Do you think weed is ok?

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Do you think weed is ok?

  • No

    Votes: 43 41.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 60 58.3%

  • Total voters
DoctorGordon said:
You are weak.
DoctorGordon said:
I say "no". Self-destructive, weak people use drugs…useless people. But these people should continue using drugs that way they eliminate themselves quicker.
You are a judgemental prick, Gordon.

Were the Beatles useless people? How about President Bush,. is he useless?
DoctorGordon said:
Drugs such as weed cause health problems...and cause serious stupity.

Facts? Or your ignorance?

There is absolutely 0 reason to take them.

How about my recreation? Oh, snap. I guess that's not cool enough. Apparently, only physical activities are socially acceptable.

You are weak.

You are arrogant. GTFOMP.

See, Its entirely possible to develop a "mental high" on your own, without drugs.

Okay, you go ahead and do that for yourself then. I'll be smoking weed with my friends and having a good time.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Only because he is missinformed. :p Be nice.
No excuse :dozey: Its one thing to say 'drugs are bad'.. quite another to tell half the forum members here that we're useless people that deserve to die.

**edit, i take that back,. over half, judging by the poll.
DoctorGordon said:
Drugs such as weed cause health problems...and cause serious stupity. There is absolutely 0 reason to take them.

You are weak.

See, Its entirely possible to develop a "mental high" on your own, without drugs.
I am currently in a well known Canadian university studying Computer Science. I have done weed on a few occasions and noticed no negative effects after 10 hours of doing it.

I have done weed both before and after getting into university. It has had zero negative effects on me in the long term. I havn't hurt anyone while I was doing it because I was only around other people who were also doing it at the same time as me.

I first did it because I knew I wouldn't get addicted, it wouldn't have any long term problems if used in moderation, and I wanted to see what it was like. After that I have done it because to me it was kind of like candy, I enjoy it but it isn't addictive or cause any real problems when taken in moderation. By the way, the closest way you can get to having a "natural" mental high is if you are in a room with a bunch of friends and a somewhat lower percentage of oxygen in the air than normal, and even that doesn't get closed to describing the high you get from weed.

Am I weak physically? Well no I am definately above average in physical strength and endurance. Am I weak mentally? Well I am in university, living on my own in university residence, confident in my abilities, possesing a relatively high self esteem, and I know what I want to do in life.

Heck both my parents admited to me that they did weed at least once before I moved away. My mom has a masters degree in mechanical engineering and my Dad has a PhD also in mechanical engineering.

Weed is not a gateway drug, and it isn't some sort of demon drug like cocain is. It was made illegal in the 60's (I belive) by the government using what is now considered really bad science. Since then it has been painted with the same brush as all the hard drugs and as a result is considered a terrible thing to do when in reality it is no worse than tobacco or alcohal.
DoctorGordon said:
Drugs such as weed cause health problems...and cause serious stupity. There is absolutely 0 reason to take them.

You are weak.

See, Its entirely possible to develop a "mental high" on your own, without drugs.

You sir, are a prick.

I'll address your points one by one.

1. Drugs cause health problems.
True, as does eating bread, driving cars, farting etc.

First, the record on marijuana encompasses 5,000 years of human experience. Second, marijuana is now used daily by enormous numbers of people throughout the world. Estimates suggest that from twenty million to fifty million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible medical reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death.

By contrast aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year.

Should everything that's bad for you be made illegal? If I take flu a flu rememdy am I a weak person? Because it can be dangerous to my health, and dosen't really do anything other than make me feel better.

2. There are 0 reasons to take them.
Lie. You've just lied, as usual, to try and push your anti-drugs message across. If there was no reason to take cannabis, or indeed any drug, why have more than 50% of the UK done so? Why are there 3million regular users of e in Britain. Of course all these people are weak and did it for no reason whatsoever.

Try listening to people who've tried drugs, rather than just making up BS assumptions based on nothing.
When I'm high I have an increased sense of music - I'll enjoy listening to it a lot more, get goosebumps more often.
When I'm writing I find it much easier to get inspiration.
When I'm with friends I often find that we end up talking about much deeper, more personal things than we would do otherwise.

