Do you think HL2 will affect others?


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Do you think HL2 will affect other than just the regular fans as it gets released?

The new games, such as Doom3 and Half Life2, would be considered as a huge development within the world of gaming and interactive entertainment.
People are not aware of Half Life2 in general, and I believe if people saw videos and screenshots etc, they would respond in a good way. Im talking about people who are not real gamers like us, that reads HL2 forums 2 hours per day and know every available detail of the development of the release.

The targeted audience of Half Life2 would be age 18-25 probably
but do you not think that a game like Half Life2, with it´s really good graphics and the feeling you get as you play it, will make older people buy it?

Every single gamer knows what Half Life and Counter Strike is.
As HL2 gets released or at least PR´d, dont you think it will create a more public discussion, than just between people on these forums and extreme gamers?

I wonder how many units they will sell on the first day that HL2 is out :)

nah, hl2 isnt as revolutionary as the first, its good because of brand name....
I'm 29, and I'm buying it :)
Inanimate said:
The targeted audience of Half Life2 would be age 18-25 probably but do you not think that a game like Half Life2, with it´s really good graphics and the feeling you get as you play it, will make older people buy it?/D

thats a pretty small audience :p I know there's quiet afew people hanging out for it (not just hardcore gamers). Some because i showed them binks a year ago haha. But with people buying it, it's then word of mouth. I trust games my mates recommend (or the people at game store) more than advertisements and screenshots.

If this did come out a year a go it would of been great technology wise.
No, games only appeal to gamers. Think of it like rap music. Someone could write the worlds most amazing rap music and people like me would still dislike it.
iamaelephant said:
No, games only appeal to gamers. Think of it like rap music. Someone could write the worlds most amazing rap music and people like me would still dislike it.

actually, you can't say that with absolute certainty since there is probably is a rap song in the past, present or future that you might like.
iamaelephant said:
No, games only appeal to gamers. Think of it like rap music. Someone could write the worlds most amazing rap music and people like me would still dislike it.

My Dad liked doom3....he never even knew how to turn on the comptuer when i showed him the game lol. He definatly isnt a gamer.

If someone watchs a game, they could love something like the graphics, maybe sound, AI, storyline. THen they might develope interest in the game.
ne0_shiny said:
old people?? you mean like my grandparents?

Well, I'm 33 and still have (mostly) my own teeth and hair!

I may not by the time the game appears though!
How can I take anything you say seriously when you have an avatar like that? :rolling:

But I digress; popularity for anything doesn't depend on age/race/culture, as long as the individual finds an interest in it. Like Pi Mu Rho & iamaelephant has pointed out tastes vary greatly across many people. The trick is introducing the right material to the right people.
I'm about to break the big 30 and i'm buying it. As for non gamers no? But i expect in due time. Just like half life every gamer will have heard or know what half life 2 is. People that don't even play games know what counter-strike is for instance, due to the college campus scene word of mouth. You can probably expect the same if not better growth. 4 years ago most couldn't believe the community could get any larger. Boy were we wrong. From 20-30k peak players to now 130k peak, heh. I'd say it grew just a tad.
Well no doubt there are exceptions to the rule, but I don't believe that very many "non gamers" will be able to find any interest in HL2. To average Joe it just looks like every other video game, and he doesn't care.
My uncle's forty-something, and he's nuts about computer games. And I've got the strong feeling that my near fifty-year old dad would be an avid gamer if he had more time and a better computer (used to sit there for hours on our old Amiga 500 playing "Barbarian")...
Sorry, double post... blasted ISP disconnected me in the middle of posting...
iamaelephant said:
No, games only appeal to gamers. Think of it like rap music. Someone could write the worlds most amazing rap music and people like me would still dislike it.

lol, people that hate rap are rare these days. I think rap tells you to smoke weed and get arrested for it. :farmer:
iamaelephant said:
No, games only appeal to gamers. Think of it like rap music. Someone could write the worlds most amazing rap music and people like me would still dislike it.

That would be Outkast, then... DIE, DIE!!!11!1!!1 :sniper: :E
Annihilator_91 said:
I'm xxx and I'm BUYING it...

Whoa! Your age is in three digits!? Cool!

Anyway Im 17 and I am buying it (suprise!).

Bah stupid laptop.
[SARCASM]I am in fact 9, and I'm getting it!![/SARCASM]

It's quite true that non-gamers probably couldn't care less if Half-Life 2, Fallout 3 and Starcraft 2 fell out of the sky into their lap. Although from that sort of height they'd probably pulverise your crotch- but I digress.

