DOD:Source grenade damage

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It looks like the damage is toned down which I don't think is a good move...

What do you think...

Just about sums it up. I really hope it isn't, as my 6 man airburst nades will cease to exist. :(
I'm hoping in that specific video where that nade goes off in that guys face, it was a friendly grenade and friendly fire was off.

Since when were grenades that kill nuclear bombs?
Yeah... let's have CS:S grenade damage... that's so realistic :|
i hope not, more power then css i think, not too much tho or everyone will spam with nades
JiMmEh said:
I'm hoping in that specific video where that nade goes off in that guys face, it was a friendly grenade and friendly fire was off.

It was...

Okay, I don't know that for sure, but I'm thinking threre's a 99% chance it was anyway
Gui! said:
i hope not, more power then css i think, not too much tho or everyone will spam with nades

i actually like the bombardment...gotta rush inside buildings and stuff

also the grenade explosions look too css like...not enough dirt and stuff
in a way i think it would be better but i kno when i get in the game and i nade sumone and he doesnt die im gonna be pissed off..
I think the nades in the current dod are good and realistic and they're really useful when storming ie. a building. The cs nades are completely useless, what's the point of nades if they have to explode half a meter off your head to kill?
i wannas see ****ing dust clouds fly all over the place when it explodes on dirt ground....and in city streets with concrete and what not i want to see freaking smoke and chunks of concrete blown to dust fly everywhere

where's the damn explosion that has little to no fire in it and has a lot of dust and dirt along with shrpanels bounciung eveyrwhere maiming and shredding anyone within 10 feet of it?
when you got everyone throwing grenades at the same time, somethings not balanced right. i dont consider it fun to partake in a grenade spam fest, nor do i think its fun to try and dodge one. now, using actual guns(perish the thought) and having few well-placed grenade kills is a very fun game.
In one of the maps, one team would just go on a hill, keep on throwing grenades down as the Axis tried to make way up. Oh, the times. It was funny. Axis would also go up to the window and throw nades to the same hill.
you do know grenade spamming happens a lot in actual comabt right? and you know what? i love every single bit of it being recreated in a game.

plus these guys only get 1 grenade right? so it's still balanced. until something is inaccurate or unbelievable then maybe...but this. this makes it so much better. as we all know grenades are very powerful weapons. dumbing them down is an insult to the intellect. i for one will not stand here pretend i'm too ignorant to know that grenades will likley shred you to pieces from more than 10 feet away.'s a game right? balance? if i wanted balance i wouldn't be playing a game based on something completely unbalanced...war.
213 said:
you do know grenade spamming happens a lot in actual comabt right? and you know what? i love every single bit of it being recreated in a game.

plus these guys only get 1 grenade right? so it's still balanced. until something is inaccurate or unbelievable then maybe...but this. this makes it so much better. as we all know grenades are very powerful weapons. dumbing them down is an insult to the intellect. i for one will not stand here pretend i'm too ignorant to know that grenades will likley shred you to pieces from more than 10 feet away.'s a game right? balance? if i wanted balance i wouldn't be playing a game based on something completely unbalanced...war.

linkage for grenade spamming happening in real life? or any ww2 literature that suggests this? curious

anyway, the DOD team does strive for balance. the fact that its based on a war is irrelevant. balanced games are funner to play and more popular than unbalanced ones. valve of all companies knows this. i trust that the dod team made grenades good enough to use effectively but weak enough to not always switch to it as a first weapon in an assault.
Grenades are perfect, but I think people should only be allowed to carry 1.
its no where near css nade dmg and probably wont be but i think tunning down the kill radius is a good move, especially for those german nades that are mostly explosive charge and not as much strapnel as the american pineapples, then again both had a kill radius in the game of 20 yards. which with the grenades in those days i dont think it would 'kill' more like injure at 20.

i also like what i read a few posts up and actual nade spamming in real-life combat and that we only respawn with one now so its evens things out.
KiNG said:
its no where near css nade dmg and probably wont be but i think tunning down the kill radius is a good move, especially for those german nades that are mostly explosive charge and not as much strapnel as the american pineapples, then again both had a kill radius in the game of 20 yards. which with the grenades in those days i dont think it would 'kill' more like injure at 20.

i also like what i read a few posts up and actual nade spamming in real-life combat and that we only respawn with one now so its evens things out.
I don't think there's much of difference between todays hand grenades and the ones used in WW2, a regular hand grenade will kill by pressure alone if you are close to it and the shrapnel is directly lethal at a 5 meter radius, outside that area most damage are probably not deadly but can of course inflict severe injury or death.

Used inside a confined space such as a room a hand grenade becomes even more powerful as the pressure effect will be more concentrated.
The grenades have been toned down just a bit, but there still powerful.