If there was no point in doing drugs, no one would do them.

3. You are weak.
No, I have made the conscious decision to smoke a relatively safe drug to get high once in a while. I like to mess with my consciousness, because you have a lot of fun, and learn a lot about yourself doing it.

Explain how I am weak, and you are strong - for just buying into anything the government tells you, which is often exageratted or just a lie, and having to resort to insults to make your belief known. Explain it, please.

4. It's possible to develop a mental high without drugs.
True. I do it a lot. I'm learning the guitar at the moment, and when I crack a tune I get a mental high. I go out with my friends once in a while to some big clubs, I drink (which is technically a drug) but don't always get drunk - and have a great mental high havin a rave. I'm reading Alex Garland's THE BEACH at the moment, great book - mental high if you will.
You have to go around calling people weak to get a high. Says a lot about you really.
However I assure you that no matter how much reading, guitaring, dancing, sky diving etc I do - I'll never trip out and see funny little elves dancing about, I'll never collpase into fits of giggles for extended periods of time, I'll never spend an hour staring at a lava lamp considering the meaning of existence, and the delicatness of life. That is only realistically possible through drugs. If I started doing it normally I'd be going insane - simple as that. Drugs let you taste another form of reality for a few hours - something only they can do.
burner69 said:
Hmmm :dozey:
lol. :laugh: I figured with a reactionary attitude like that hes probably a Republican. Yah, Bush is pretty worthless as a human being.
f|uke said:
lol. :laugh: I figured with a reactionary attitude like that hes probably a Republican. Yah, Bush is pretty worthless as a human being.

No! He's a weak, useless, stupid, weak, lazy, weak, weak, evil, weak, horrible man.

War in Iraq? No.
Ignoring pollution? No.
Tax cuts for the rich? No.

He did drugs once! Arrrrgh evil, weak man! Worthless, quick kill him!

burner69 said:
3. You are weak.
No, I have made the conscious decision to smoke a relatively safe drug to get high once in a while. I like to mess with my consciousness, because you have a lot of fun, and learn a lot about yourself doing it.

Explain how I am weak, and you are strong - for just buying into anything the government tells you, which is often exageratted or just a lie, and having to resort to insults to make your belief known. Explain it, please.

Drugs are an easy way out to have fun. If you don't do it regularly, I can't call you weak but many people seek it as their primary source of enjoyment. They have a weak character and see drugs as their way out of (and not solution to) many problems . I just don't see why you have to put something in your body that powerful to have enjoyment.

P.S. read the poem Kubla Kahn by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was written while he was high on opium, which was often prescribed for illnesses at the time.
burner69 said:
He did drugs once! Arrrrgh evil, weak man! Worthless, quick kill him!
I'm sure it was more then once ;)
I've smoked weed daily for like 5 years. Have done Uni. I have a good job. A good car. A ****ing fit girlfriend (for 6 years) . Lots of friends. And I swim 3 times a week. Just started up my own company and am very happy with my life.

Do I sound like a lazy retard loser who deserves to die?

The reason these debates turn into 'your a ****ing prick' is because of the narrowminded comments you people spout. You all generalize and have little basis for your arguments.
Just read my signature, it really sums up my feelings on drugs in general.

One of the greatest writers of the second-half of the twentieth century in my opinion, and at the same time a man usually twisted on every drug known to modern science.
Do we really need another pot topic? This is just like the last one plus a poll, we have the arrogant guys saying drugs are for the weak, I am smart and noone liked me in school so to make up for it I have developed a superiority complex. We have the regular guys who are against it for all sorts of reasons (some valid, some not). then we have the people who are for it for some valid and invalid reasons. This is similar to an abortion debate minus the rage, you aren't going to make anyone "See the light"
A ****ing fit girlfriend (for 6 years)

Heh, what's it matter that she's fit?

I'd sooner say I have a great girlfriend than a fit girlfriend.
burner69 said:
You sir, are a prick.

I'll address your points one by one.

