Do you think combine soldiers run outta ammo


Jun 8, 2003
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I was just wondering do the combine soldiers or any enemys that use guns for that matter run out of ammo. Like say if they use all of the smg ammo will they switch to a pistol and use that, and if they run out of pistol ammo can they kick and punch or perhaps use something like a crowbar to beat you with. I never noticed whether or not the bad guys in Hl ran outta ammo or not. I think id be cool to make the combine run out of ammo and beat them to death w/ ur crow bar. It would especially come in handy if you are running low on ammo ur self, Just have one big hand to hand combat w/ teh combine.:cheers:
Ok lemme rephrase that for those of u who cant figure it out. Do u THINK combine soldiers would run outta ammo and would you like it better if they did or did not.
I'd love it if they did, then surrendered, or picked up an object off the ground and attempted to attack you with it.
I think they have enough extra ammunition on them so Valve probably didn't make them run out of ammo. Which is probably a good thing.

Would you really want to see them run away from you or try to attack you with blunt objects? I think that would be silly.
Well u do kinda have a point there lone but i think it would be fun if they stood there ground and had like a night stick or something to that effect. Then you could battle it out hand to hand style. Of course this would get old after awhile. Im most people would kill them before they got a chance to run out of ammo anyways.
Yeah .. but thats not really realistic. If someone was shooting you and you run out of ammo would you really go at them with a night stick?

I'd rather see them call for backup ...
well if your out of ammo arent you going to go ater them w/ a crow bar. That is is there is no other way arond, such as in teh bugbait video. If it were a setting where there werent multiple ways to get around and u had to go through enemys I know id go after them w/ my crowbar. For one it be funny to see how they die w/ ragdoll physics when killed w/ a crowbar. So i guess it really depends on the setting and how Valve decides to set up their weapon system. O and yes i think id be cool for them to call for back up also, but then id go crow bar crazy on all of em. :=)
I doubt they'll be able to run out of ammo. From a design perspective, it's much simplier to just give the AI unlimited ammo.

Now if they did have limited ammunition, the AI would have to be smart about it, such as only firing when they have a shot at you so they don't blow their entire supply while you're hiding behind a barrel.
I think the combine soldiers might also have a handgun (as seen in the tunnel vid?) so if they run out of ammo in their primary weapon they'll use that.
I think the combine soldiers might also have a handgun (as seen in the tunnel vid?) so if they run out of ammo in their primary weapon they'll use that.

Yea thats what i really want to know. I think it would be really cool if they pulled out their pistols if they did in fact happen to run out of prmary ammo. Another thing is say if one of their partners die could they pick up their extra ammo?
Originally posted by 0zz0
Yea thats what i really want to know. I think it would be really cool if they pulled out their pistols if they did in fact happen to run out of prmary ammo. Another thing is say if one of their partners die could they pick up their extra ammo?

Yeah I think that picking up weapons is built into the AI (both friendly and enemy). Gabe said it in one of the emails.
I'd like it if they had to reload, and had 4-5 extra clips + grenades

think about it, if they manage to go though all that, its been one LONG fight, at which point you'd be ready to continue with the game, and thus if they picked up stick, or had standerd combat skills, combined (hehe, sorry) wuth their AI, could be ALOT of fun . :)
So lone in the email you talk about it says that combine can pick up ammo, thats cool. Once again depending on how Valve does there weapon arrangement, like the one where you have to throw down your weapon to get another one. I wonder if the soldiers can pick up a totally different gun them selves. Say from a mp7 to OICW.
Originally posted by 0zz0
So lone in the email you talk about it says that combine can pick up ammo, thats cool. Once again depending on how Valve does there weapon arrangement, like the one where you have to throw down your weapon to get another one. I wonder if the soldiers can pick up a totally different gun them selves. Say from a mp7 to OICW.

It didn't say combine specifically, it said NPCs. And yeah, I think they can pick up a totally different weapon too. Although I doubt they'll be using any alien weapons, that would be just weird.

Also you can give weapons to NPCs, so the first thing I'm gona do is equip Barney with a flare gun or an RPG. :cheese:
Also you can give weapons to NPCs, so the first thing I'm gona do is equip Barney with a flare gun or an RPG.

LoL good idea, Id do the same thing but my i dont see my self giving up a flare gun. :bounce:
Would I like it?

1. If you really think about it, we're not talking long gun battles between the same combine and you, here.

I doubt that the Combine would place soldiers to guard places, with such low ammo that it would all be depleted by the time such a short gun fight is over.

Will it be included?

2. The purpose of AI isn't to frustrate you, and give you a life-like battle, but to give you something to do as the story and exploration progress. Developers design AI (or try to) to have a "WOW" factor, with things like kicking back grenades, or ducking for cover, etc. AI isn't gonna give you much to do, or make you say wow if it turns ammo less during a fire fight and flees.

Believe me, you'll want the AI to fight back at all times, or you'll be bored to tears. Of course if they have the occasional, ammo-less Combine running away, that'd be cool, but only if it is occasional. Maybe 20% of all the AI have limited ammo.
Them running out of ammo would be sort of silly, though having multiple weapons would be cool. It's realistic (especially since you pick up limited amounts of ammo from them), but not exactly all that fun. At least Gabe claims that they'll: be able to pick up new weapons, and take cover when reloading.
I doubt there will be any long long gun fights between you and anyone.

