Do you think that Gabe's annoucement was fake?


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Kinseek said:
...and so Gabe sleeps easy in his bed, not aware of the thousands of fans in desperation of the latest big "gold" rumour. The internet is being ravaged by posts wondering if it is true or not. "is it gold!?!" Everyone is in total disarray... Only one man can settle it, and he`s sleeping sound... Gabe...WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
LOL :thumbs:
i don't think i really care if its fake or not... Just sick of waiting :(
... VALVe has still not made an announcement, and therefore we can not no yet, as I have been implying all morning!!!
To the guy who said no update on the official site. Well yeah, they don't update like fansites do, regularly.

Anyways, it's probably real. Just because IP is different doesnt mean it can't be Valve from a computer at home, or a laptop elsewhere as suggested.

I mean. these are some rich people. I'm sure they have some disposable laptop dispensers somewhere = P
I it wasn't fake, then VALVe would have commented it by now. It IS fake.
The_Monkey said:
I it wasn't fake, then VALVe would have commented it by now. It IS fake.

Not true. Valve is known to go quiet on lots of important information. Remember last september? A promised september 30th date... and we didn't hear anything until the last couple days!
Have to go with fake also. Can't imagine Gabe announcing a DATE to go gold. If he knew it was that close, I would think he'd wait all of 2 1/2 days and just announce it AS gold on monday.

But you never know. Stranger things have happened :)
Annihilator_91 said:
Nahh.. Are you serious?!

No, i'm lying. This post is just a cover-up for the secret plans for Valve to annhiliate the entire human race, and subsequentely the world. I'll let you in on this only because I like the cut of your jib. :thumbs:
Annihilator_91 said:
ROFL!!! :LOL: LOL!!! :cheese: My kinda humor!

Thanks, i'll be here until release day. Try the burgers, they're great. :cheers:
Its not fake. Its just another delay tactic. We will anonounce it is ready, tell them my account was "hijacked" get another 2 months in sympathy.
Aknot said:
Its not fake. Its just another delay tactic. We will anonounce it is ready, tell them my account was "hijacked" get another 2 months in sympathy.

Nice conspiracy theory!
ok if it's really true that because of any database/server problem all accounts were open to 'hack' (what i read on that site in the replies of users under the news statement), it's fake. Then again, none of this has any meaning whatsoever until someone from valve responds :)

Whatever happens, the preload is going over the world, hl2 will probably be here within a month so patience is a virtue. (and no they'll not make it take another year. I saw gabe say in an interview with the belgium PC Gameplay @ E3 2004 that "THIS SUMMER" we will have half-life 2!!! (and that meant "before the snow falls" according to gabe) ;) If you want me to i could upload that piece of interview in a .avi file somewhere.
I dont mind, it'll go gold soon anyway, wether it's this monday or in 3 weeks...doesn't matter much to me
I'm still pending. :)

But i voted no, because thats what i want to belive. :(
Gold on monday? Not an unlikely scenerio, they supposedly gave Vivendi a release candidate a few weeks back and I am sure they could have had that one returned and sent out another to Vivendi by now. Of course after Vivendi is satisfied with the release candidates that Valve sends them then the game goes gold. So its not an unlikely scenerio.

As for people thinking that Valve or Vivendi will make an official announcement? I don't think any game company usually releases anything official until the game actually does go gold.
Is this message a fake: Yes

Is Half-Life going Gold sometime next week: Yes
It is fake. Why would gabe post something that huge, then a couple hours letter they discredit it saying it wasn't really gabe. I think they feel the more fals hopes people have the more it will tarnish their reputation.
SiNNeR said:
It is fake. Why would gabe post something that huge, then a couple hours letter they discredit it saying it wasn't really gabe. I think they feel the more fals hopes people have the more it will tarnish their reputation.
They discredited it based on his IP address, people have already come up with plausible scenerios to explain that. Its not a false hope at all as long as there is still evidence that can argue that it is real. It may well be fake but right now I wouldn't throw my support behind it being fake or real, there simply isn't enough evidence to make any confimations yet.
I think, that Gabe's annoucement was a fake, because Gabe´s account was hacked and he had write a email, that was a fake.
i think its real. There are plenty of reasons why an ip didn't show up.

1. it sounds like gabe. Short to the point.

2. The timing is right.

3. so far only thing i've seen to point to it not being gabe is no ip address and thats pretty weak.
There should have been an option for "Let's just wait and see". I'd rather wait and see what Valve says.
otomo said:
i think its real. There are plenty of reasons why an ip didn't show up.

1. it sounds like gabe. Short to the point.

2. The timing is right.

3. so far only thing i've seen to point to it not being gabe is no ip address and thats pretty weak.

they made it quite convincing didnt they ;)
It turns out HL2fallout's raw PHP files were up for grabs earlier that day wich contained the SQL passes. With those passes some person has changed Gabes pass and used his account. I'm sorry to say, but it is indeed, fake.
DeltaBlast said:
It turns out HL2fallout's raw PHP files were up for grabs earlier that day wich contained the SQL passes. With those passes some person has changed Gabes pass and used his account. I'm sorry to say, but it is indeed, fake.

I've only been trying to tell people that for the last two hours :p
There is still no official announcement from valve software...:bounce: and that means that you can only prove that it may not be gabe...