Do you think weed is ok?

Do you think weed is ok?

  • No

    Votes: 43 41.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 60 58.3%

  • Total voters
Thats to burner69- hes mad at me because I referred to weed as the gateway drug when he doesnt think it is. And I was just saying that its a title people use.
f|uke said:
Ephedrine?! Oh man. Sure its killed a few people who took way too much of it. But 'unbelievably dangerous and deadly'? How about mushrooms or hemlock? Theres some natural killers for you.
How are mushrooms killers? It takes like 20 pounds to O.D. , isn't addictive in any way and really has no proven long term side effects.
brink's said:
How are mushrooms killers? It takes like 20 pounds to O.D. , isn't addictive in any way and really has no proven long term side effects.

The wrong ones can kill you. So can too much of a certain type of right one.
WySiWyG said:
Idiot. You have no idea what your on about.

LOL, geez. lighten up. I was just messing around. I thought he was talking about the fact that Skunk is just a different name for weed, like a brand name. So I was joking around saying you were a slave to marketing.

So please, lighten up, don't get so defensive.
brink's said:
How are mushrooms killers? It takes like 20 pounds to O.D. , isn't addictive in any way and really has no proven long term side effects.

I think he's talking about actual mushrooms. You know, the kind that grow in forests? Many are deadly to eat.
Hercules331 said:
Thats to burner69- hes mad at me because I referred to weed as the gateway drug when he doesnt think it is. And I was just saying that its a title people use.

Care to back up your claim that weed is a gateway drug then?

Or do you mind if I make passing comments about weed without backing them up?

Weed makes your penis grow.

Cannabis makes you pull more girls.

Not smoking cannabis is linked to death, rape, and murder.
Of course the wrong type of shroom can kill you, but eating psilocybin and/or psilocin shrooms really won't do anything but make you tired for the next 24hrs.
Yeah sorry, its not the gateway drug, I had a brain fart when creating this topic, my deepest apologies
XD Its ironic, there are more threads here about pot than at the other forum i go to.. which is a pot forum.. (
How about all the people who thinks weed is for losers vs the losers in a friendly game of tdm?

Then we'll see who the losers are.

Can we please stay on the topic of weed and weed only. No other drugs i.e.- shrooms. Thank you
Man Made Beer, God made Weed, Who do you trust :eek:

"weed" and "skunk" are just dried non fertilised femail marijuana plant flowers

not leaves

The drying is either done by hanging the " Buds" upside down with sum paper underneath if nething falls or in v hot room or some kind of drier

Not really any unnatural processing on the other hand Dont touch hash with a barge pole cos that stuff is rather dodgy
burner69 said:
Care to back up your claim that weed is a gateway drug then?

Well. I'm not the one you're talking to, and i'm feeling too lazy to try to dig up evidence.

But common sense tells me that somebody who does no drugs at all, is far less likely to go onto harder drugs than somebody who already dabbles in one drug such as marijuana. Also, i've heard from users that the effect of the weed lessens the more and more you use it, so that you need to use more and more. Naturally, many people might, instead of purchasing more and more to get the same high, move on to different drugs that require far less amounts for a much greater high.
Joims said:
Man Made Beer, God made Weed, Who do you trust :eek:

"weed" and "skunk" are just dried non fertilised femail marijuana plant flowers

not leaves

The drying is either done by hanging the " Buds" upside down with sum paper underneath if nething falls or in v hot room or some kind of drier

Not really any unnatural processing on the other hand Dont touch hash with a barge pole cos that stuff is rather dodgy

That has to be the best post so far. Maybe not so much the god part, but very good post man.
WySiWyG said:
That has to be the best post so far. Maybe not so much the god part, but very good post man.

The original form of alcohol was all natural too. Wine is made by fermented grapes.
Actually God didnt make weed, he made the Marijuana plant. We made it into weed.
Anything that ferments can become alcoholic, so man really made beer and weed by just turning something God made into something a lil different.
Raziaar said:
Well. I'm not the one you're talking to, and i'm feeling too lazy to try to dig up evidence.

