Does anyone actually Care about DOTA/DOTA 2?

Do you care about DOTA/DOTA2?

  • Absolutely

    Votes: 11 11.3%
  • Yeah, looks fun

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 9 9.3%
  • Nah not really

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • No, we want episode 3!

    Votes: 20 20.6%
  • No, and I'm shocked that Valve are dirtying themselves with sh*tty games like this

    Votes: 10 10.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
interested to get some statistics on this one- let the polling commence.
Some people do. I don't. All my friend rave about LoL. I think it's a pile of shit.
Not my cup of tea. Which is fine with me considering the shitload of stuff I want to play that is queuing up.
Not my cup of tea. Which is fine with me considering the shitload of stuff I want to play that is queuing up.

Agreed. DOTA 2 is a very small footnote on what might be the best year yet for video games.
Yeah ever since HON I've been wary of any games that attract that pool of gamers.
The only DOTA kind of game I played was Demigod. Never played the original DOTA so I don't know what to expect
Nah, I don't really care. Barely even heard about it being developed.
I don't really care. I still do not understand why Valve is making this game.
Like riomhaire said, I'm vaguely interested but only because Valve are developing it, which means it will most likely be a pretty good game, but I can safely say it's the only Valve game so far that I haven't cared too much about. Not really my thing.
Nope. Also what the hell is wrong with these polls?

Yeah, seriously. All I see is a pink bar reaching farther out than the others. Putting white text on a white background doesn't make any sense.
I played DOTA a bit with my flatmates and some friends, is good fun. Looking forward to a Valve version :)
Not at all.
I have no idea why Valve is even bothering with it.

I may have had some interest had they decided to move away from the fantasy setting but as there's already several DotA clones out then I really see no need to get another one.
Not sure. I'm not really a big fan of DOTA but I am interested to see Valve's take on the genre, and I'm also interested to see how all of Valve's artists and writers portray a fantasy world... which is so far unprecedented.
Not sure. I'm not really a big fan of DOTA but I am interested to see Valve's take on the genre, and I'm also interested to see how all of Valve's artists and writers portray a fantasy world... which is so far unprecedented.
Pretty much this. I'm not interested in the game at all if it's literally DOTA2.
oh and I forgot to mention, that I voted the last one- infact I kinda put that one in with me in mind...

also; first successfull thread :D

joy turns to sadness upon forseeing imminent derail :(
Not enough asians on this site, so you'll see a distinct lack of interest.
tbh no but i'll get it anyway as its made by valve (pretty much the only dev where i feel i must buy all their games)

but yeah tbh i dont give a shit
I've never played the first and I think I've seen like 3 screenshots from it. So I'm not really interested in the second one. I'll check it out closer to release to see if I'll like it.
Like riomhaire said, I'm vaguely interested but only because Valve are developing it, which means it will most likely be a pretty good game, but I can safely say it's the only Valve game so far that I haven't cared too much about. Not really my thing.

If they charge for it, it's just Valve trying to get into the LoL/HoN cash cow. Which worries me. And it's probably just Ice Frog and a small team(of maybe valve) working on it.. and Valve will just publish it.
Not really my cuppa tea, never got into those sorts of games.
I don't really know what DoTA is. All I know is that it was a Mod for Warcraft 3 or something, which means its probably sorta like Warcraft 3, which means I'm not terribly interested. I mean, I like those kinds of games, but theres plenty out there to choose from already, with more interesting settings than generic fantasy.
It'll be fun enough. Not a massive DotA fan myself, but I have many friends who are so I'll more than likley get dragged along for the ride. It'll be interesting to see if they switch from Leauge of Legends though. Personally I'm of the opinion that that particular genre is somewhat overloaded with games without a great deal of variation or innovation. What will make DotA 2 stand out from LoL, DemiGod, HoN or even the original DotA?