1. Drugs cause health problems.
True, as does eating bread, driving cars, farting etc.

Should everything that's bad for you be made illegal? If I take flu a flu rememdy am I a weak person? Because it can be dangerous to my health, and dosen't really do anything other than make me feel better.

2. There are 0 reasons to take them.
Lie. You've just lied, as usual, to try and push your anti-drugs message across. If there was no reason to take cannabis, or indeed any drug, why have more than 50% of the UK done so? Why are there 3million regular users of e in Britain. Of course all these people are weak and did it for no reason whatsoever.

Try listening to people who've tried drugs, rather than just making up BS assumptions based on nothing.
When I'm high I have an increased sense of music - I'll enjoy listening to it a lot more, get goosebumps more often.
When I'm writing I find it much easier to get inspiration.
When I'm with friends I often find that we end up talking about much deeper, more personal things than we would do otherwise.

If there was no point in doing drugs, no one would do them.

3. You are weak.
No, I have made the conscious decision to smoke a relatively safe drug to get high once in a while. I like to mess with my consciousness, because you have a lot of fun, and learn a lot about yourself doing it.

Explain how I am weak, and you are strong - for just buying into anything the government tells you, which is often exageratted or just a lie, and having to resort to insults to make your belief known. Explain it, please.

4. It's possible to develop a mental high without drugs.
True. I do it a lot. I'm learning the guitar at the moment, and when I crack a tune I get a mental high. I go out with my friends once in a while to some big clubs, I drink (which is technically a drug) but don't always get drunk - and have a great mental high havin a rave. I'm reading Alex Garland's THE BEACH at the moment, great book - mental high if you will.
You have to go around calling people weak to get a high. Says a lot about you really.
However I assure you that no matter how much reading, guitaring, dancing, sky diving etc I do - I'll never trip out and see funny little elves dancing about, I'll never collpase into fits of giggles for extended periods of time, I'll never spend an hour staring at a lava lamp considering the meaning of existence, and the delicatness of life. That is only realistically through drugs. If I started doing it normally I'd be going insane - simple as that. Drugs let you taste another form of reality for a few hours - something only they can do.

You madam, are unconscious.

1. Lets stay within the realm of relativity. Also, I think all drugs should be legal, not illegal; if you wish to annihilate yourself, very well.

2. You can accomplish that all on your own; drugs are needless unless you are weak and searching for the "quick way out". Your point is invalid because you are under the influence now. Also, you are assuming I’m making assumptions.

3. Again, you are self-destructive. You may “learn a lot about yourself”, but your brain gets fried in the process. Life is an experience, and you should try things once at least (applies to almost everything), but not when the results inhibit your ability to experience more.

I am not the focus of this subject; the subject is drugs, I don’t do drugs, you do drugs. Also, I don’t do governments. Authority is stupid.

4. (A.) Why go to a rave when you can go to a tango?

(B.) A standard day to me….staring into the wall or LCD…pondering existence, or laughing at some random thing….such as a plate of waffles. Have you ever stopped to wonder how drugs make you “taste another form of reality”? Maybe then you might recognize why they turn you into a bot. While on the subject of “bots”, I advise reading the third section (Why Are We Conscious?): very valid.

You have to understand all the power you want is in your mind. Want “fits of giggles”? Make yourself amused then. Want to be happy? Make yourself happy. Drugs are not required. Any emotion or feeling can occur at the wave of a hand.

Oh and, a lot of great people have done drugs…and why although I may respect their work, I still find them weak for their lack of insight and consciousness.

Oh and…I am not being unjustifiably confident.

Again, by doing any of these drugs, you are going for the “quick way out”, which is the sign of weakness itself.

My point is any state of mind can be accomplished without any drugs.

I’m done in here. Now I advise being mindful of these proposals, as they are intended to help you.
DarkStar said:
Does "fit" mean "hot?"

she could look like this

DoctorGordon said:
Oh and…I am not being unjustifiably confident.


1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak. See Synonyms at proud.

