Do you watch porn?

Do you enjoy good ol' porn?

  • Yes i love it! downloading some right now!

    Votes: 22 26.8%
  • its ok time to time, its an occassional thing

    Votes: 47 57.3%
  • i might try watching some once in a blue moon, but usually no

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • i find it disgusting and degrading, i would never consider even glancing at it!

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
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The feeling that everything is going down the crapper is an age thing I think. When I was young I didn't care, but I remember my grandparents going on about it "when I was a lad ..." lol

Now I hear myself saying it, and I'm only 24 !!

"Kids today ..."

Originally posted by pat_thetic
Well if thats true, todays society is utter crap. I can not imagine how parents will treat their kids.

No offence here, but you're 14 with very little experience in this area. Oral sex isn't seedy, degrading, or distusgting. It's a pleasurable experience to share.

People have been doing it for thousands of years, and suddenly your crazy brain has narrow mindedly decided it is because how parents have treated there kids?

If thats the case then you've just offended 99% of people on this board. And I have to wonder how your parents have brought you up, if you think that oral sex is the cause of societies downfall.

People who watch porn are the first to admit it doesn't resemble real life sex. So don't preach about what you don't know...
I want girls to be in this discussion too! Wha'ya'think!?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

Although .... you might be surprised to know that most of the time I masturbate it's not while looking at some free pron site, but while thinking of actual girls I saw/met in real life. I don't mean to scare anybody, but if you're even a half-descent girl who sat next to me in class chances are I've already done it. :x

lol so true.

I think this whole discussion is very interesting but also a little rediculess, some people here are proberly under the age of 15 and don't have a ****ing clue what some people are talking about. when I was under the age of 13 me and all my friends thought that masturbation was disgusting even though we all did it and wouldn't dare to admit it. I didn't even know that people had anal sex or that it was even possible :cheese:

Also almost everyone here is from different friendship circles and classes of society where certain things are deemed acceptable and others arn't, you can't just say most people won't give oral sex based on what your group of friends would do. TBH I think everyone should watch porn and have kinky sex, it would make the world a much happeir place :naughty:
I think a lot of these "it's disgusting" issues can be related to how you feel about your own body.

You shouldn't be ashamed of your body. It's who & what you are, after all.

I can easily imagine people being disgusted by their own body. But they shouldn't. We are built like we were ment to be. We are alive, have a beating heart, and are filled with blood and organs. It's just the way we are. The sooner you'll realize it, the sooner you'll feel better about all this, and about yourself. You're not disgusting, really. You're flesh and bones, that's all. Try to enjoy yourself. But don't overdo it. Don't be excessive is what I mean. Life isn't just about enjoying your body and senses, but since you can, why wouldn't you enjoy them every now and then?

I see my body more like an extension of my mind. I command it, I'm in charge of it, and if I treat my body right, it treats me right too. You can get a lot from your body, wether it's sex, or atletics, a good massage, a warm bath, etc...

For the record, I've never been with a girl who wouldn't go down on me:). The bit about the hair between the teeth is really true too.
But you have to see past all this. The thing about sex is, you get to be with someone intimatly. Both expose themselves nakedly, and share a moment of intensity and warmth. It is a source of pleasure, no doubt there. Porn can be a relief when needed, or used to add excitement to the act.

But like I said, life isn't all about sexual pleasure. But since you can enjoy it, why wouldn't you?

And people, use condoms. I've seen my share of "sluts" sleep around. Be carefull out there. If you don't trust her/him with your life, keep the rubber on. When you have sex with someone, it's like having sex with everyone that person has slept with, when it comes to diseases. Also, there's the pregnancy issue! Keep your head on your shoulders, ok?
Three times a week, Downloading 600MB of porn and 250MB of pics.

I love it.