But no matter what, it'll be interesting to see what they come up with. Ultimately I'd rather have Ep.3, but I also understand that this particular product will have excellent brand recognition and probably sell by the bucketload to its target market (and not many others. But the target market is pretty damn big.). More profits for valve = more money for Ep.3 = better Ep.3! :)
this particular product will have excellent brand recognition and probably sell by the bucketload to its target market (and not many others. But the target market is pretty damn big.).
Indeed. Valve wants to break into the asian market in way they've never been able to with their 'Western' games. CS was close, but not grindy enough (for an example of a truly asian CS, look at Combat Arms).
I used to play a lot of League of Legends but the 40+ minute games kind of put me off. If you get on a couple bad teams your afternoon of gaming is pretty much ruined.
but I also understand that this particular product will have excellent brand recognition and probably sell by the bucketload to its target market (and not many others. But the target market is pretty damn big.)
Really? It's very clearly a small subset of the PC gaming market interested in this. That's a niche of a niche really. Can't see it selling fantastically.
I'm interested in it. I've been playing Dota games since they first started coming out (still playing HoN occasionally). Compared to higher level players I'm not that good at the game, but I can appreciate how much skill, strategy and teamwork the games do take. That being said, it has the WORST community I have ever seen. I'm looking forward to seeing how Valve's coaching system works out.
It doesn't really look that interesting. When they announced it I was expecting it to be to DOTA what TF2 was to the original Team Fortress, which could be pretty exciting. But it sounds like it's just a remake of DOTA with some extra community features. I'm surprised that Valve seems to be putting so much effort into such a dull project. Even Alien Swarm was a lot more interesting and new than DOTA 2 sounds, and that was not much more than a game Valve released for free just for the hell of it.
DotA is fun with friends, sure, but I really couldn't care less.
Really? It's very clearly a small subset of the PC gaming market interested in this. That's a niche of a niche really. Can't see it selling fantastically.
It's a pretty hefty market already, will be bigger with Valve behind it., which by the end of IceFrog's affiliation in May 2009 had over 1,500,000 registered users and had received over one million unique visitors every month.
Not really, played DotA with friends a while back and LoL more recently but never got into them. Too much min/maxing, trying to game item builds to squeeze every ounce of usefulness out of your characters, managing every moment so you're not being inefficient. What can I say, I don't really function that way. :p

As for DotA 2... eh? Turning mods into fully fledged games/sequels is kind of Valve's thing, but it still seems an odd move for them, especially considering it probably won't be very moddable as a highly competitive game.
Not really, played DotA with friends a while back and LoL more recently but never got into them. Too much min/maxing, trying to game item builds to squeeze every ounce of usefulness out of your characters, managing every moment so you're not being inefficient. What can I say, I don't really function that way. :p
Yeah me too. I'm hoping this "coaching system" actually works, because otherwise I have no hope in hell at this game.
I'm looking forward to it. I used to play DotA a lot until HoN came along then I switched to that. But when it came out of beta I didn't bother buying it and so I'm just going to wait for Dota2. SC2 keeps my competitive appetite alive now.
Not really. I'll probably end up getting it to try it out, though.
I recently started playing League of Legends. I found it to be an interesting take on the RTS world and some good fun, but ever since I won Monday Night Combat (yeah I'm a winner), I would much rather play a game like that. It takes the good elements of a DOTA game and adds a lot of action and mayhem along with some decent comedy with all the whimsy you get from TF2. I think the game type is getting a little played out though... kind of like the Conquest gametype since BF 1942.
Knowing Valve I'm sure it will turnout to be all sorts of wonderful, but personally aside from Arma 2 these days I have zero interest in Multi-player co-op, especially with a likely player base that I've heard nothing but awful things about.

Frankly all I want to here from Valve this year is 'Episode 3 coming out in November' bundled with some as yet unrevealed revolutionary MP game (CS2 perhaps) and a much more advanced version of the Source engine (with a far superior editor).

Portal 2 I'm sure will be great, but I just want the HL2 trilogy put to bed.
I spit on the genre.

Also good work everybody! Not one person wrote "I could care less."

EDIT: Dammit.