My dad isn't a gamer, and neither is my mum; yet they agreed that HL2's facial animation was pretty impressive. Now, they'll never buy the game, but it's proof, if any was needed, that groundbreaking/downright pretty games are more likely to attract attention- being a big-name sequel helps too, of course. Mostly, I think HL2 will attract the attention of gamers that usually avoided FPSs- not drawing crowds of non-gamers, but causing gamers with different tastes to momentarily defect from their preferred genre.
I don't think age will matter much when it comes to things like this. If you're a gamer than that's all that matters. Pretty much like anything in life...if it's something you are interested in than age will hold no boundaries in you doing it/enjoying it.

I would think it would have to do more with what you're interested in rather than your age. If this isn't your kind of game than probably at any age would you be buying it. And if you're not a gamer much at all, than you probably wouldn't look twice at HL2.

I was in my 20's when the original Doom was released and will probably be 37 when HL2 is released (b-day in oct) and I grew up in a gaming environment. No doubt I'll be playing until I can't anymore.
Someone said:
I don't think age will matter much when it comes to things like this. If you're a gamer than that's all that matters. Pretty much like anything in life...if it's something you are interested in than age will hold no boundaries in you doing it/enjoying it.

I would think it would have to do more with what you're interested in rather than your age. If this isn't your kind of game than probably at any age would you be buying it. And if you're not a gamer much at all, than you probably wouldn't look twice at HL2.

I was in my 20's when the original Doom was released and will probably be 37 when HL2 is released (b-day in oct) and I grew up in a gaming environment. No doubt I'll be playing until I can't anymore.

Ohhh! You are probably the oldest person in the forums! :bounce:
Share some elderly wisdom with us o mighty one!
Danimal said:
lol, people that hate rap are rare these days. I think rap tells you to smoke weed and get arrested for it. :farmer:

i hate rap :)
EDIT: Still smoke weed though :LOL:

i think age does have something to do with your gaming intrest, people older than 40 would have been born in an era where computers where non-existance and grew up without games, therfor they would find it difficult to play games, unlike me i grew up in the beggining of games (Amiga/Nes etc.) and i will probably still playing games when im 50 (hopefully developing them) :smoking:
p.s. im 18
CombineHarvester said:
Well, I'm 33 and still have (mostly) my own teeth and hair!

I may not by the time the game appears though!

LMFAO! Oh man thats a good one.
24Gamer said:
i hate rap :)
EDIT: Still smoke weed though :LOL:

i think age does have something to do with your gaming intrest, people older than 40 would have been born in an era where computers where non-existance and grew up without games, therfor they would find it difficult to play games, unlike me i grew up in the beggining of games (Amiga/Nes etc.) and i will probably still playing games when im 50 (hopefully developing them) :smoking:
p.s. im 18

I think you have your math wrong because the beggining of games happend waaay before you were born. Someone 40 could very well have grown up on video games.
Reaperman said:
nah, hl2 isnt as revolutionary as the first, its good because of brand name....

That's nonsense and you know it..

Hl2 will provide us with what's probably the best game in gaming history...with physics integrated in gameplay, the most detailed characters ever, and a real good story to be drawn into..

It might be possible what the topic starter says
i think people who like it will play it....

*lame answer'd*
killahsin-[CE] said:
I think you have your math wrong because the beggining of games happend waaay before you were born. Someone 40 could very well have grown up on video games.

i guess i forgot about pong :upstare:
these 'old' people are actually making the games, so.. if they have no interest because they are so old... what are they doing?!

[Edit] oh yeah... making Sims expansions.
I'm 17 and my dad watches me play the latest games and i was voice chatting ages ago on CS to an american and he goes "what state r u from?" in this strong accent, my dad pisses himself and is amazed that there might be a person from every continent sharing a game of CS.

saying that my dad's shit at it, LAN'd with him and he spends his time looking around, doesn't mean he doesn't find it a great achievement in technology tho, he's just not computer literate game-wise.

Why they aiming at 18-25 anyways? i'm sure there's atleast 1/3 of sales going to under 18s. Afterall, just because it's got an 18 certificate doesn't mean only they play it :)
chriso20 said:
I'm 17 and my dad watches me play the latest games and i was voice chatting ages ago on CS to an american and he goes "what state r u from?" in this strong accent, my dad pisses himself and is amazed that there might be a person from every continent sharing a game of CS.

saying that my dad's shit at it, LAN'd with him and he spends his time looking around, doesn't mean he doesn't find it a great achievement in technology tho, he's just not computer literate game-wise.

Why they aiming at 18-25 anyways? i'm sure there's atleast 1/3 of sales going to under 18s. Afterall, just because it's got an 18 certificate doesn't mean only they play it :)

1/3 of the sales only?? Man you gotta be outta your mind...
Inanimate said:
The targeted audience of Half Life2 would be age 18-25 probably

Probably not, as the targeted audience for most games is in the tennage years, there are more tennagers in the world that play games than adults. Well, that's from what ive seen in England of course. :cheers: