziggy!

Who is around 7 or 8 now.
Well, it looks like this forum is a cat forum \o/ :Cat:
I have a dog :) a scared of his shadow, 72 pound black dog that barks at every person that comes within a 100 metres of my house ...nice when it happens at 4 in the morning :x