Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
theGreenBunny said:
What? Where?

down the right hand side. they used to be down the bottom of the page where no-one ever went :/ now they're in full view. doesn't matter really.
I voted no just because the link colors (light blue) are somewhat difficult to read on a light grey background. The old site was more readable.

If you change the link colors to the darker blue, like the borders, make my no vote a yes.
i love the top banner, it just looks so cool.. the old one sucked! i really like it :0
IMHO I do not like the new skin. The other was a bit easier on the eyes and also adapted to sizing better. AN example of this sizing problem is HERE (click me)

The old forum each post was even when a huge picture was posted only the post with the picture was distorted and the others were the normal 800 pixel width (or whatever the size is)
Did anyone the shadow at the bottom right-hand side of the screen?


Who is that?
I thought it was fine at first but after a few minutes of it, it gives me headaches! ;(
To be honest, I hate it.

I like dark colors a lot more, and I don't find this as easily readable.
How can so many ppl say they hate it and Yes is still winning?
Undecided. I like the new colors but it doesn't match the rest of the site. Also, the borders on the left and right are too big. I liked the previous wider format.
I can see a few changes have already been made, but just one tone darker and maybe I'll stop complaining.
I'm afraid you're stuck with ads. I can't afford to keep paying out of my own pocket to keep this site going so I need a little help which google are providing :) I don't think they're too intrusive and blend with the site well. Just be glad they're not the "hit the monkey" animated type :D

On links - I've made the text a little darker but I can still make a lot more improvements as long as you keep posting them!
New banner looks neat! Text size is great at 1280x1024! New color is too bright, thats only thing I don't like about it.
Thread titles and user names need to be slightly darker... staff titles need to change colour to something more readable..
http links on mouse over colour also needs to change..

Other than that its great!
I hate to admit this, but I just go used to the skin.

edit: doesn't mean I don't want the old one back.
heh.... seems you've taken care of 2 of my concerns just before i posted... not sure about the brown colour though...
Munro said:
I'm afraid you're stuck with ads. I can't afford to keep paying out of my own pocket to keep this site going so I need a little help which google are providing :) I don't think they're too intrusive and blend with the site well. Just be glad they're not the "hit the monkey" animated type :D


You're doing good Munro.
Just do something with the spaces on the sides of the screen and maybe do something better with the top banner. It needs more.

EDIT: This is my 400th post! I can't believe I made it this far! :)
I also don't like the width of the forums. Granted ads are a good thing for the site, but maybe leave them to one side (like where they are now) and extend the forums all the way to the left.

The banner doesn't look phenominal. I'd get rid of the robot, it's not as significant to HL2 as other things. The strider above the logo looks awkward, especially the big blue lens flare shot it's taking. And that little gordon is really spaced out, he's in no mans land.

Otherwise it looks good. I like the new colours. A nice change.
Oh yeah, it doesn't match the main site, really.


Crap, I hope the main site doesn't get the same treatment.
I think it will be a lot better when Munro's message is removed. So it gives the forum a bit more room, and then it will look... wider :p.
I certinaly prefer the old one, but I guess it must change from time to time. Like the art-thing in the upper left corner, though.

Please put the avatars back to the members list. Thats how I manly identify posters :/
Side bar ads are suckage, put them up top or bottom please.

Apart from that, fine!

I think you have it about right with the colors now guys....

Anyone else think so???
What is the robot, monster thingee in the upper left hand corner? HL2 related?
please please please change it back...I LOVED the old look...this just looks gauty(sp). I do like the banner though...if it could be sized to the way the old look was...or if you leave the option for the user to select which skin they want
cyberman_sa said:
What is the robot, monster thingee in the upper left hand corner? HL2 related?

Dog. it's a mate, built by Alyx
The google ads are great! Everyone make sure to click them at least once a day!
But I think they are slightly out of place. i think if they were uniform with the site somewhere instead of off to the side, it'd look a lot nicer.
getting there. just a couple more tweaks to the colours on the board then it'll be fine i reckon. nothing wrong with the top banner.

although i hope you're going to update the front page and have some useful links down the left hand side?
O.K., after about ten minutes of reading the forums, I have to vote "No". For whatever reason, this particular color scheme is hard on the eyes. It's pleasing at first but it quickly becomes fatiguing to read the black text on brown background. The text just doesn't stand out enough. A lighter background would probably alleviate the eyestrain.
cyberman_sa said:
What is the robot, monster thingee in the upper left hand corner? HL2 related?


The only thing that seems odd to me is the width of the actual forum part, make it wider and i'm happier than i am with it already

Oh and i've attatched some examples of bright colours....this forum is closer to a dull sandy colour than any of them
nah, I don't like the new style.

Munro, please make it choosable so that we can set our preference. Of course this screws the type of "image" you may be trying to build for the site.

I am a PHP developer myself so it shouldn't be hard to implement.
MaxiKana said:
Please put the avatars back to the members list. Thats how I manly identify posters :/


although i hope you're going to update the front page and have some useful links down the left hand side?

That's the plan. I thought I'd better get the community's feedback on it first before we start putting it on the main site.
Dang! Hit refresh and the whole world goes crazy!

Seriuosly, I think I like it. I got it after the color changes I think cause all the links look ok to me.

I'e like to see if without the message on the left, though. I think it's messing with the page width. perhaps move the message to the top of the page and highlight it? Then we can see how the page is supposed to fit.

like the colors and the theme. The banner is awesome. The spareness gives Gordon the sense of isolation.

I'll have to try it again in the dark though.