But common sense tells me that somebody who does no drugs at all, is far less likely to go onto harder drugs than somebody who already dabbles in one drug such as marijuana. Also, i've heard from users that the effect of the weed lessens the more and more you use it, so that you need to use more and more. Naturally, many people might, instead of purchasing more and more to get the same high, move on to different drugs that require far less amounts for a much greater high.
"Unlike alchool, which the body eliminates within hours, THC and its byproducts linger in the body for a month or more. Thus, contrary to the usual tolerance phenomenon, regular users may achieve a high with smaller amounts of the drug." -2004 AP Psychology Textbook
I took AP Psychology in 2004 and didnt read anything about that. Except that the human body naturally builds tolerances to many things, i.e. alcohol and drugs
Hercules331 said:
Actually God didnt make weed, he made the Marijuana plant. We made it into weed.

Raziaar said:
The original form of alcohol was all natural too. Wine is made by fermented grapes.

Can't be arsed with this..
Hercules331 said:
I took AP Psychology in 2004 and didnt read anything about that. Except that the human body naturally builds tolerances to many things, i.e. alcohol and drugs
Yea, it says that, but it also points out that THC is an exception.
Ikerous said:
"Unlike alchool, which the body eliminates within hours, THC and its byproducts linger in the body for a month or more. Thus, contrary to the usual tolerance phenomenon, regular users may achieve a high with smaller amounts of the drug." -2004 AP Psychology Textbook

Yes, but that still doesn't address the claim by my friends who have smoked the stuff who said that they feel less and less of a high each time they use it, ESPECIALLY if they used it heavily.
weed, recreationally, is bad as far as I can see. Here are my points:

- it deteriorates your health. if you do it once a week, it's still bad. i know it's not something extremely terrible - I've never heard anyone die of weed or get cancer from weed - but it still affects your lungs somewhat (you're not as athletic as before).
- from my knowledge, all those who do weed regularly (once a week or more), are total losers. they get low marks in school and have no future since all they wish to do is smoke weed everyday. hopefully, there are exceptions but I have not come across one. (Snoop Dogg, Green Day, and Bill "I smoked but did not inhale" Clinton are very special cases).
- weed marks a low point in your life and weak character. try to learn something new or better youself instead of smoking.
- weed is not really a gate-way drug and not very addictive but many people do form a habit. most of my friends who started doing it planned to control it and not allow it to affect their life. none held their promise. everyone of them does it more than once a week, and it wastes their money/life.

Therefore, weed just spoils your life, money, and future. I'm very open-minded and interested in hearing your opposing arguments.
^^^ Good points, but its funny how your avatar is of Lil Jon who is one of the biggest tokers out there lol
No its not okay, when my cuz gets home after smoking the shit he starts up with my aunt and stuff, it ain't cool what he says...
Weed is fine, but I dont think it should be legal. Aside from the point of how your giving legitimacy to horrible people, I like the way it gets regulated now. Smoking a little weed cant get you in to much trouble, but if you smoke it to much and get caught the government will MAKE you quit. Well, they try. But thats a different problem all together.
Hercules331 said:
^^^ Good points, but its funny how your avatar is of Lil Jon who is one of the biggest tokers out there lol

Actually, half of his points are horrible. It's the same stupid crap like "Why don't you do something else instead of taking drugs" and "Drugs are for losers and weaklings".

It's so pathetic that it's not really worth refuting for the 1000th time.
Absinthe said:
Actually, half of his points are horrible. It's the same stupid crap like "Why don't you do something else instead of taking drugs" and "Drugs are for losers and weaklings".

It's so pathetic that it's not really worth refuting for the 1000th time.

Well if you could give us some intelligant reasons as to why he is wrong then i would say "Good point" to you too...
Raziaar said:
Yes, but that still doesn't address the claim by my friends who have smoked the stuff who said that they feel less and less of a high each time they use it, ESPECIALLY if they used it heavily.
As any heavy user knows, all it takes is a week of abstaining to balance that out, at which point you can get properly stoned. Its not like coke where youre eternally 'chasing the dragon'. You just need to not be high for a sufficent amount of time in order to get high again.
f|uke said:
More people die skiing. Are you against skiing?

Now there's a combo I like. Nothin' better than taking a one-hitter into the back country.
I know more people that have dropped out of college because they spent do much time smoking weed than I can count on both hands, Weed will destroy your life if you let it become a regular part of it. That said, smoking once in a while really cant hurt. I smoke at parties a 4 or 5 times a semester, and I do fine. In fact, I dont know anyone who doesn't from time to time smoke a little weed. But my buddy who buys and smokes all the time just failed all of his classes last semester. And a friend of a friend was just killed while driving stoned with his girlfriend.

