Do you remember?


Space Core
Oct 15, 2009
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I still remember when I got a PC upgraded just so I could play the upcoming HL2...I also remember playing Doom3 before HL2 (which I really found boring and too dark all the time, although I was a big fan of Doom2 don’t get me wrong I'm not bashing the game, I was just disappointed).

Eventually I found this lying around on the net...I never forgot it and just re-found it. I really cracked laughing with this one.


"Ok so gonna get Counter strike source see what all the fuss is about, oh look this ''hl2'' comes with it for free."

Actually a while before then I was close to buying this 3 pack of HL1, OF, BS from a store I was just like "geez these guys have guns, must be some good games" but my dad didn't let me :(
I remember I had just finished installing a Radeon 9800 Pro on my POS HP, and was browsing the net to figure out what games my comp was now suddenly capable of churning out.

Somehow stumbled upon "half life 2" and was all "HOLY **** THEY MADE A SECOND ONE???". I spent the better half of the day trying to figure out just when the release date was, when I found

And so it began...
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

I could never forget the computer I built just for HL2. Oh, Big O, you giant red-and-black menace. You were so awesome, from the first moment I cobbled you together and you wouldn't POST, making me have to jumpstart your mobo with a screwdriver, sparking you to life; until you finally died one night two years later for no reason I can discern, your mobo/processor having apparently EXPLODED. So many good hours we had on HL2 and HL2DM, pinning people to walls with the crossbow and throwing around sawblades. I will always love that computer.

Its brain lives on in an external hard drive case.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.


And yeah, the computer I had prior to this new one I bought was made for HL2. Built it in late 2003 in anticipation of HL2 which obviously would not come out until next year.
I remember getting a new computer with an expensive new graphics card, almost a year after HL2 came out and I had already played it. Thinking back now, I can't figure out the logic behind that. I kinda regret it...
I had just got my first modern computer when I was in the store and saw Doom 3 and Half Life2. My previous computer could barely run Windows 3.1, so I was well out of the loop.

The Half-Life 2 screenshots on the box completely amazed and inspired me. I had trouble believing that any game could have graphics that good, not to mention the scene they showed with citizens up against the wall in the street with the Combine oppressing them - you could see the telephone wires, with pixels to let you know that maybe these really were the graphics! It was just awesome. I don't think I'll ever feel that way about video games again.

And when I got the game and started playing, the imagined world ... and physics ... just unbelievable.
I bought the GOTY edition for CSS then later found out that HL2 was in there as well.
I was in college and stayed up most of the night playing. The download process after the game was released was like being stabbed in the face and lit on fire at the same time.
Sounds like ~*fate*~ to me

I bought a new computer like a year before hl2 came out I think. It was being repaired when the game came out but then it finished being repaired a few weeks later. So, yeah.
I built my PC myself with a little help from a friend (since it was my first build). He was the first one in our town with a 128kb/s connection (the rest of us were still on 28.8kb/s), so he had downloaded the E3 videos and I was just amazed by Trap Town.

I downloaded the game on my 28.8kb/s connection through steam, and it took the whole day of release to get it unlocked and playable. Epic.
I had been hyped about hl2 ever since it was announced, and i came tears of joy when i noticed that my brand new graphics card (ati 9800xt) came with a free copy of hl2:D Once i registered it on Steam, i upgraded it to a silver so i got CS:S and the rest of the gang with it.

Good days
I was in 8th grade and begged my parents for a Radeon 9800 for my birthday and a preorder for the game. I then woke up at 3 am on that fateful Tuesday and played the game until I had to go to school. Ahhh I'm feeling nostalgic, I think I may have to reinstall this baby again :)
I just inserted HL2 into my original xbox.

*waits for mob armed with pitchforks and torches*
^ Ew.

I remember asking for HL2 for Christmas and got it. Signed up on these forums before I played the actual game.
I didn't even realize there was a second one and bought it after seeing it in an electronics store back in 2004, but couldn't run it. My grandad on my dad's side was awesome with computers. He took the computer I had at my dads and turned it into a monster as a Christmas gift. He died just a few days later from colon cancer. If it weren't for him I might not have ever played HL2.
Pff, these stories are nothing.
Let me tell you a true story about a love for a woman named Half Life 2.

One day in my Sophomore Year of high school, I was wandering a game shop. I picked up a game called Half Life, I had heard good things about this lady, and so I bought her. Needless to say, I fell in love. My entire Sophomore year revolved around Half Life, and later playing Blue Shift and Opposing Force. I recall one afternoon, immediately after finishing sex with my girlfriend, hopping to my desktop to finish Blue Shift. I made her watch.

Skip forward to the beginning of Junior Year. We had finally gotten a PC that could run Half Life 2. This was unexpected, but exciting. I however, had three problems: No Job, No Money, and No Car.
-I immediately began digging for movies, old video games, and CD's I had no problem selling.

And so it began, one afternoon, the last day of summer vacation, I walked several miles in the heat of August, to sell my items in exchange for money.
I finally reached The Exchange. I put my movies, CDs, and video games on the table. But just then, my heart broke, the man said, "No Drivers Licence, no exchange".

I walked back home, defeated, cursing the gods.

Upon nearing my street of residence, I noticed a small shop, and went to see if they did exchanges. To my surprise they did, and they gave me a very fair deal.

I walked out of the shop, pleased, but short a few dollars for Half Life 2....

Then I remembered, AHAH!!! I have a good friend, not more than five streets down! I shall knock on his door and request three of his dollars! And then, we shall venture to BEST BUY!!

