Do you have stairs in your house?

I have them on the outside, since I live on the thirteenth floor of building #7, my living quarter complex, 192039.

But, I don't have them inside my house.
I don't have stairs but I have a few steps going upwards and downwards.
Axyon said:
RandomX said:
I don't have stairs but I have a few steps going upwards and downwards.

My stairs only go up.
I have 3 floors with 2 staircases, and a single step into the garden.

However this pointless piece of information isn't the meaning of the thread, and i am aware of this, but i answered as i did as i don't care what silly double meaning 'do you have stairs in your house' has. So....anyone else not like oranges?
My dorm has like 8 flights of stairs.. And there's tons of stairs on each flight. Beat that!

One time I even saw a girl sitting on the stairs crying!