There is advantages from watching porn movies.
1- gives u experience on how to get a girl horny
2- gives u more power to push yourself to the sexual edge
3- etc

Time Consuming.
You think I'm mentally insane because i think oral sex is disgusting? Wow, I guess having a opinion is bad now....:dozey:
Originally posted by D33
Nah, you'll find hardcore brainwas.. I mean religious types ( ahem ) would of been "trained" to believe it's bad or something :)

I'm a catholic (not very practicing) and I watch occasionally.
(I guess I'm a bad person.)
Every great civilization falls because of things like this. There is a huge drop in morality followed by laws to counter-act it. Then the society fails, ie. Rome. Things like MTV and porn(which has been insanely easy to get since the internet came into existance) are exactly what I'm talking about when I say that there is no morality now. Keep in mind that I am 14. I also have deppression if that explains anything...
Originally posted by pat_thetic
You think I'm mentally insane because i think oral sex is disgusting? Wow, I guess having a opinion is bad now....:dozey:
Hey dont call it disgusting! Cause one day you'll eventually be eating girls out like it was a chinese buffet!!! One day you'll be makin out with your woman and she will want you to go down on her and you better or its no woman! And if you say im not marrying or whatever a girl who doesnt wants oral then well good luck finding that woman cause their arent many..if any! No but seriously you will eventually, its a great way to please your woman and plus she will want to return the favor! :naughty:
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Hey dont call it disgusting! Cause one day you'll eventually be eating girls out like it was a chinese buffet!!! One day you'll be makin out with your woman and she will want you to go down on her and you better or its no woman! And if you say im not marrying or whatever a girl who doesnt wants oral then well good luck finding that woman cause their arent many..if any! No but seriously you will eventually, its a great way to please your woman and plus she will want to return the favor! :naughty:

Originally posted by pat_thetic
Every great civilization falls because of things like this. There is a huge drop in morality followed by laws to counter-act it. Then the society fails, ie. Rome. Things like MTV and porn(which has been insanely easy to get since the internet came into existance) are exactly what I'm talking about when I say that there is no morality now. Keep in mind that I am 14. I also have deppression if that explains anything...

Dude quit preaching this when you dont know what you are talkin about. I understand your 14 but this is just like in the weed thread you made dumbass comments like "Well uhhh you guys only argument is it feels good" when everyone was bringing up all these points. All your doing is playin the little ego game "im more morally right than you!", for whatever reasons. Most civilizations have openly taken sex in cause its a wonderful thing plus its the way we reproduce to ensure the survival of the species! But i guess you didnt think about the: indian, chinese, japanese, european, african civilizations did you? Those are just a couple that come off the top of my head, but all have embraced it some even making statues of the various sexual positions, but none have fallen for "immoral" reasons. If you dont have anything that actually backs up what you say dont say it.
hammer's got a point. asian people are considered to be very spiritual and morally focused etc and very religious. so where the hell did the karma sutra come from? it wasn't made by some californian, it was made by a strongly religious, strongly ethical, strongly INTELLIGENT culture in india. they knew what they were on about when they wrote the karma sutra.
Originally posted by Dedalus
hammer's got a point. asian people are considered to be very spiritual and morally focused etc and very religious. so where the hell did the karma sutra come from? it wasn't made by some californian, it was made by a strongly religious, strongly ethical, strongly INTELLIGENT culture in india. they knew what they were on about when they wrote the karma sutra.

Yea i agree to a point. They werent really morally right, their religions are more based on being wise while our religions such as christianity ask you to be more morally correct. Yea and to add to what you said about the asian/indian civilization, they actually discovered how the heart carries blood to seperate parts of the body 1,500 years before we did! At that time we thought we were just a bucket of blood! Yea and you bring up a good point with the karma sutra, i remember watching something on the history channel about it and they made a huge building and there was statues of all of the sexual positions carved out in the walls. But the culture of india is still around, so pat what civilization are you talkin about that has fallen because of this "immoral" sex!!??
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Yea i agree to a point. They werent really morally right, their religions are more based on being wise while our religions such as christianity ask you to be more morally correct. Yea and to add to what you said about the asian/indian civilization, they actually discovered how the heart carries blood to seperate parts of the body 1,500 years before we did! At that time we thought we were just a bucket of blood! Yea and you bring up a good point with the karma sutra, i remember watching something on the history channel about it and they made a huge building and there was statues of all of the sexual positions carved out in the walls. But the culture of india is still around, so pat what civilization are you talkin about that has fallen because of this "immoral" sex!!??

