Do you know a self centered idiotic jackass? Bet it's not your dad.

I just got ridiculed not long ago for wearing dragon shirts. Yeah, I think these people are dicks for such harsh criticism.

Are you seriously equating sexual orientation with wardrobe choice, or are you just admitting that only fags wear dragon shirts?

Anyway, anyway. To the OP, I feel for you. My stepfather is an asshole, but not in the same way. My mother's been divorced twice, and I think the problem is that it's given her such self-esteem issues that she thinks she can't do any better. In your case, I'd say just be there for her and do your best to help her break off contact from your father.
Are you seriously equating sexual orientation with wardrobe choice, or are you just admitting that only fags wear dragon shirts?
Nevermind. I must not be thinking clearly tonight, or either, it's "troll Saturos night".

Oh wait, that's every night.

WTF? Why do I put up with you people then? WHY AM I WASTING TIME HERE?!?!?!?

Oh, almost forgot. STFU.
Yeah. We're trying to help you through this difficult period.
Wow. You guys make me laugh. Thank you. :laugh:

I laughed at "ONION!"

But, really, saturos, if you think they're right don't continue to disagree. Don't be like my father. If you ever come to a hypocritical point in your life, ask yourself, do i want to be like Van_ Halen from and teh interwebs who I've never really been acquainted with's father? No. That's not who I want to be. That guy's a dick.

And just move on. :D

As for me, my "dad" can think what he wants to, I'm done with him. If I ever talk to him about something again it will be either because I need to, or because he's on his death bed, and he tells me he knows what he's put me and my brother through, and how sorry he is. That is all.
Wow. You guys make me laugh. Thank you. :laugh:
Yeah, at my expense. I hope this has brightened your day at least. :bonce:


F**k some of you guys get on my last nerve. Guess I'll get some rest for tomorrow's day then. G'night.

Oh, Van-Halen. Your dad's a dick, but try not to hate him regardless ok?
@Kinetic - What The **** Is That?!

Oh My God!
..Wow... KA, that's kinda scary...

And saturos, don't leave me. I need your big arms around me in this difficult period in my life. D:
And saturos, don't leave me. I need your big arms around me in this difficult period in my life. D:
Trust me dude, you'll be alright. Today's worries are tomorrow's stories. Or something like that. (my brains not functioning properly right this moment. Too tired.)

Hang in there.

I've had some pretty bad shit happen to me in the last 24 years of my life too. Your not the only one. :thumbs:
Well... yer a party pooper.

remember, don't be like my dad. DON'T HAVE HYPOCRITICAL DREAMS!

Also, my dad keeps calling my phone but I'm not answering. I hope he gets pissed off.

EDIT: I hear you need a MegaFretz Ball to catch a Van_Halen. Is it true?
But, really, saturos, if you think they're right don't continue to disagree. Don't be like my father. If you ever come to a hypocritical point in your life, ask yourself, do i want to be like Van_ Halen from and teh interwebs who I've never really been acquainted with's father? No. That's not who I want to be. That guy's a dick.

This advice will stay with me forever.

I am so glad I have a relatively normal family life.

Good luck Van.
Ironically I have a gay (twin) brother, too. Fortunately my parents celebrated it instead of mourning it. I guess that's one of the advantages of growing up in an extremely loving and comparatively healthy household. Me and my family are quite fortunate in that respect. I hope things start going better for you and your folks, Van.

Gotta say, not too surprised to hear more B.S. followed by face saving from Saturos. He couldn't give his regards without stuffing his opinion down our throats and now he's accusing everyone of "trolling" him. Blah.
Thats pretty sad. Your dad must have some kind of mental problem right? Or is he just a tosser?
Then you say "And I was thinking, now that mom's out of the picture..."

The real fun begins when you see whether or not he hangs up.
Gotta say, not too surprised to hear more B.S. followed by face saving from Saturos. He couldn't give his regards without stuffing his opinion down our throats and now he's accusing everyone of "trolling" him. Blah.
Of course. :dozey:

I wasn't "trying to save my dignity" as it seemed to you. It was more something along the lines of, "breaking out the crayons". Savvy?

Also, it's hypocritical too to state one thing, THEN go blow things out of proportion whenever I state my opinion and you misinterpret that message with something I didn't even mean with whatever it was you thought I said in the first place. OR do I need to break that down too?

I REALLY have no clue what you're talking about. Maybe I AM just ignorant?

So I guess it's either a misunderstanding on my part because of my poor choice of words, (not likely) or your just way too sensitive. Probably the latter though.

