Do you watch porn?

Do you enjoy good ol' porn?

  • Yes i love it! downloading some right now!

    Votes: 22 26.8%
  • its ok time to time, its an occassional thing

    Votes: 47 57.3%
  • i might try watching some once in a blue moon, but usually no

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • i find it disgusting and degrading, i would never consider even glancing at it!

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
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Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'm just curious as to who watches the porn around here lol. Not sure if many people do but i'm guessing alot probably will now and then. I do occassionally. Anyways, even if u dont reply, at least vote honestly.
I do occassionally.

Nothing wrong with a bit of mouth love o_O
EDIT- I'm not gonna lie. I do download a lot. :cheers:
Anybody who claims not to is lying or just hasn't had the chance.
Nah, you'll find hardcore brainwas.. I mean religious types ( ahem ) would of been "trained" to believe it's bad or something :)
celebrities are ok ;) but grannie, shemale and children porns, which pop up like 1000 times on some websites are disgusting. :x
You know using Admin Panel I can see who voted.

nah, nice to see a community being so honest actually :)
just as i suspected. no-one has voted for the no options. we are a bunch of pervs aren't we? i watch a bit of porn every now and then if i haven't had any in a while.
Porn was made to be watched:D

Nah, sometimes it can be funny, and hell, it is arousing, so why not not watch it, you know.

But i dont watch it 24/7, becasue it gets boring after awhile.:dozey:
yeah i remember when i was just discovering what a woman was and i'd spend ages staring at boobs then all of a sudden i just couldn't look at another girl's chest cos i was so sick of the sight of em. now i'm normal though. still can't keep my eyes off them. :eek:
lol yeah, i remember first time i figured out how to download it when i was a just a wee lad. I had like a 12 hour movie marathon haha. But i guess i've settled down a bit now :cheese: my gf enjoys watchin it too so now and then we watch it hehe :afro:
lol yea i watch porn like theres no tomorrow..its only natural so i remember when i was at my uncle's house for a weekend and i didnt know shit about computers but i started dling all this porn and it ended up under the start menu T_T...i was like uhh oh shit and they are hardcore christians so yea...
I only watch hentai, I always feel guilty watching real porn, those poor children...

What? Since when is kiddy porn not a laughing matter?
wups...just vosted the top 1, I ment the 2nd one :eek:

lol look at us lot, we ALL love porn, not 1 vote for no lol
Originally posted by mchammer75040
lol yea i watch porn like theres no tomorrow..its only natural so i remember when i was at my uncle's house for a weekend and i didnt know shit about computers but i started dling all this porn and it ended up under the start menu T_T...i was like uhh oh shit and they are hardcore christians so yea...

haha yeah thats gotta suck. That brought up a good point, anybody here been caught for lookin at it when they weren't supposed to? A few years back my dad found some ahem controban on the computer, and i gotta say, getting that chat has to be the most awkward position u can be in. U guys know what i mean?
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
haha yeah thats gotta suck. That brought up a good point, anybody here been caught for lookin at it when they weren't supposed to? A few years back my dad found some ahem controban on the computer, and i gotta say, getting that chat has to be the most awkward position u can be in. U guys know what i mean?

lol, I havent had that chat yet, i'm to smooth and cool to get caught :cool:
never happend, i'm just too damn careful. Ever been caught in the act?
i sure do, lol when i was wee age of 12, my mom found a video on the comp and opened it cause i renamed it, it was rly-rly-rly bad :(
I've watched some of those creations of the adult entertainment industry before, but I definitely prefer to have sex with someone I became intimate with.

It's mostly for people who can't have sex with a real person and need to relief themselves through masturbation, for one reason or another.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
haha yeah thats gotta suck. That brought up a good point, anybody here been caught for lookin at it when they weren't supposed to? A few years back my dad found some ahem controband on the computer, and i gotta say, getting that chat has to be the most awkward position u can be in. U guys know what i mean?

