Do you think that Gabe's annoucement was fake?


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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Do you think that Gabe's annoucement was fake? Yes or No.

EDIT: This was supposed to be a poll, well never mind.
Honestly I don't care anymore. It'll be out when its out. Sucks to feel this way =/
"We are still waiting for final direct confirmation from Valve." - CsNAtion

Lets wait until it is confirmed (or not) by the gabe! shall we?
No its not fake, why Gabe should say something fake, that would hurt his image.
Would you people stop being so negative? Its from gabe himself not from some random HL2 fan from the net.
from hl2fallout:

"After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell’s account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate.

We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated. "

I still hold out hope that it's not fake, but the evidence now looks pretty convincing. ;(
Update: After going over the facts with HL2 Fallout's Mr Bond, we have come to the conclusion that this is most likely a hoax. We are still waiting for final direct confirmation from Valve.
Where is that "I don´t know" option because I want click it.

So I don´t say Yes or No because there is so much different info and rumors, I just hope and wait.
Think theres two possible scenarios:

1. POS hacker hacks account, and writes fake post

2. Vivendi calls valve and announce that they have accepted their RC, valve-staff throws party at local pub:
someone says: "Hey lets inform the fans"
Gabe: "Sure, anybody brought a laptop?"
someone: "Yeah, use mine - the Bar next door has wireless/hotspot access"
Gabe goes, writes non-fake message - returns to party, and everyone passes out drunk - unable to be reached for confirmation. :)

Now I know which version I hope is true, and I know which one is most likely...and they aint the same :(
I have a feeling it is not fake. I mean Monday is sept 1 - this is what valve was always aiming for.
If it was hacked, they'll probably delay the game for a couple of months (you know valve)
HL2 is suppose to go gold this month, so I cant really see why this is a fake. That means: If Valve doesnt want to delay HL2 even more.
I think that if we decode the second rest - we'll find the release date. :p
Foegel said:
If it was hacked, they'll probably delay the game for a couple of months (you know valve)

God I hope not :flame:

Stunts like this just anger the fanbase and screw with the developers. I hate this crap :sniper:
lans said:
I have a feeling it is not fake. I mean Monday is sept 1 - this is what valve was always aiming for.

Well..Here at Finland sept 1 is wtf?
I voted yes. Too good to be true.

Anyone emailed Gabe? That would solve the whole thing....
Slime said:
I voted yes. Too good to be true.

Anyone emailed Gabe? That would solve the whole thing....

I would imagine he has a zillion emails, many from proper news sources rather than just curious fans. It's likely he's asleep and unaware of the excitement though since it's only like 4 am or something over in Valveland.
Gabe already has been mailed about this by no less than 500,000 people across the globe. ;)

Still no confirmation. ;(
Lucifer said:
Well..Here at Finland sept 1 is wtf?

Yea in the whole world 1 sept is a wednesday this year. Maybe he is from another world :borg: ?
Sprafa said:
I'm going to e-mail all of Valve...

Did it before you.

I literally emailed everyone concept artists, lead designers, designers, steam folks, marketers, even Gabe himself. :p
Hopefully we should get an e-mail reply now then if you mailed the whole team.
Unless they are still passed out on the florr from getting drunk :)
...and so Gabe sleeps easy in his bed, not aware of the thousands of fans in desperation of the latest big "gold" rumour. The internet is being ravaged by posts wondering if it is true or not. "is it gold!?!" Everyone is in total disarray... Only one man can settle it, and he`s sleeping sound... Gabe...WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
LOL, Steam falls over as Gabe tries to open his email.

I believe it was a genuine post, but would not be surprised or overly disappointed if it it isn't.