do you like WW2? are you a nazi?


May 27, 2003
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I saw the 1993 german film "Stalingrad" tonight.

Definetly put a fresh picture on WW2. Among the best war movies out right now. If you think that WW2 was "COOL" and the warfare was "ADMIRABLE" then your sorry ass should definetly see this movie....
I daresay that anyone that thinks "warfare was admirable" needs to re-evaluate their thinking.
I must agree with you there, Beastie ol chap!

I miss el Chi :(
Only one kind of people think war is cool or what ever, that being idiots :|
The only cool war is the War on Drugs!!@!

Well, the only less stupid war is the War on Drugs, to be more specific.
War is horrible, yes.

But you have to accept that excitement whenever there's action is part of our male instinct. It was a good way to make us want to hunt back in the early days, so that we'd survive.
I like war movies :)
War war war war...
I think ill go watch that movie dassbaba...
Beast206 said:
I daresay that anyone that thinks "warfare was admirable" needs to re-evaluate their thinking.

I daresay that anyone that thinks "dying for their country is not admirable" needs to re-evaluate their thinking

Yes war is evil, but sometimes we can't find a better way.
Link said:
I daresay that anyone that thinks "dying for their country is not admirable" needs to re-evaluate their thinking

Yes war is evil, but sometimes we can't find a better way.

Well put =]

Remember this quote "All war is Civil War because all men are brothers." forgot who said it though.
I wouldn't say i think war is cool, cuz hell, i'd never wanna be in one.. but on the other hand i think its very interesting.
War, one of those things really...I mean, we play lots of games, and watch lots of films about war and we enjoy them, but once someone is exposed to war it normally changes them deeply and they of course hate it.
Ya.. war movies they arent cool they just like put a new type of feel on things especially ww2 movies to me, they just sort of change the way I say the pledge give thanks to the men who gaves their lives so i could wakeup in the morning and know I was free :)... Band of Brothers > HBO Spielberg series makes me feel this way btw it comes on History Channel Sometimes
War movies to me is like when I watched the Passion.

Its not entertaining as it is....Like wow...I cant even understand what some people have gone through.

oh also those Germans in the movie were not Nazis.
Im not saying war is good. But it does make for good movies and videogames.
As long as WW2 doesn't come in mod-form I'm happy.
Link said:
I daresay that anyone that thinks "dying for their country is not admirable" needs to re-evaluate their thinking

Yes war is evil, but sometimes we can't find a better way.

dying for a bit of cloth and imaginary lines on a map are not admirable ...there have been plenty of unjust wars
I think the thread starter had this in mind when he recommended the movie
I've never been able to enjoy a war movie. A war movie is the sort of film that I watch not for entertainment value, but for an eye-opening experience. However, I have noticed that a disturbing number of people thought the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan were funny. One kid actually started laughing when a man had his arm cut off by machine gun fire, and in some sort of daze, started looking for it again. Part of the reason I'm so withdrawn has to do with the cruel, brutal attitudes many people seem to carry. That ignorant prick was hardly the only one to laugh, cheer, or snicker when some atrocity was committed on screen. Those same people laughed when a special regarding 9/11 was shown in our history classroom. They thought it was "funny" to see people leap out of the towers. The noises the bodies made upon impact were a real riot for them. It sickens me thinking about it, and I really mean that. People sicken me sometimes. While I sat there, in that classroom, I felt ashamed to be a member of a society that could raise such scum and pass them off as "upstanding young gentleman" because they attended a prep school and had lots of money. It's complete and utter bullshit.
War? Huh, Good god Yall, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
Do I like WWII? No, but if you can find some other way to stop Hitler I am all for it.

Maybe you should go ask the men and women in our military if they like war too?

