Does anyone even use mousepads anymore?

Do you use a mousepad?

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Formerly Hokey McSmokey
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
So I was watching "The Universe" on the History channel last night. During the show, there was a message at the bottom of the screen that said "With any purchase of 25$ or more from so and so, you get a free "Universe" mousepad.". I thought about the last time I used a mousepad, which was with my rollerball mouse, years ago. These new laser mice can be used off of anything. I thought about all my friends with laser mice. None of them use mousepads either. They just lay it on the desk, table, etc. Same as me.

I just thought mousepads were finished.

Do you use a mousepad? If so, why?
i still use one with my laser mouse. don't see myself stopping any time soon either.
Mousepads are in all cases better for your wrist. Flexible, pliable support (even if it's just a plastic/rubber mat) especially when compared to the hard surface of a desk.

I have an enormous 8.5"x11" Func 1030 pad, and it's fantastic. I've used it for three years and I fully expect it to last for another seven.
I have one with a little pad on it for my wrist. It's quite comfy.

I hate not using a mousepad.
Of course.
Keeps it off a sometimes dirty table and makes for a flatter surface.
flatter? Do you have a lumpy table/desk?
The friction that slows my mouse down from the pad is actually something I've gotten used to, while I suppose the more frictionless wood top (I have tried it) is something I could get used to, the wrist rest on my pad is too much a comfort and I can't do without.
i use mine because it was lying around and i dont see any reason to not use it.
I use a steelseries Icemat for my razer copperhead. Loads of people still use them for smoother movement and precision. In my case, I have a glass desk so an optical mouse won't work, hence the mat.
What the ****, this is what came up when I hit "vote"-

That happened to me too. The vote still went through though. :p
I got that too ZT, was like "wut".

Also I use an eXactMat (control side) with my Razer diamondback. Don't think I'll ever not use a mat.
I got that too. REALLY want to bump it.

Ivan Stewart's Ironman Offroad is a great game.

I voted yes.
If you're spending so much time on your computer that you need a mousepad to prevent injury, you should probably lay off it a bit.
I find it's just more comfortable to use a mouse on a pad than a desk surface. And besides, it adds that little personal touch to your setup. I could never dream about doing away with my oldschool Duke Nukem 3D mousepad.

I can't. Also, I don't think it matters.
i have a hard mousepad which is lighted, and has 4 USB ports and I got it for like $10 at, looks like this

That thing looks huge.
There should be a place to send people who use trackpads. Get a USB mouse for gods sake.
Ironman Offroad: Championships here too.

But yeah I do. Like god intended.
I got a glass coffee table for my living room tv and a glass desk for my main pc so I have to use a mouse pad. At work on a wood desk I don't.
The surface I use doesn't really have room for a mousepad, so I use an envelope from an old bank statement. Eventually the paper gets manky and worn out, so I switch to another bank statement. I look forward to them to arriving every few months, even though the balance for that account hardly changes. I'm also getting RSI. *whistles nonchalantly*
Same here. Never much cared for that game.

On topic, I haven't even seen a roller mouse for years. I came across one attached to a rarely accessed server at work that used a ball. Eww.
Ha, we are mouse buddies, pitz!

Yes, I use a mousepad, as the mouse doesn't react properly otherwise. Plus I'm used to it.

That thing where you're redirected to old threads happens from time to time, no one seems to know why.
I cannot be without a mousepad. I have one sewn into my right trouser leg so that I can use a mouse with my laptop easily.
I use a Ratpadz XT. It's extremely durable, easily washed, and the mouse just glides over the surface.

That thing where you're redirected to old threads happens from time to time, no one seems to know why.
Someone figured it out recently. It's a bug where the misdirected link uses the same code number that the old necro thread used.

Someone figured it out recently. It's a bug where the misdirected link uses the same code number that the old necro thread used.


No, it's not that. I've said it before.

The poll in this thread has an ID. That ID is the same as the thread ID people are getting redirected to.

Somebody mixed those up when coding the redirect function.
Haven't used a mousepad in many, many years. Had this MX510 for ages.

Use a PS2 joypad with a joypad to mouse programme on the downstairs PC. Surprisingly decent control.