DoctorGordon said:
I’m done in here. Now I advise being mindful of these proposals, as they are intended to help you.
get over yourself you sanctimonious moron.
DoctorGordon said:
You madam, are unconscious.
Love how you start out with the insults. As for your comments that 'any state of mind can be achived without drugs', how would you know what states of mind are achived with drugs if you have never tried them? You cant, and you dont.

Drugs are unnessisary, yes, but so is playing videogames.

Pot does not damage the brain. At all. And trying it does not inhibit anyones ability to experience more. Thats ridiculously contradictory.

You are unjustifiably judgemental and arrogant, DoctorGordon. You clearly want to feel better then us, which is apparently your primary motive. IMO you have been brainwashed by the system, and believe the lies they're telling you. You're a tool, but moreso, youre an insensitive jerk. And I may have smoked pot, but at least I still love and respect all people who do not harm others.

I’m done in here. Now I advise being mindful of these proposals, as they are intended to help you.
:laugh: Riiiiiiiight.

Oh, and your comic is juvinile and not funny in the slightest.
The idea that weed makes you stupid is ignorance at best. Some of the brightest people I know smoke weed. Using this evidence, I could hypothetically argue that weed makes you smarter.
KagePrototype said:
The idea that weed makes you stupid is ignorance at best. Some of the brightest people I know smoke weed. Using this evidence, I could hypothetically argue that weed makes you smarter.

Heh. Most of the stupidest people I know smoke pot.
Raziaar said:
Heh. Most of the stupidest people I know smoke pot.

I know alot of smart people who smoke ganj, and alot of dumbasses that smoke ganj.
WySiWyG said:
So witty. How did I know that was coming.

Dont get me wrong, I never said smokeing = unsucessful I just felt like using my increasingly shitty photoshop "sk1llz" to massacre someones head onto a lingerie model.

fyi your actually a pretty good scout for women, i'd bag her head and tap it. :cat:
babyheadcrab said:
I just felt like using my increasingly shitty photoshop "sk1llz" to massacre someones head onto a lingerie model.
And the results were quite disturbing. Please, please, dont ever link to that picture again. :x
f|uke said:
And the results were quite disturbing. Please, please, dont ever link to that picture again. :x

Yes sir

babyheadcrab said:
Dont get me wrong, I never said smokeing = unsucessful I just felt like using my increasingly shitty photoshop "sk1llz" to massacre someones head onto a lingerie model.

Heh, any excuse. At least you spent time thinking about your post and have a valid reason for it. More than can be said for some.
Weed is not okay for me. I do not want people asking me to smoke it, nor do I want people smoking it around me. If they want to smoke away from me though, who am I to stop them really?

I think there are definately stories of it being a gateway drug, but many are pushed strongly, and in reality a very small minority of actual smokers. The fact is though, we shouldn't be putting more drugs in the hands of irresponsible people.

It really is a mixed bag, very much like alcohol.
this threat is going nowhere since most people just state unconvincing opinions. you need facts and concrete examples to make a persuasive point. if you say that pot harms you, back it up with a fact! if you say smart people do pot, back it up with a fact! no one cares about vague opinions; use some arguments in your discussion.
Check it: A Canadian Medical Association study on the effects of marijuana on mental acuity

Everyone in the study had been subjected to IQ tests between the ages of nine and twelve. They subjected this crew to follow-up IQ tests to see how their lifetime use of marijuana might have affected their IQ. They found that the non-tokers IQ's stayed the same or went up slightly. The light tokers had an average IQ increase of five points, more than the non-tokers. The heavy users had suffered an IQ loss of about four points.

The study further found that after abstaining from weed for three months the differences between the three groups' IQ levels disappeared.

Heres an excerpt:
CMAJ said:
Although there was no overall difference in IQ difference score between former users and non-users, a subgroup of former users, those who had used at least 5 joints per week (heavy use), was analyzed separately; again, there was no significant difference relative to non-users (t-test, p = 0.7). This lack of a negative impact among the former heavy users is striking, as they had smoked, on average, an estimated 5793 joints over 3.2 years

Pot does not have negative effects on the brain. Case closed!