i'm not an expert on eastern culture and religions and whatever else, but i do know that the karma sutra was made by a king of india a long while back. he made it so he could please his wife and his concubines better, and it was adopted by priests (!) and philosophical minded people all over the continent. i don't know what happened to the people who invented it, but i think india doesn't have a royal family anymore, they've just got a democracy so i guess yeah the people who invented it are no more.

but think of it this way, eastern religion is more focused on the philosophy side of things and why things happen and why you do things a certain way. from my expereince, western religions focus on why you're a bad person and what you're not allowed to do. might be the reason why a lot of people think sex/porn is 'bad and evil and a travesty against mankind' etc.
I believe he is referring to the roman civilisation. It's true that they got perverted at some point, but I think I can safely say we're pretty far from roman decadence. They used to have huge parties where everyone, male or female, would have sex with everyone, while eating, drinking, vomitting, and whatnot(that's only during the reign of the last cesars). But what really made the roman empire fall is the fact that they let the enemy inside their own armies. If you're trying to achieve/maintain an empire imposed by force, that's not a good idea. After only 2 or 3 generations of "integration", the germans attacked the northern borders and the west-romanian empire fell.

Pat, I suggest you worry a little less about all those "bigger" issues and enjoy the precious moments in life, when you feel every effort you make is worth it. You can't run or hide from all those "bigger" things, but you surely can enjoy what is good in this world. Sometimes, you have to fight to get to those good parts that you want, but it's worth it all.
It comes down to this: You have to give to life so that life can give back to you.

[EDIT:eastern "religions" are focused on the inside(inner peace, etc) of yourself, while western religions are focused on the outside of yourself(interaction with the world).
Originally posted by Dedalus
i'm not an expert on eastern culture and religions and whatever else, but i do know that the karma sutra was made by a king of india a long while back. he made it so he could please his wife and his concubines better, and it was adopted by priests (!) and philosophical minded people all over the continent. i don't know what happened to the people who invented it, but i think india doesn't have a royal family anymore, they've just got a democracy so i guess yeah the people who invented it are no more.

but think of it this way, eastern religion is more focused on the philosophy side of things and why things happen and why you do things a certain way. from my expereince, western religions focus on why you're a bad person and what you're not allowed to do. might be the reason why a lot of people think sex/porn is 'bad and evil and a travesty against mankind' etc.

Oh yea I agree with everything you say/said just that one part where you said its more being morally right when their philosophy underneath the religions is based on more wise than ours. Which, like you said, is more the evilness against mankind or how mankind is so horrible.

But anyways im still waiting for pat to come up with some civilization that has fallen because of such "immoral" acts...:dozey:
Originally posted by pat_thetic
You think I'm mentally insane because i think oral sex is disgusting? Wow, I guess having a opinion is bad now....:dozey:

Maybe you should think about actually backing up your opinion with some facts or something. Cause... really, saying it's disgusting shows your immaturity and how little you understand these things.

And oral sex has never, and never will be the downfall of any society. So stop talking crap.

So really, what is disgusting about it? Hmmm? No really... I actually want to know...
I would just like to say that I think porn is degrading (sometimes), not sexual acts... to be perfectly honest, I have no qualms about going down on a woman, or doing anything that someone I love likes.

:) Kinky, I don't care, it's fine with me, it's just, well... porn isn't personal
Well u cant just say oral sex is disgusting, i wouldnt understand why women would want to do it to a man, but doing it to a women is different. So i see where ure getting at Pat_thetic, so please dont flame him guys he has a right to a opinion. However i dont see how its gonna bring down a civilisation :P ha that made me laugh LOL. :)
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Well u cant just say oral sex is disgusting, i wouldnt understand why women would want to do it to a man, but doing it to a women is different. So i see where ure getting at Pat_thetic, so please dont flame him guys he has a right to a opinion. However i dont see how its gonna bring down a civilisation :P ha that made me laugh LOL. :)

Didnt say he couldnt have a opinion i flamed him because he brought up something that made no sense and he cant back it up, just like he said many times in the weed thread. How is it different goin down on a girl then a guy? Is it cause sometimes a lil urine comes out when they cum?
Or is it something else (not flame just wonderin)
....but anyways thats up to the person i know of girls who enjoy givin oral and some dont and i enjoy givin oral (to girls)and some other guys dont..i dont have a problem with that but my point to pat is not to bring up something he cant back up.