Ive never really gotten into anything like that, my parents have always been really open about sex(at times more than i wish they were lol eww). But my uncle and aunt tried their damnist to make me feel bad for having natural urges, ugh hate them. :flame:
Yeah, porn is nice. Though it does get boring after a while:dozey:

And no, I've never been caught. Guess I've gotten way to good at covering my tracks after all this time :p =)
Originally posted by nietzsche
I've watched some of those creations of the adult entertainment industry before, but I definitely prefer to have sex with someone I became intimate with.

It's mostly for people who can't have sex with a real person and need to relief themselves through masturbation, for one reason or another.

I live with my girlfriend, and I watch porn. Sometimes we watch it together.

I know you said "mostly", but all the guys with girlfriends I know watch porn from time to time.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
I live with my girlfriend, and I watch porn. Sometimes we watch it together.

I know you said "mostly", but all the guys with girlfriends I know watch porn from time to time.

ya dude, i watched some this weekend with my gf, she likes jenna jameson lol
Originally posted by nietzsche
I've watched some of those creations of the adult entertainment industry before, but I definitely prefer to have sex with someone I became intimate with.

It's mostly for people who can't have sex with a real person and need to relief themselves through masturbation, for one reason or another.

Yep, I have, by my own admittance seen some porno, but they were really just pictures of girls posing, not videos & hardcore et all, classier photos.

I haven't actually slept with anyone yet, becuase I'd like to lose it to someone I love...

EDIT: I do have some problems with pornography (degradation et all, but I can deal with the fact that some people like it, and some people don't mind doing it)
Originally posted by pHATE1982

I know you said "mostly", but all the guys with girlfriends I know watch porn from time to time.
Aye. One's gotta have something to do when my girlfriend isn't avaible:cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
ya dude, i watched some this weekend with my gf, she likes jenna jameson lol

Jenna Jameson has a very distintive moan (for those who don't know) which my gf takes the piss out of and tries to imitate...

heh... not that sexy, but funny :)
Originally posted by pHATE1982
Jenna Jameson has a very distintive moan (for those who don't know) which my gf takes the piss out of and tries to imitate...

heh... not that sexy, but funny :)

i kinda find jenna's moan somewhat annoying. She sounds like she's twelve. I dunno, its too high pitched for me. How old is she anyways?
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yep, I have, by my own admittance seen some porno, but they were really just pictures of girls posing, not videos & hardcore et all, classier photos.

I haven't actually slept with anyone yet, becuase I'd like to lose it to someone I love...

Good lad, that's what I did :D

I watch porn, single or not, I'll still watch it.
I find it quite annoying too... hence the not sexy part :p

I think she's late 20's. Saw an interview with her and she looked quite old. She should move over and let some eager up and coming (no pun intended) stars get the big porn movies.

Some nice fresh ass :cheese:

i dont think i'd watch porn when i can have sex with a real person

but untill then, Porn every day!
Originally posted by king John I
i dont think i'd watch porn when i can have sex with a real person

but untill then, Porn every day!

thats what i figured, but then, here i am, still watching it haha
so... whats better?

is it good for you? j/k, but really, what do you think of S-E-X?

When you do find the right person you can't have standard missionary sex every day and it still be just as exciting

You have to spice things up, and watching porn with your partner can do that..

Don't get me started on toys and roleplay, heh.

"lightining bolt, lightning bolt..." j/k
Originally posted by king John I
so... whats better?

is it good for you? j/k, but really, what do you think of S-E-X?

i think its great, but over-rated. Some people will due just about anything for it when its not really so immensely important. I think the relationship is more important than the sex, sex is more or less just the icing on the cake. I never really found it to be the life changing thing that movies always display it as or how guys with too much testosterone think they're great cause they've had it. Maybe it's different for other people but ya, thats my insight on it.

This thread is pretty interesting, thx alot guys for makin it worth while :cheers:
Originally posted by pHATE1982

Don't get me started on toys and roleplay, heh.

"lightining bolt, lightning bolt..." j/k

lmao :LOL::naughty:

Oh god, i have images:eek:
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