Do You Use Words Like "PWN" Or "N00B" In Real Life?

Suicide42 said:
Very, very occasionally I'll let out an "uber" or "owned", at which point one of my friends (usually Sulkdodds) slaps me.
"uber" isn't REALLY proper geeky net speak. It's German, after all and I know loads of (non-computery) people who use it.
I say pwned or owned sometimes as a joke, and I do get a strange compulsion to say lol sometimes.
Bad things, if you're any indication.
Yeah, I use the word owned all the time when something bad happens to someone.
duffers20 said:
I only use them very occasionally in a joking way.

Same. A lot of the emo/goths who spend all their time on things like MySpace and LiveJournal around here use words like that. Same goes for "teh". Blurring the boundaries of internetz and RL z0mg.
Do I use words like "pwn" or "noob" in real life?

The only one I really use outside of the Internet is "own", but even then, not to any large extent.

On the other hand, due to a few close online friends (you know who you are), I tend to say AWESOME and EXTREME alot. And I get tempted to say zooooooooooooooooomj.

-Angry Lawyer
Me and my mates use these words when being stupid.
Owned, pwned, noob, boon, 'oh em gee!!', 'dubleyoo tee eff?', 'teh', and everyone's favourite suffix, '-z0rs'. I don't know how this came about. I'm not even a remotely '1337 g4m0r' and I've never considered myself one. And I barely play online games!

I think it can be traced back to a funny flash animation, featuring the stereotypical CS geekz0r. Yes that's probably it. In any case, it sounds comical in slightly camp way, baffles adults, and is understood by all of us - so why not? :)

Actually my mum has started saying 'noob' now. Maybe this has gone too far.

On another note: who here says pwn as 'pawn'? I think that sounds shit. We have a local south london variant, 'poon' - sounds so much funnier, try it today :D
I sometimes use noob, though only with my mates. I say poon too :thumbs: I say what the fcuk
el Chi said:
"uber" isn't REALLY proper geeky net speak. It's German, after all and I know loads of (non-computery) people who use it.
Yeah, a lot of people I know use 'uber' :)

I don't actually use anything netspeak wise come to think of it..
I use them, but not all the time. Only around my l33t friends.

Do you guys pronounce pwn powned or owned? I usually pronounce it powned.
no i don't

unless i'm drunk...but then i only use them in the ironic sense of me knowing they are words of gay