Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
holy freaky nuts!


...pant ...pant

It's interesting, but not as easily readable as the eariler one. I prefered the old one, but maybe I've just got to let this one grow on me. It's harder to read though. Harder to read. Why's the text so big and the width so thin?
Yes, the new skin fits almost perfectly.
We needed a change around here at
yeehaw boys, now we're in for hunting season!

i like it. not the run down look the forum had before. looks more.. pro-like now. =) of course.. we'll have to customize our avatars again to fit the forum profile. and i see that as a bonus.
No, in the sense that the old one was "smaller", easier to read. But the colors I could get used to...
Munro has put a note on the left side.... "Nothing to be afraid of" :D
Why not have an option to choose the skins, have like 3 or 4 of them and peps can choose it, kind of like how rage3d has one.
change the highted link color to make it better. :thumbs:
it's not bad although the title bar can stand to be improved, it's kinda bear right now
ye i like it. its stylish, but a bit hard to get used to after all those years of grey...

/me votes yes

*edit* i am not happy. my avatar will have to be re done. ****.
come on admit it, you are already getting used to it and starting to like it :p
colors are killing my eyes but I guess ill get used to it soon enough :)
LOL, Sprafa, your thread gets to stay because it has a poll. The other 4 on the same subject are closed.

EDIT: Hmmm, problems with smilies bar when window is narrow.
Oh, and the link colors is all that's bad...if you fix that it'll be awesome.
Hazar Dakiri said:
change the highted link color to make it better. :thumbs:

Yup ^^ What he said^^

And also the main forum links need to be darkened a little I reckon!
You're all just afraid of change!

It grows on you, I already liked it, but I'm liking it even more already :p
After some browsing and living with it for a few minutes I am really starting to miss the old forum colors.

Change back plz!
We can still play around with this so if you're not happy with it please say so and what you think could be improved. If you think it should be darker/lighter, whether some little bits should be removed/changes just comment :)
As I mentioned in a now closed thread, the link fontcolors need to be darker. In fact all the font colors could do with some darkening. The link-mouseover is now bright orange for example, which makes the link unreadable. Darker font colors for the posts will increase contrast and make it all easier to read.
dammit it will take me ages to re-do my avatar to this colour, especially as all the text is different, plus i saved the pics as JPEGs
Munro said:
We can still play around with this so if you're not happy with it please say so and what you think could be improved. If you think it should be darker/lighter, whether some little bits should be removed/changes just comment :)

Me = pro designer ;)

* Link colors need to be darker (and highlights), so it blends with the lighter BG (I recommend tannish).

* For the top links, get rid of the underline when it highlighs.

There, all done, otherwise AWESOME. :)
I think that we should do all those changes and for those who want give options to choose a skin, I know vBulletin supports it. Please!
Isnt it a bit harsh that u didnt use the Art competition winner's banner in the end?
it looks nice, maybe just make a small change in color theme?
way better than before
random images in the top left would be a nice idea in my view