[the above was not a flame]
Wo, this just totally changed from porn to sex. I was talking about porn not sex, sex is fine with me....
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Well u cant just say oral sex is disgusting, i wouldnt understand why women would want to do it to a man, but doing it to a women is different. So i see where ure getting at Pat_thetic, so please dont flame him guys he has a right to a opinion. However i dont see how its gonna bring down a civilisation :P ha that made me laugh LOL. :)

That wasn't my point, my point was that when people just start accepting things like porn as fine, then society will degrade...
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Well if thats true, todays society is utter crap. I can not imagine how parents will treat their kids.

This comment was concerning oral sex Pat...

Thats what started this off
Originally posted by pHATE1982
Maybe you should think about actually backing up your opinion with some facts or something. Cause... really, saying it's disgusting shows your immaturity and how little you understand these things.

And oral sex has never, and never will be the downfall of any society. So stop talking crap.

So really, what is disgusting about it? Hmmm? No really... I actually want to know...

Jesus Christ, dude. Do you have any facts or proof that it's not disgusting? I'm sure there are lots of people who don't like oral sex. Does that make them wrong? No. You're the one who needs to stop talking crap.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
That wasn't my point, my point was that when people just start accepting things like porn as fine, then society will degrade...
Dude do you even understand what your saying or how you are replying to people's posts?
Originally posted by pHATE1982
This comment was concerning oral sex Pat...

Thats what started this off

Well if you don't think a woman shoving a man's ahem.. down her throat then getting sperm all over her face, then another woman licks it off isn't disgusting, well that's fine with me. I find that disgusting...
Originally posted by not28
Jesus Christ, dude. Do you have any facts or proof that it's not disgusting? I'm sure there are lots of people who don't like oral sex. Does that make them wrong? No. You're the one who needs to stop talking crap.

I'd say the fact I've done it and and i don't find it disgusting is a better argument than someone who "thinks" it probably is disgusting.

My problem is with it being refered to as disgusting. Did I say you couldn't disike it? No! Thats a personal preference... But calling a completely natural act disgusting is stupid.

Maybe you should actually read what I've written?
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Dude do you even understand what your saying or how you are replying to people's posts?

Wow, if your just gunna use that argument over and over, then I am just gunna stop replying to you. Look at the last thing he said genius.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Well if you don't think a woman shoving a man's ahem.. down her throat then getting sperm all over her face, then another woman licks it off isn't disgusting, well that's fine with me. I find that disgusting...

Um... your comments were about oral sex in gereral... not the extreme stuff you are depicting above.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
I'd say the fact I've done it and and i don't find it disgusting is a better argument than someone who "thinks" it probably is disgusting.

My problem is with it being refered to as disgusting. Did I say you couldn't disike it? No! Thats a personal preference... But calling a completely natural act disgusting is stupid.

Maybe you should actually read what I've written?

It's a fact that you've done it. It's your opinion that you didn't find it disgusting. So you disagree with some kid on a message board. Big freaking deal.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Wow, if your just gunna use that argument over and over, then I am just gunna stop replying to you. Look at the last thing he said genius.
wtf are you talkin about? "look at the last thing he said genius" i was quoting you who is "he"?? What are you talkin about im using the same argument over and over? You cant back up anything you f*cking say you talk outta your ass.
Originally posted by not28
It's a fact that you've done it. It's your opinion that you didn't find it disgusting. So you disagree with some kid on a message board. Big freaking deal.

Right... but it still doesn't alter the fact that my argument was about it being refered to as disgusting. Not a personal preference of whether someone wants to do it or not...

And anyway, I don't think anyone can comment on how unpleasent it is without actually experiencing it. They can only comment of what they think it might be like. And this most certainly isn't grounds for calling oral sex disgusting and the destroyer of all societies is it?

And Pat... the non extreme variety?
What happened to plain old oral sex? You don't have to gag a woman and spray it over her face in order to call it oral sex.
I give up. It is really hard to argue when everyone is against you and most of them are teenagers that have the sex drive of a man that took about 3 bottles of viagra.
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