Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
brisck1 said:
Isnt it a bit harsh that u didnt use the Art competition winner's banner in the end?
We never promised anything with that.
I honestly can't stare at this site for more than 5 minutes at a time. It literally makes me sick to my stomach.

I'll check back later today and see if it still bugs me. :(
Get rid of the robot on the left, at least certainly not one half-concept half-orange.

In a word, no.
The text and background are too close in color, they should be very contrasting for ease of reading. Much like the old forum style was. Couldn't you just bring the old style back but change the title bar? Maybe hold a title bar contest?

It's not as if it's a landslide vote for the new look, either. :hmph:
Needs a bit of changing like text color etc etc but other then that i like it :d
Hmm, we're going to need a new font color for hidden messages!
But I do like it, the color scheme is easy on the eyes.
My only suggestion is that the Links be changed to a darker blue as they dont contrast well enough with the background. Also when links are rolled over, the text becomes unreadable
I think that the darker skin was the best I had ever seen ;(
Chris_D said:
You're all just afraid of change!

It grows on you, I already liked it, but I'm liking it even more already :p

Change is good...but not when it strains your eyes mate!!
Chris_D said:
You're all just afraid of change!

It grows on you, I already liked it, but I'm liking it even more already :p

yeah.. change is always difficult.
i think this theme should stay for a while :)

SubKamran said:
Me = pro designer ;)

* Link colors need to be darker (and highlights), so it blends with the lighter BG (I recommend tannish).

* For the top links, get rid of the underline when it highlighs.

There, all done, otherwise AWESOME. :)

yeah i think these minor improvements would really help.
plus the top looks a little bare.. perhaps a banner.. of some sort would look nice.

while we're at this subject of themes.. Munro, StarMonkey.. have u guys discussed any special theme for when HL2 is officially announced as gold?

i know there was the thread on it and all...just wondering if the staff has a few ideas.. thats all :)
The new skin is growing on me. :)

Some improvements that could be made...
The top of the page (banner) looks a bit empty. Add more flare. Maybe different images. And when Valve announces an official release date, put a countdown counter thing on the banner. And maybe some animations in the banner, too.
Like some people already had said: The link-mouseover is now bright orange, which makes the link unreadable.

But overall, the site looks very well done and cool, compared to the last one.

*Also the sides of the pages look a bit empty, too. Fill them will something cool. :)
banner would look better if it was scaled down just a bit, the entire top part, but still it looks nice whatever you guys do. eyes! No, I don't like it at all org. color is much easier on the eyes.

Edit: Changed "skin" to "color".
We thank you all for the constructive criticism. At the end of the day, we need to find something that you all like so we will be taking the more constructive comments out of the bunch and using them to make the layout good for everybody.

Thanks for all of your comments so far.
on a happier note, my thread is linked to all to see.

Thanks !!!
I like everything about this new skin except for the width. It just looks like it was pushed in on the sides or something. Also, in Firefox 0.9.3, the smilies in the reply window are messed up. They could have been like that before, but I didn't notice until now.
I don't know, the colors don't seem right but that's just my opinion :|
white text on a dark background is easier on the eyes, especially late at night when you haven't got any lights on :( i'm getting a suntan just staring at this screen. although i do like the colours. maybe try it a bit darker. :)
Its an aquired taste.

EDIT: The text seems massive now too, my sig is huge!
I don't mind the colors and stuff, but I hope the page isn't gonna be smaller like it is now. I think it's just smaller cause of the message on the side.
Imo, the fonts for the threads and the general thread areas should be made to the same size as the old skin, it's much to large now, atleast imo.

Also the text " > > Site Discussion" should be made darker, because it's too hard to read. Same with the Private Messages link at the top too. The banner needs some graphic in the middle, since right now it makes the entire site feel very empty.
Oh lighten up.


EDIT: Maxi, you think it's large? Try reading on 1600x1200.

I like fullsize sites though.
charybdis said:
I like everything about this new skin except for the width. It just looks like it was pushed in on the sides or something. Also, in Firefox 0.9.3, the smilies in the reply window are messed up. They could have been like that before, but I didn't notice until now.
What resolution you running at?
colors are awesome!!!! just the header needs some more work..... its a little empty now.. but use an original logo or something, and do not fill it with screenshots or something

great job

edit: oh and im gonna have to adjust my avatar to the new colors .... if this is definite?

Dougy said:


It gets them $$$ ;)

Personally, I'd put it at the bottom of threads (b4 the quick reply) because then everyone would be forced to see it! Muahaha!

OH, and about the colors...they're warm, not it shouldn't be too flashy. It's easy on my eyes...I lub light colors.
I like the design but I strongly dislike the color usage. It's too bright, and is startng to hurt me eyes. If you can make it darker then that would be fine.
Well, this is strange... fills my screen better, though. :p
Oh yeah, the color when you hover your mouse over a link is WAAYY to bright, I can't read the link after I hover over it.

edit: Also there are no more avatars in the members list page :( and the staff is a bit too bright too imo.
Chris_D said:
What resolution you running at?

That screenshot is when I'm running at 800x600. I just switched to 1024x768 and I get a little bit of an overlap as well, but as not as bad.
I do not like this at all...I am still fairly new to the boards, but I cannot stand the colors...the old one was 100x better....