Who here sat behind a set of steal drums in half life longer than 10 seconds exchanging fire from the same spot.

You take cover then move and shoot. Easier to just let them have unlimited. They or you will die in a reasonably short space of time, expecially after your a fair way into the game.
in HL1 you could engage them in melee combat while they where reloading
but they could kick you in the gut (or face, if you crouch)
I hope the AI will fight as if they *could* run out of ammo but will actually have infinite ammo.
I'd much prefer if the AI could learn to conserve ammunition...but it probably isn't that advanced.
I think the soldiers need infinite ammo as a gameplay issue. It would be odd to have them run out... You are SUPPOSED to fight them, not hide and wait them out :)
Or possibly limited main weapon ammo, but unlimited pistol ammo.
If you hide they won't just keep shooting at the wall you hide behind for long... they will try to flank you... then, if that doesn't work they will try to flush you out of your hiding spot with grenades.
Even in HL1 they were that smart.

I think when they start to run low on ammo they should hide, call for backup, and try to hold out with the ammo they have until the backup arrives. When reinforcements arrive some of them share their ammo with the soldier.

Let's say you're in a fight with a couple of enemy AI soldiers and you are hiding because you are low on health.
Suddenly you hear *click* *click* "Shit! I'm empty!"
Just when you get ready to jump out and capitalize on his vulnerability... a nearby friendly unit reaches for his belt, grabs a clip, and tosses it to him.
"Here, take this... and don't use it all in one place."
... then you get shot by both of them and die.

I'm not sure if the AI is capable of that or not, but it would be cool if it was.
No. Enemies running out of ammo in this type of game would be dumb.
When they run out of ammo they will attack you with a kungfu-kick a la matrix! :D
it's kinda unrealistic and stupid if soldiers have 50+ clips of ammo on them. i always thought it was silly in HL1. they kick you when you get too close to them, they should kick you when they run out of ammo too. or have a combat knife.
Seeing as you can give NPCs weapons, how d'you think the AI would react to the manipulator?
And, as silly as it is, I doubt that the Combine'll be able to run out of ammo. Although it would be very amusing to see their reaction to that eventuality. Desperately throwing stuff at you, cowering behind cover/squad-mates or simply running away.
Originally posted by Lifthz
No. Enemies running out of ammo in this type of game would be dumb.

I don't see how, if they have 5 spare magazines, they're not going to run out often, but at least there's a chance that they may. I don't know about you, but I want a few long, drawn-out gunfights in Half-Life 2.
Sounds fun: big stand-off street battles, for example. Like the Barney fight, but with more soldiers.
even if they did have limited ammo, you wouldnt be around them long enough for them to waste it all. You would either shoot them or move on.
I cant remember if in perfect dark the bad guys ran out of ammo, but you could disarm them or shoot the gun out of their hands and they would surrender, beat you up or pull out a pistol. I thought that was pretty cool
who cares if they have unlimited ammo?!
bah what I want is ROTT (rise of the triad) style soldiers
like you shoot them to low hp and they start begging for their lives
"no no please, please I have a family" lol :D and then of course, offing them is that much more gratifying.
ahhh the memories.... that was a fun game too ROTT
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
they start begging for their lives
"no no please, please I have a family" lol :D and then of course, offing them is that much more gratifying.
ahhh the memories....


Anyway, some of you seem to think that if the combine had limited ammo you could just hide while they fire willy-nilly and then you go kill them. Didn't you play HL1? If they're at least as smart as the grunts, and I certainly hope they're a lot smarter, they will toss a grenade into your little hiding spot and then things change quite quickly.

Personally I'm looking forward to something along the lines of: I back around box to avoid fire, then see a grenade roll next to me as they try to flush me out. I turn and run around the box the other way, right into the guy with the shotgun who was flanking me. That would be cool.
Cuz im gonna kill them before they run outtta ammo.
i'm quite sure they will have to reload (would be stupid otherwise), but with infinite magazines. but I do hope that, if encountered in Close combat and having to reload, they either try to hit you with their gun or pull out a pistol and shoot you at point blanc range. Its basic tactic for every BF-1942 Player "If you run out of ammo in a thight situation, pull your pistol, clear the situation, and THEN reload"
The concept is sound. 250 rnds + 50 + 17 and that's it. The could either retreat when out of ammo or hide and attack with knife.

Or just run away.

BTW I liked the knife in OpFor and want one in HL2.
oh and another thing, you're right Archangel, the pistol should be a back up when reloading or low on ammo.

I figure if the Combine is down to his last smg clip he should look to retreat and regroup. Using his pistol as a last resort.:borg:
If they are anything like cs bots they will, and then pull out their knife to get ya.
I'm looking forward to seeing the enemy AI. I think it's creepy if they try and come after you. I just hope I can outsmart them more then they me ;)

Oh and I'm looking forwad to seeing enemy's pick up discarded weapons off the ground. I can see a few headcrabs having alot of fun crawling around with shotguns in their hands/arms/legs/um whatever you want to call it.