Does Anybody Like ART ?

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Do any of you have any culture regarding ART ? Specially paintings. I have to say I love Monet, Manet, Van Gaugh, Pissarro. I really only like Impresionism to be honest.

So do any of you like ArT ? Visite museums ? Read about Art ?
I like it my history isnt so sharp. I liek Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Brandywine artist. Ive never seen a huge impressionistic peice in real life but ive seen couple. btw brandywine = people like nc wyeth
i enjoy making fun of art. My favorite being a string of christmas lights plugged in and tossed in a corner, to show how any of us can and will die and the rest of us will keep on going completely unaffected.
Oh for sure I would sleep with art just like that!

For the record Impressionists are the greatest revolutionaries of art. Van Gogh and Ingres do it for me. Even though Ingres isn't an impressionist..
My favorite is Leonardo (simply because he understood the spiritual side of color and mathematics) Golden ratio.. golden rectangle.. epitomes of Greek art aswell. However I've also loved the stronly emotional art of the romantic period. Death of Marat, Mondrian's Grid, Edward Hopper's cafe, the bauhaus movement (which I think was more architectural than painting/photography), and certainly Ed Hill (Bay Area, CA artist).

I think Duchamp's fountain and his "practical" art is, among minimalist art, very weak. That isn't to say that its "bad" art, it just isn't "powerful" (strong) art, like impressionism, romanticism, cubism, abstract, surreal, super-realist art is.

Me and my brother have this on-going debate where he thinks that the plain-air painters like Monet are truly the greatest artists because they didn't use mechanical aid (like a grid/projector, stick, photograph). I disagree with him because I think that the thing that counts MOST is what the finished art IS and now "how it was made".
Some Monet are just fantastic its the only ones I can stare for hours.
bgesley426 said:
My favorite is Leonardo (simply because he understood the spiritual side of color and mathematics) Golden ratio.. golden rectangle.. epitomes of Greek art aswell. However I've also loved the stronly emotional art of the romantic period. Death of Marat, Mondrian's Grid, Edward Hopper's cafe, the bauhaus movement (which I think was more architectural than painting/photography), and certainly Ed Hill (Bay Area, CA artist).

I think Duchamp's fountain and his "practical" art is, among minimalist art, very weak. That isn't to say that its "bad" art, it just isn't "powerful" (strong) art, like impressionism, romanticism, cubism, abstract, surreal, super-realist art is.

Me and my brother have this on-going debate where he thinks that the plain-air painters like Monet are truly the greatest artists because they didn't use mechanical aid (like a grid/projector, stick, photograph). I disagree with him because I think that the thing that counts MOST is what the finished art IS and now "how it was made".
If you like death of Marat by David then you'll agree with my choice for Ingres then. Personally I admire Van Gogh most because he was self taught and he is the greatest colourist ever.

And damn you're a "tarded up bastard" Ghost. Had to say that for some reason
I'm not big on art unless it's blonde, naked, and has big tits.
"Does Anybody Like ART ? "

I'm more of a Simon fan than an Art fan
CptStern said:
"Does Anybody Like ART ? "

I'm more of a Simon fan than an Art fan

Don't like either of 'em tbh. I still have a soft spot for 'Bright Eyes' tho. Those poor little bunnies ....
ah they're good for those times when you simply must sleep with your fiance's mother ..but I like that tune too ..not sure where the bunnies come in ...but they're cute
Caravaggio has to be my favorite. I also like velázquez. I like some of Van Gogh's work, and I respect it, but I don't like impressionism in general. Caravaggio was the best because he was a master of light, proportion, emotion, all that good stuff. I'm critical of most art because lots of artists do things that anyone could do. I really hate most pop art. It's all gimmicks, people just want attention. I don't even like picasso. I went to his museum in Antibes, and it pissed me off that he got so much recognition for drawing like a 5 year old child. most of the things he did took no effort at all. It's all just sketches and doodles. I respect an artist that can render things realistically and make a powerfull image like Caravaggio could. I've studied art history and my favorite time periods for art would have to be the Greek and Romans, sculpture wise, and the Renaissance for all things beautiful. People like Picasso, Mattise, gauguin, and periods like dada and neoplasticism, it's all crap. I feel like they're famous for mediocrity. Still, all art is subjective, and aesthetically I like certain pieces by Duchamp, Picasso, and other crappy people, but I have the most respect for artists of Caravaggio's ability. The End.
Picasso is famous because he started a trend. He went over to Africa and brought back all these masks then he painted them. The world was intrigued by this and his popularity took off. I personally think he is an opportunist myself..
Foxtrot is probably the most influential BF2 artist of our times.

But on a more unserious note, I don't really like art. Unless it's concept art for games, even then it's not as cool as say, a song or video.
ahh, nothing like hearing the unsophisticated view points of a layman.
I'm not really a fan of Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh or any as largely famous as those. I'm more of a fan of people like Rene Magritte.

I hate crap like Piet Mondrian too.
I go to art galleries on a regular basis :) have prints of 2 Picasso sketches behind me right now.. the use of colour is captivating :)

Kudos to whoever mentioned Velázquez :D

Ohhh and I was lucky enough to see Goya's black paintings while in Madrid .. simply breattakingly dark :)

Oh, and my mother is Katherine Gilli :D
CptStern said:
ah they're good for those times when you simply must sleep with your fiance's mother ..but I like that tune too ..not sure where the bunnies come in ...but they're cute

I thought I'd clear this up: <LINK>. Why do you wanna sleep with your fiance's mother tho?
StardogChampion said:
I hate crap like Piet Mondrian too.

Oh! Blasphemy! Maybe you don't understand what he was trying to convey? I'm sure you've seen the grid with yellow, red, and blue. Well what he was saying was that this painting is "All of art". The grid and the primary colors make up every painting. Also he used the Golden Rectangle and golden ratio in that painting which has also made its mark in the Mona Lisa and Salvador Dali's Sacrament of Christ.

Van Gogh, did not teach himself how to paint. Even tho he was an excellent draftsman as a kid, he learned much of how to paint from Anthon van Rappard.