Do you want Firearms Source?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bruce02
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Firearms Source?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 25 41.0%

  • Total voters
Any mod they can find and convert it to source is fine with me, I say go for it. Plus I really liked that mod.
never liked the mod. game play was too clumsy and weapon system too complicated.
As much as I loved FA in the old days (later releases just seemed to make the game successively less fun in my eyes) I'd rather see something closer to a FA2 than a FA:S- ultimately, remaking much of the game from scratch to take advantage of the Source engine's capabilities. Unlikely to happen, mind.
If it were the old FA yes, but the new one no. I believe Mazor, the one who butchered the game, is making a mod called Jungle Mist.
I love Firearms!. I am/was like the biggest fan ever of that mod. I played it for roughly 2 years until I finally moved on to other games. I got really good at it, (when HL was still on WON) said I was in the top 10% of the world for that mod. I loved that sometimes teamwork was needed while other times it was just run-n-gun. If you were skilled enough, you could make any weapon deadly leading to tons of combinations of armor/weapons. The sheer variety!!

I realllllllllly hope they port to HL2 or at make Firearms : Source.
No thanks, I'd rather have TS on source

Always seemed meh, nothing special about it.
I tried FireAarms once, didnt like it all that much. I'd try it in souce and probably feel the same. No harm done with it though. Aslong as it keeps some people happy!
I personaly want some NEW mods and gameplay ideas.
i dont like the mod. but hell why not, ill play it at least for an hour.