do you think these synths..

sry Jintor, i just didn't feel like typing the whole word out when i could press 1 key. ;)

and can you guys be more specific with criticizing my ideas? i'd like to hear other ideas as well

Hey, you're still coming across as a complete idiot. If you want to present yourself that way, it's totally fine.
Congrats soulslicer, looks like that one your thread is alive but... there is a cow in it.
Cows are not funny , they are a serious problem.

Hmm , I guess thats you in a nutshell eh?
darkside55 and greatemporer, u guys r ridunkulous!!!! how dare you spoil the good name of half-life and valve lol!!! saying hunters and striders are the same, or that hunters are the children of striders, who do u think u people are!?!! darkside55, you seem to be filled with much balonies and liez. and greatemperor, u seem to be a little ignorant and stubborn, much like the average american (other than me of course). i can only assume that u 2 are either only trying to confuse these good people with these heretic ideas or that you are joking.

now to my opinions of the obvious truth: i think that hunters and striders could be related in a few possible ways. they could be so closely related that they are the same species on the same planet, but a different genus. emphasis on the genus. however, they could also be so unrelated that they are from a completely different planet in a completely different dimension and that the combine invaded both of their home worlds, so them both having 3 legs are completely random. of course, these are just the boundaries of how distant or closely related they could be, so they could be related in a way between these 2 boundaries. in my opinion, it doesn't really matter how closely they are related as long as it is in these boundaries.

using the methods that u 2 use, i could say, "hey, that monkey has 2 legs and 2 arms just like me, therefore it must be me." or i could say "that monkey kinda looks like me so i must have given birth to it, but its not going to grow up to look like me." of course, this method could also go in the opposite way and could go so far as to say, "i'm white and he's black, therefore we must be a different species." (i'm really sorry if this comment sounded racist, cuz i'm not racist). also, just because hunters and striders both have 3 legs, doesn't mean they look exactly the same. in fact, in my opinion, they look almost nothing alike. the strider has 4 compound eyes underneath on its side, while the hunters have 2 eyes-that obviously aren't compound eyes-high on the front of its face. even their legs with the different joints look different.

darkside55, u mention that the synths can self-replicate. be prepared, cuz what i'm about to do might seem a little complicated to some of you, i'm going to break down the 2 words: self and replicate straight from a dictionary. "self" as in the same or identical. "replicate" as in to repeat, duplicate, or reproduce. put these 2 words together and apply it to half-life and you get: a synth identically reproducing another synth. (just in case someone didn't notice, this wasn't complicated at all).

so after you 2 read this post, i want you to think again about what you have said, and then to consider rebuking your old idiotic ideas and to accept my brilliant idea.

now the rest of you people can stop being confused by these 2 and can get on with your lives knowing the valuable truth.

p.s. i'm not calling you 2 dumb or any other name-just your ideas-so please do not feel offended in any way. cuz im sure you 2 are great people. i just felt inclined to tell you the truth.
p.p.s darkside55, i am calling you baloney, because i await with much impatience to witness you turn into what you really are, deep down inside: bologna... and because i especially didn't like your idea of hunters being baby striders
p.p.p.s. i'm calling those boundaries the "strider-hunter relation boundaries" or the "shr boundaries" in case any of you want to refer to them. please feel free to use them on other threads as well. just be sure to quote me when you explain them.

And you should learn how to spell moron.
And you should learn how to spell moron.

Personally, I can't detect sarcasm let alone enough intelligence to qualify as SENTIENCE.
Maybe we could throw a stick and see if it chases it.

Cows are not funny , they are a serious problem.

Hmm , I guess thats you in a nutshell eh?

Don't be too hard on him, he's just trying to fit in. Yeah, he's probably a little younger than most, and I recognize that he has called out, and oddly insulted a couple people's ideas needlessly, but my reckon is that he's looked over the forum and thought he'd like to join in. He just has to learn, so let's not start throwing needless insults back.