And so I did.
As I walked several more miles to Best Buy, staggering now, sweating profusely, I made my way to the PC games. There she was-

One Half Life 2 game, alone on the shelf.
Think I actually got Doom 3 after Half-Life 2. Doom 3's failings never seemed that great to me, because the Sci-Fi FPS sequel had been progressively disappointing us all through 2002-3 and we'd come to be used to disappointment (Deus Ex 2 and Unreal 2 were basically responsible for me buying a games console for the first time in an age).

Also, I upgraded to a Radeon 9800 Pro like everyone else, part influenced by its genuine good rep, part influenced by the fact that Valve was lewdly bouncing up and down on the card at E3 2003. And the only great game I played in between getting it and Half-Life 2's long delayed release was System Shock. Bah technology.

Edit: oh, the Physics class in my year gave their teacher Half-Life 2 as a present for some reason or other. I always thought that was pretty legendary.
I bought Half Life 2 literally after reading amazing previews. I'm not sure where the hype came from for me because I did an all nighter literally waiting for it to unlock, loading it for the first time (did that take a reallllly long time for anyone else?) and finally playing up to Water Hazard. Then had to go to school the next day.

Ah mammaries.
i used a fake credit card to buy hl2, got banned and lost my games lol
then i bought hl2 silver pack

leak days were fun too
I remember I had just finished installing a Radeon 9800 Pro on my POS HP, and was browsing the net to figure out what games my comp was now suddenly capable of churning out.

Somehow stumbled upon "half life 2" and was all "HOLY **** THEY MADE A SECOND ONE???". I spent the better half of the day trying to figure out just when the release date was, when I found

And so it began...

Ironically, I had almost the exact same experience. My 9800pro was the biggest card I had bought at the time.

I then fished around for some forums and ended up here because I liked the look of the place.

Now ive been here for 5 years. Best forum I know of.
I went to the EB Games, just having a computer built 'top of the line' in 02, so I was just looking around and seen the HL2 box.. Hmm this looks kinda cool I guess.. *takes hours and hours to figure out how to install through steam* OMG THIS IS AMAZING.
i used a fake credit card to buy hl2, got banned and lost my games lol
then i bought hl2 silver pack

leak days were fun too

I did that with CSS.

but then I begged my dad and he bought it for me.
The very first I heard of Half-Life2 was on the front cover of a game magazine at a game shop. The topic of the story was the delay related to the Source code being 'stolen'.
That story is so sad. Makes me feel sick and depressed.

Even if, for some reason that story is not true... I know things like that happen all the time... all the time. Terrible.
I remember drooling over the 3E videos for months before it got released... Getting my 9600 graphics card, buying the game and waiting far to long for it to install. Playing the first chapter of the game and jizzing my pants. <3
I remember I discovered Half-Life around the end of summer 2006. I borrowed it from a friend for the ps2, and I loved it. I soon discovered there was a sequel, and the very next day I went out to buy it for the PC. At this time I wasn't really aware of PC specs and I thought they all worked the same (I was 12!), so I played Half-Life 2 at about 10-5 fps ALL THE WAY TO THE END.

If that isn't dedication, you tell me what is.
wtf, most of you guys didnt even know about hl2 before it was released? Shame on you!!!!

I remember the first time seeing those E3 movies...i would show it to all my friends and talk non-stop about it at school. Pre-Release was the most intense years for me in gaming history.

I remember a few weeks after it was released, i was in school in math class, and the teacher said "so i heard theres this new game that just came out...cant remember the name...started with H or something" and i proudly put my hand up with a smirk on my face "Thats Half-Life 2 sir" to which he responded "huh? no im talking about Halo 3" while the rest of the class looked at me with "wtf is half-life 2? lol what a fag Halo 3 is the most amazing game ever, get with the news noob" eyes.

Ever since that day...i have dedicated my life to hate and kill every last one of you halo fanboys out there. **** you disgust me.
I still remember the chatter in the official countdown thread someone created.

The release night was the first night Ive ever stayed awake for when it came to buying a game.

I remember everything being pre-loaded through Steam, and that last 30 minutes or so before the final update came out that 'unlocked' the game basically, it went by sooooooooo slow.

I think I played about an hour of it before I had to drag my feet into school.
My dad had mentioned something about there being a sequel for Half-Life coming out, back in 2003. I have no idea where he heard that from. So I looked it up and ended up here.

Over a year later, it came out, but being cheap I didn't buy it when it was released. So when Christmas came around, my sister gave me a textbook covered up in paper with Half-Life 2 written on it and a cut-out of a picture of it from a gaming magazine. I actually wasn't that disappointed since I didn't think anyone was going to give it to me (it was still pretty expensive at the time!). But then she gave me the actual game. Back then I actually savored my games (or maybe I just sucked at them) so I only played on weekends and was able to stretch it out over a month or so.

I haven't really cared about any other game since then...
I remember the day HL2 was released. It was a glorious day.

I had been planning that day months ahead of time, because it was a school day and I had a band concert later that night.

I went to bed super-early the night before and woke up at 3am, got all my things ready for school, had breakfast, and then started running HL2 right after it unlocked.

I played HL2 that morning up until Route Kanal or Water Hazard, and then at 7am, my mom drove me off to school, where all I could think about was that friggin' amazing game.

Since I was a poor high school student, I didn't have great hardware to run the game. No water reflections or pixel shaders. It was all low-mid level graphics, but the art style and the atmosphere still gave the game a fantastic and engaging presentation.