Weed has the capasity to destroy your life. Its bad for your mind, its bad for your body, but with moderation and responsibility its not going to hurt you. Just like alchihol, except that nobody smokes without getting high.
I could equally count a large number of people who dropped out of college who don't smoke weed, and an even larger number who went on to uni - but smoked weed - like me.

Time and time again studies have been done into this matter and most hacve come up with the conclusion; college drop outs smoke dope because it suits their lifestyle, they don't start smoking weed then start f**king up their lives.

And yes, THC, the active element in pot is different from beer. The more you smoke, the less high you get. If you're smoking everyday you'll simply stop getting high - and only an idiot would carry on. If you limit yourself to once or twice a week, or even once or twice a month, you'll get a better high when you do it.

Herc, what intelligent reasons do you want? If I called you a loser how would you respond? We've been called wasters, losers, people who deserve to die, weak-minded etc etc, all based on myths, lies, and scare tactics - if someone, like Raziaar, comes along and tries at a reasonable debate, without immediately going for insults because they don't have any facts to show, then we'll try responding.

And homer, your last point is spot on. Weed, like anything, is bad if done too much.
The_Monkey said:
Weed, just like tobacco, kills, so no.
Except that it doesnt.
DoctorGordon said:
I say "no". Self-destructive, weak people use drugs…useless people. But these people should continue using drugs that way they eliminate themselves quicker.
Youre an asshole.
Raziaar said:
Also, i've heard from users that the effect of the weed lessens the more and more you use it, so that you need to use more and more.
Thc tolerance is only a short term thing, not permanent, which is why it cant be described as an addictive drug despite rarely causing withdrawals. After a couple of weeks of non smoking at the most, even for very heavy users, tolerance should be back to normal.
Ikerous said:
"Unlike alchool, which the body eliminates within hours, THC and its byproducts linger in the body for a month or more. Thus, contrary to the usual tolerance phenomenon, regular users may achieve a high with smaller amounts of the drug." -2004 AP Psychology Textbook
That sounds quite misleading. A month or more is only after heavy usage for a long time and even then the metabolites are inactive.
nick_t said:
- it deteriorates your health. if you do it once a week, it's still bad. i know it's not something extremely terrible - I've never heard anyone die of weed or get cancer from weed - but it still affects your lungs somewhat (you're not as athletic as before).
It can cause bronchitis in a worst case scenario, but remember you can eat, drink or vapourise weed.
nick_t said:
- from my knowledge, all those who do weed regularly (once a week or more), are total losers. they get low marks in school and have no future since all they wish to do is smoke weed everyday. hopefully, there are exceptions but I have not come across one. (Snoop Dogg, Green Day, and Bill "I smoked but did not inhale" Clinton are very special cases).
nick_t said:
- weed marks a low point in your life and weak character.
nick_t said:
many people do form a habit.
True but they only make up a small percentage of users
nick_t said:
Therefore, weed just spoils your life, money, and future.
homer said:
Weed will destroy your life if you let it become a regular part of it.
You really shouldnt say things that a single example to the contrary will disprove.
burner69 said:
I could equally count a large number of people who dropped out of college who don't smoke weed, and an even larger number who went on to uni - but smoked weed - like me.

Time and time again studies have been done into this matter and most hacve come up with the conclusion; college drop outs smoke dope because it suits their lifestyle, they don't start smoking weed then start f**king up their lives.

And yes, THC, the active element in pot is different from beer. The more you smoke, the less high you get. If you're smoking everyday you'll simply stop getting high - and only an idiot would carry on. If you limit yourself to once or twice a week, or even once or twice a month, you'll get a better high when you do it.

Herc, what intelligent reasons do you want? If I called you a loser how would you respond? We've been called wasters, losers, people who deserve to die, weak-minded etc etc, all based on myths, lies, and scare tactics - if someone, like Raziaar, comes along and tries at a reasonable debate, without immediately going for insults because they don't have any facts to show, then we'll try responding.

And homer, your last point is spot on. Weed, like anything, is bad if done too much.

Drugs such as weed cause health problems...and cause serious stupity. There is absolutely 0 reason to take them.

You are weak.

See, Its entirely possible to develop a "mental high" on your own, without drugs.