Yes, I get it, some of you are inclined to disagree with me, seeing as we're all 'big boys' and should throw a barrage of lousy comments at some young newb and treat him like trash. But at least make an effort to show some mild form of respect for newcomers.
darkside55 and greatemporer, u guys r ridunkulous!!!! how dare you spoil the good name of half-life and valve lol!!! saying hunters and striders are the same, or that hunters are the children of striders, who do u think u people are!?!! darkside55, you seem to be filled with much balonies and liez. and greatemperor, u seem to be a little ignorant and stubborn, much like the average american (other than me of course). i can only assume that u 2 are either only trying to confuse these good people with these heretic ideas or that you are joking.

now to my opinions of the obvious truth: i think that hunters and striders could be related in a few possible ways. they could be so closely related that they are the same species on the same planet, but a different genus. emphasis on the genus. however, they could also be so unrelated that they are from a completely different planet in a completely different dimension and that the combine invaded both of their home worlds, so them both having 3 legs are completely random. of course, these are just the boundaries of how distant or closely related they could be, so they could be related in a way between these 2 boundaries. in my opinion, it doesn't really matter how closely they are related as long as it is in these boundaries.

using the methods that u 2 use, i could say, "hey, that monkey has 2 legs and 2 arms just like me, therefore it must be me." or i could say "that monkey kinda looks like me so i must have given birth to it, but its not going to grow up to look like me." of course, this method could also go in the opposite way and could go so far as to say, "i'm white and he's black, therefore we must be a different species." (i'm really sorry if this comment sounded racist, cuz i'm not racist). also, just because hunters and striders both have 3 legs, doesn't mean they look exactly the same. in fact, in my opinion, they look almost nothing alike. the strider has 4 compound eyes underneath on its side, while the hunters have 2 eyes-that obviously aren't compound eyes-high on the front of its face. even their legs with the different joints look different.

darkside55, u mention that the synths can self-replicate. be prepared, cuz what i'm about to do might seem a little complicated to some of you, i'm going to break down the 2 words: self and replicate straight from a dictionary. "self" as in the same or identical. "replicate" as in to repeat, duplicate, or reproduce. put these 2 words together and apply it to half-life and you get: a synth identically reproducing another synth. (just in case someone didn't notice, this wasn't complicated at all).

so after you 2 read this post, i want you to think again about what you have said, and then to consider rebuking your old idiotic ideas and to accept my brilliant idea.

now the rest of you people can stop being confused by these 2 and can get on with your lives knowing the valuable truth.

p.s. i'm not calling you 2 dumb or any other name-just your ideas-so please do not feel offended in any way. cuz im sure you 2 are great people. i just felt inclined to tell you the truth.
p.p.s darkside55, i am calling you baloney, because i await with much impatience to witness you turn into what you really are, deep down inside: bologna... and because i especially didn't like your idea of hunters being baby striders
p.p.p.s. i'm calling those boundaries the "strider-hunter relation boundaries" or the "shr boundaries" in case any of you want to refer to them. please feel free to use them on other threads as well. just be sure to quote me when you explain them.

The sad thing is if I joined these forums 4 years ago this is exactly what I would be like.
Don't be too hard on him, he's just trying to fit in. Yeah, he's probably a little younger than most, and I recognize that he has called out, and oddly insulted a couple people's ideas needlessly, but my reckon is that he's looked over the forum and thought he'd like to join in. He just has to learn, so let's not start throwing needless insults back.

Yes, I get it, some of you are inclined to disagree with me, seeing as we're all 'big boys' and should throw a barrage of lousy comments at some young newb and treat him like trash. But at least make an effort to show some mild form of respect for newcomers.

Regardless, I hope "redunkulous" becomes a local meme, like "unpossible". At least the kid will leave behind a legacy, instead of just tears. ;)
Don't be too hard on him, he's just trying to fit in. Yeah, he's probably a little younger than most, and I recognize that he has called out, and oddly insulted a couple people's ideas needlessly, but my reckon is that he's looked over the forum and thought he'd like to join in. He just has to learn, so let's not start throwing needless insults back.

Yes, I get it, some of you are inclined to disagree with me, seeing as we're all 'big boys' and should throw a barrage of lousy comments at some young newb and treat him like trash. But at least make an effort to show some mild form of respect for newcomers.

He must be perfect straight off! People who are not are never fully accepted within this community!
Oh noes! Little kid trolling once or twice on hl2 forums = SERIOUS BUSINESS
Oh noes! Little kid trolling once or twice on hl2 forums = SERIOUS BUSINESS

I do not agree , serious business would be super-mega-mutant-t-rexes(tm) invading , also they are from space and shoot lasers from their butts.
I do not agree , serious business would be super-mega-mutant-t-rexes(tm) invading , also they are from space and shoot lasers from their butts.

THOSE = serious fuxxing business. Laser shitting is also a serious health issue, to the laser shooter, and the one who the laser is being shot at.
This thread is fantastic. I don't think I'll ever need TV again.