I am not even going to respond to the Nazi thing.
I love war video games, it gets the adrenaline pumpin. As well as war movies. Real war sucks though cause friends and family die....and dont respawn.
I've never been able to enjoy a war movie. A war movie is the sort of film that I watch not for entertainment value, but for an eye-opening experience. However, I have noticed that a disturbing number of people thought the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan were funny. One kid actually started laughing when a man had his arm cut off by machine gun fire, and in some sort of daze, started looking for it again. Part of the reason I'm so withdrawn has to do with the cruel, brutal attitudes many people seem to carry. That ignorant prick was hardly the only one to laugh, cheer, or snicker when some atrocity was committed on screen. Those same people laughed when a special regarding 9/11 was shown in our history classroom. They thought it was "funny" to see people leap out of the towers. The noises the bodies made upon impact were a real riot for them. It sickens me thinking about it, and I really mean that. People sicken me sometimes. While I sat there, in that classroom, I felt ashamed to be a member of a society that could raise such scum and pass them off as "upstanding young gentleman" because they attended a prep school and had lots of money. It's complete and utter bullshit.

Give me sometime with those basterds and they'll be laughing crazy with tears coming out of their eyes.

Seriously, I thought this was stupid--objectively, I can look at a Movie and laugh, but only after I've seen it, or if it just plain deserves it.

When I saw Saving Private Ryan, I was litteraly bouncing up and down for the allies to hurry up to saftey.

For the 9/11 incident, I could'nt find it funny at all. Its easy for these kids to laugh at a distance or in groups; but thats only because its their only way to cope with something they dont know how to deal with personally.
CptStern said:
dying for a bit of cloth and imaginary lines on a map are not admirable ...there have been plenty of unjust wars
I think the thread starter had this in mind when he recommended the movie

Its to bad that you think your country is nothing more than a piece of cloth and imaginary lines.
warfare is admirable. it combines the best human traits (bravery, courage, etc) with the worst. i would go to any war anywhere in the world for my country (regardless of which it is, who leads it). i may not like it, but i definatly would do it.

though i think people thinking of it as "admirable" are thinking in an 17th-19th century attitude. war of today isnt as simple as hacking someones head off - in those engagements its obvious who the more skilled it. now its less personal, and the focus is on technology. not grit, or anything like that.
This person I work with told me that his dad was in Vietnam and he said it was the most fun he has ever had in his life and missed it when he had to leave, he also said his grandpa said that too. I am not sure if he was lying(probably was) but there probably are a very small percentage of people who enjoy war.
Shindlers List was the most graphic and realistic war movie I have ever seen. Definetly changed the way I think about war.
Well there are certainly people who look back on a war as the most important and most interesting time in their life. Thats not to say that the nature of it was any better in their eyes.
AudioRage said:
War? Huh, Good god Yall, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

You know, I wonder how somone thought up of the tune.

You see, war is good....for the media. Like McFly pointed out.

There are so many blockbuster hits and actionish movies based on war and war times. Think of all the media that we view and watch, news crews all over the world gaining boosts in ratings every time a concerning report during war is made. Exactly how many "peace" movies have you seen? Have you played many "peace" games? Don't get me wrong I think in reality War is the worst way to resolve something. Just that, for the media, its another way to amuse the public.
War is bad, it should be prevented at all costs, but I like knowing what went on during WW2, I like learning about WW2, of course, i'd rather it didnt happen and tens of thousands of people didnt die
Yeah war sucks... but war movies are awesome. Thats my opinion.
SpuD said:
War is bad, it should be prevented at all costs, but I like knowing what went on during WW2, I like learning about WW2, of course, i'd rather it didnt happen and tens of thousands of people didnt die

i doubt you would say that when you realized we wouldent have cell phones, jet aircraft, and supercomputers or a space program, and no halflife 2. as a direct result of ww2 technology (moden medicine, battlefield medicine, computers to do genetic research) im sure many more millions are alive today thanks to that.
to die in a hail of gunfire defending your homeland is the way to go.
I think pretty much all war movies show that it's not a super fun time, enjoy yourself experience, like a video game of war. Never seen a war movie that has.

:P Reminds me of that South Park episode though, where Jimbo and Ned tell the kids about how they were stationed in Da Nang and rode the ferris wheel and went to the carnival every day and stuff. ;p
A good war movie is as good of a peace movie as any ever made.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I think pretty much all war movies show that it's not a super fun time, enjoy yourself experience, like a video game of war. Never seen a war movie that has.

I dunno, I always thought M*A*S*H marathons were funny.
MASH generally had it's deep parts, with humor for relief (worked so well.)

Especially when the wounded came in. To me all that pain, agony, etc in scenes of the doctors in the operation rooms on the show wasn't a very happy time. O.o