Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
You all should turn down your brightness to normal levels...because it ain't bright over here! It's soothing...
charybdis said:
I like everything about this new skin except for the width. It just looks like it was pushed in on the sides or something. Also, in Firefox 0.9.3, the smilies in the reply window are messed up. They could have been like that before, but I didn't notice until now.

I use the same version of Firefox as you do.. It's not messed up for me..
There should be a new poll when people have gotten used to it for a bit. This one will have a lot of people going WAAAAAAAH without actually looking at the skin.
SubKamran said:
You all should turn down your brightness to normal levels...because it ain't bright over here! It's soothing...

I'm thinking some here are not from the midwest and may be viewing this at night with their lights off. The way God intended Game Forums to be viewed.

After work is over, I'll try it out again at home with the lights off and see. Is much brighter than the old one.
It's got a much more 'professional' look now. The dark, gloomy design it had before really, really sucked. Just change the main site too and I'll be happy.
My mindflow: "Aaaah, it's time to take a look for the news on *click* to see what's new about... :eek: :eek: Wow." :eek: *me looks at the left side of the page*
"Just testing a new skin, nothing to be afraid of! Please stop screaming -Munro(
:LOL: :LOL: Awesome! :thumbs:
what the shit has happened here.

thats it, who puked on the forums?!??
I hate the colours, plus it's to small. Please give me back the other one.
Lamers have no taste ;)

What's so bad about it? It's not bright, they fixed the's very professional, it makes us look civilized.

PS. You're all gamers, use something adove 1024x768 :p
So far "Yes" seems to be winning, does that mean this is the definitive look for :|
whoever voted no is stoopid, this is excellent layout design, maybe you dont like colours, but i like it v much! much more exciting than old one
everything is too spaced out, im going to wear out the scroller on my mouse. my screen res is 1280x1024.

the size is too much like the hl2fallout forums.... they look niiiice, but the posts are about 3 miles apart from each other
CB | Para said:
So far "Yes" seems to be winning, does that mean this is the definitive look for :|

Hey! Don't worry the poll will be up until "No" wins.
I don't mind the colouring, although I quite liked the 'gloomy' look.

I do find the narrowness of the threads quite annoying, it wouldn't be so bad without the bar on the left though.
kingthebadger said:
whoever voted no is stoopid
Ironic. Not to mention the fact that someone is not stupid simply because they disagree with your opinion.
Ye,s but it could do with a few tweaks and I prefer the old one.
Huh, I just checked out for comparison, and they won't load... You stole them!!! I knew it!!
This will be our main style but we should have a few others popping up soon as well for those people who can't turn their monitor brightness down!
Munro said:
This will be our main style but we should have a few others popping up soon as well for those people who can't turn their monitor brightness down!
yes I like the blue-ish style Munro, it's better than the current one, in which I think the side bars are way too bright, thus making the middle section appear thinner than it is.
Munro said:
This will be our main style but we should have a few others popping up soon as well for those people who can't turn their monitor brightness down!

Hey, that's good too. a bit darker, but still has a professional look to it. I like both.
Don't like it personally.

Have you changed the spoiler code? EDIT: Looks like it - just checking :)
Munro said:
This will be our main style but we should have a few others popping up soon as well for those people who can't turn their monitor brightness down!

Does this mean user-changeable forum styles, or different colors for the main site and the forum?

I like both options (and both skins) really, just making sure.
imo text is too big ant not so easy to read like the earlier. It's a good idea to put ant option to choose a skin, so we can choose which skin is more friendly to us :)
I like it, but it seems bigger. If we could get it smaller again, it would be good. :)
Jezus christ.. scared the shit out of me. I thought I got linked to some wierd porn site when the ususal skin didnt load up
Frankly, I thought the old design was the best out of any forum I've ever been to. :(

It's too jumbled now. We've got white, black, dark blue, light blue, dark tan, light tan, plain tan and a few shades of grey.

On the old one, it was minimalism. Shades of grey, and a few hints of orange and white. It used the colours of the new HEV suit, and fit the HL2 "feel" as a result. Now might as well be selling furniture.

Dark text boxes with bright fonts are always easier to read, and although this looks sylish, it's generically so. A quarter of the sites on the internet use this same scheme. It makes the site appear a lot less exceptional.

When you're making a medium for delivering complex information, as the forum is, the best path is simplicity and straightforwardness. It puts the focus on the content.
It used to be a quality canvas, but now it's covered in housepaint. The posts, the avatars, the names of the forumites are all being washed out by the brightness of the background and the complexity of the shapes and patterns.

It's not bad, but the old one was superior in almost every respect.

Edit: And the title banner doesn't really gel.
the blue looks much nicer imo... hopefully the text size will be reduced aswell :E
I like the color scheme, but the layout isn't that great. There's too much empty space.

Also, the middle section gets wider when you go into a thread and it pushes the sides out, forcing the browser to make a horizontal scroll bar and making the top of the page look ugly. This is in Mozilla BTW.
slicktick said:
I like it, but it seems bigger. If we could get it smaller again, it would be good. :)
If using FF hold Ctrl and use the scroll-wheel (think it's the same in IE).