I shouldn't have to tip-toe around eggshells with you people to show sympathy to Van_Halen and his brother. This is getting f**king ridiculous here.
I've not harmed ANYONE's feelings in this thread. EDIT<(Well ok. Not yet, but some of you are really tempting me.) So back the f**k off people or I'll kick you in the nuts.
*sneaks up behind Saturos and tickles him*

No backing off! Just a big... TICKLEFIGHT!!! :D

Van Halen...sorry to hear that mate.
*sneaks up behind Saturos and tickles him*

No backing off! Just a big... TICKLEFIGHT!!! :D

Van Halen...sorry to hear that mate.
/me pitches a fit, and throws a tantrum. Rolling with arms flailing.

EVERYONE'S HARASSING ME! GO**** Mothe****** ASS ****** Bo*** biti***** FARTKNOCKERS! :p :arms:

I'm going to my homepage!

/no consideration for Koola's feelings. :>
Also, it's hypocritical too to state one thing, THEN go blow things out of proportion whenever I state my opinion and you misinterpret that message with something I didn't even mean with whatever it was you thought I said in the first place.

How did we mis-interpret what you said? You said you didnt like the fact that his brother was gay, and you also said that being gay was a choice. One part of that is opinion, however ignorant and stupid it is, but the other is a complete untruth.
How did we mis-interpret what you said? You said you didnt like the fact that his brother was gay, and you also said that being gay was a choice. One part of that is opinion, however ignorant and stupid it is, but the other is a complete untruth.
That's like someone telling me my shirt is gay, or they think videogames are childish, or they think I'm a douchbag. Go ahead and say what you want about me. Call me an idiot even. I'll not think any less of you if you do.

Catch my drift now? There are some things I don't agree with, and true many people can't help what they feel, but It's my nature to still have the capability to be friends with that person. I really am a good person. Some of you just don't understand me. I want you people to see that. I hate making enemies, but somehow it just seems to come natural. Even irl.
I'm like some kind of crazy outcast everone fears because they are not familiar with my reasoning, but deep inside that rough, cold, exterior, you'll find that I'm not at all a bad person.
But sometimes, there's a third, even deeper layer. And that third layer is just like the first.

Like pie.
But sometimes, there's a third, even deeper layer. And that third layer is just like the first.

Like pie.
No, I'm more like an onion. Not because they stink, but because they have layers. Ogres are NOT LIKE PIES! :P
I don't care I could stick jack your ass up like a hairy yeti, because I'm a hairy ****ing baby.

But yeah, change your number, cut contact etc and go punch him with a buzzsaw. I should really pay more attention to threads nowadays. :/
I don't care I could stick jack your ass up like a hairy yeti, because I'm a hairy ****ing baby.

But yeah, change your number, cut contact etc and go punch him with a buzzsaw. I should really pay more attention to threads nowadays. :/
Hmmm.....that translates into:

I can still rape you so you should just run away now while you still can before you get raped. :|

I must disagree Willie.
What if I just brutally sodomize Van's father? That'll show him.
I failed to fully understand that last line of Willie's mutant banana language.

That makes more since now.
Yeah, go ahead and rape Van's father then.

I retract my statement in that previous post. I agree totally.
he could have the Gay sucked out of him.


Dragonshirt, you have to accept that just like your dragon fetish gayness is not something people choose. It's just the way they are.
And imo a dragon fetish is quite a lot stranger.

Dragonshirt, you have to accept that just like your dragon fetish gayness is not something people choose. It's just the way they are.
And imo a dragon fetish is quite a lot stranger.
I can live with that then. I accept.

I take pride in being strange btw. Unlike many people who are different, being strange is an insecurity.

Which is why all the flaming.
You're the only one doing so... they're just openly questioning your opinion, as far as I see it. We're all friends here, no need to be so overly defensive. :P

Willie, if you rape my father, i will give you 4 kajillion bananas.
When do you and your brother turn 18? Then you're out of his reach.
That's the sad part then. I hope you, your mother and brother pull through this.

It's not fair for a family not to be happy with one another. (your father too) It's just sad.

Although I don't agree with your brother's lifestyle choice, the way your father is going about this is very wrong. He shouldn't be forcing him to go to a psyche ward over this, it'll only make things worse for himself and your brother. He's old enough now he can start making his own lifestyle choices.

Good luck mate. Best wishes.
You're a dick.
He is, in fact, allowed to disagree.

On the other hand, Monkey's allowed to call him a dick!

Everybody wins!
I condone people who slate people for being gay, but the man's own father? Takes the biscuit. I mean if my future son was gay, I mean I wouldnt lie and say I was absolutely fine with it, but I wouldnt condone him to a mental home and I would just learn to accept it, and my love for him wouldnt falter in any way.

Just ignore the **** from now on, whatever he would find in terms of dirt on your mum would be a waste of time anyway, support your mum, get her going out again and meeting new people, get into a new relationship, let him bicker in own disguiting arrogance.