dock is surrouded by sand bank?

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I just thought this was strange but might be for a reason ... well other then cutting skyline short of water.

blue sand also caught my eye.
thats a pond no a lake lol what kind of lakes you been too anyways??? lol
yeah nice one, can't remember the last time i saw a boat and jetties in a pond :)
/me watches the ducks swim by
Whoa. Thanks for clearing that up. I saw the sand last night and figured it was just an unanimated water texture like we would get in other games for distant shots. Now I see it's just sand.
A body of water doesn't necessarily need to be large to be described as a lake. Although to me it looks more like a natural sea port.
Well, as we all know, ocean levels have dropped in the HL2 world (remember the buggy vid?). My guess is that this is an ocean bay which is drying up.
Maybe the sea isnt dried up at the beginning, then some twatty combine steals the sea water and you need to get it back.
I agree it could be that this is a smaller body of water left after the sea partially dries up. But we don't see the full way around to see if it's totally uncircled-- many ports have jetties or tidal barriers so that the ships don't get rocked by waves inside the port area.

And Tredoslop, I thought his name was Ogopogo? You from the Okanagan?
Originally posted by 82ross
some twatty combine steals the sea water
Im sorry, but for some reason that sounds funny as hell to me.
Originally posted by djkanuk

And Tredoslop, I thought his name was Ogopogo? You from the Okanagan?
1. Yes, it's Ogopogo, it just do that with names, like the Cadilac Escalade-Escamalade.
2. I am from Richmond BC

Hi. im Zdub and im a alcoholic. First post :P

and im also from Bc. Victoria here :)
A little off topic, but what exactly is the distinction between a pond and a lake?
A pond is just big enough for you to soak your bunyons in (exaggeration :)), and a lake is way bigger.

The docks may be surrounded by a sand bank because the sea has dried up. They have this sea in Russia or where ever, and it has dried up, resulting in boats being on dry land and stuff. If you watch the buggy scene in the full video, you can see boats far from water.

My theory anyway. :)

That OR they just didn't care and slapped that thing together so they could show it. If this is the case they have fixed this already, I'm quite sure.

I like to edit posts. Editing posts is "teh phun"! :P
It could either be made exclusively for the e3 demos

Or it could be as Siirolon stated , that the water is drying up , remember that in the buggy video you are in a dried up seabed (theres a sunken sub therre afterall)
Remember it looks very abandonned. The boats is half under water and stuff. Maybe the sand bank was made by mother nature, and the blue sand is coloured by oil spills and other kind of pollutions...
OK, but is Gordon coming from this sunk ship? Is this the beginning of the story?
Originally posted by Siirolon
A pond is just big enough for you to soak your bunyons in (exaggeration :)), and a lake is way bigger.

The docks may be surrounded by a sand bank because the sea has dried up. They have this sea in Russia or where ever, and it has dried up, resulting in boats being on dry land and stuff. If you watch the buggy scene in the full video, you can see boats far from water.

My theory anyway. :)

That OR they just didn't care and slapped that thing together so they could show it. If this is the case they have fixed this already, I'm quite sure.

I like to edit posts. Editing posts is "teh phun"! :P

Yes you are right.
You mean the aral sea.

Very, very scary

Yeah, the Aral Sea. Should've remembered it. :)

If you wouldn't know about the sea and you just saw those pictures it might give you chills. Eerie stuff. :)

I'm still saying that this sand being visible thing is either the aforementioned scenario (sea has dried up for some reason or other), or that the level was work in progress and was just made to show the game. Though the latter "theory" seems less plausible.
Here is a nearly 360° picture made out of several screenshots.

Just to get a better overview of the scene. ;)

Sorry for the bad quality, otherwise it would too big for posting...
Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
I find dried up oceans and seas incredibly scary. Don't know why.

Yeah, I think its because we know if that happened everywhere we'd be in big trouble.

Does anyone know why the Aral Sea dried up?
good work, Frapl. I never paid attention to whats scenery behind starting point. Weird how you can watch same video over and over again and still be able to find something new out of it. :)
It could be the start of the story, or maybe at a point in the game you set put on a ship, it crashes, attacked or what ever and you get knocked out. you wake up to find others gone and they took your wepons (bastards), some of them got attacked by headcrabs and there the two that attack you. one of them was the one who took your crowbar and thats why its there.
Aral Sea dried up because the Soviet Union decided the region was perfect for growing cotton and developed a huge irrigation program- which obviously backfired horrifically.

I think that it's not an enclosed lake. If you look off to the right of the town behind the crane, it looks like there could be an opening to the sea. It's not too clear, though.

Why would there be piers and cranes at the current water level if it was part of the dried up sea?

BTW, originally from North Vancouver. :cheers:
Originally posted by djkanuk
Why would there be piers and cranes at the current water level if it was part of the dried up sea?

Good point. :)

But the buggy scene's boat on land still bug me...
Pond - Man made
Lake - Nature made

Canal - Man made
River - Naturemade

or i don't know :p
Pond is just a small lake. I don't think there are any hard-and-fast rules about at what size a pond becomes a lake.

If it's in your back yard, it's a pond. If it's the size of Lake Superior, it's a lake. In between...?
it is just a bay or something.... just look at the pic!

sorry for the crappy quality but otherwhise it wouldn't fit in here...
Yeah, thanks Braska. That's what I was getting at. Just too lazy to do the pic. It's either a bay, or a port with a tidal barrier. Nothing to get excited about.
I believe the technical distinction for a pond is that it contains rooted aquatic plants all the way across or that there is no stratification of water temperatures (depends if you talk to a biologist or a limnologist - someone who studies lakes).

I think this scene is probably near the begining (but not necesarrily at the very begining) - or perhaps it is just an unfinished/test level. I wonder if the church he's walking towards (on the hill) is where he meets Father Gregory.