Does doom 3 scare you

Does Doom 3 frighten you?

  • Yes! I'm shaking in my boots!

    Votes: 65 37.6%
  • Only at certain moments

    Votes: 60 34.7%
  • No

    Votes: 17 9.8%
  • Pie! Pie!!!!!

    Votes: 31 17.9%

  • Total voters
SirOsisOfLiver said:
LOL maybe some people just know the difference between real and game. Demons aren't coming out of my computer from the game to get me, so not scary. Fun? YES! Scary? only if your a coward. Well maybe thats not nice, but I just can'T get scared so easily by a game or movie. If something jumps out at me , sure i jump. But is that fear or surprise? Suppose it depends on how you define fear. Silent Hill series. now that is scary. in a deep rooted creepy way .

That started to make sense, until you contradicted yourself by saying a game can't be scary, then saying silent hill is. :)
The Dark Elf said:
That started to make sense, until you contradicted yourself by saying a game can't be scary, then saying silent hill is. :)

Haha your right. What I meant to say was IF a game could scare me, then Silent Hill would be the one to do it. Bah, okay so I'm not so tough. Well eveyone gets scared in different ways right? Some people got scared watching Blair Witch. I thought they were little boys (girls). But on the other hand, The Ring freaked me out. oh well!
SirOsisOfLiver said:
Haha your right. What I meant to say was IF a game could scare me, then Silent Hill would be the one to do it. Bah, okay so I'm not so tough. Well eveyone gets scared in different ways right? Some people got scared watching Blair Witch. I thought they were little boys (girls). But on the other hand, The Ring freaked me out. oh well!
DIII seems to have a Event Horizon style horror to it, mixed with Aliens of course.

Oh and if Ring scared you, go find Ju-On ;) *grins eviliy and rubs hands together* if that doesn't scare you then I'll unban evilewok :p
I thought Doom 3's scare factor not involving scripted stuff wasn't that badly scary(Wasn't really scary when I was just walking around shooting stuff). But during scripted events it scared the hell out of me. I've only played to the point where you enter the Alpha labs, so far I've only gotten very scared and jumped 4 times. ****SCARY PARTS SPOILERS****

One of them was right when you get the shotgun, when I turned to my right I saw bunch of equipment on the box and thought I should go right for it. Right as I pick up the stuff, so much goes on I got scared. First the floor starts lowering then I get the shotgun and get surrounded by zombies.

Another one was when I was returning back to HQ and you go up the stairs, as you go up the stairs one of the guys breaks out in between the stairs. I totally did not notice em at all, wasn't expecting anything to happen.

The third one is when you are on the otherside of the glass when you got your first weapon, I think you pick up someone's datapad and one of those dudes jumps right at the glass.

Oh god, the last scary moment for me was the worst of them all. I wish I had never entered the bathroom. I was definitely not expecting that to occur. I got so scared I just hit escape and had to walk around for a few minutes to calm myself back down.

Oh, at some point in the game do you get the password to the Marine Armory? Or is it some secret?
I'm not used to horror games, so it scares me. But not constantly.. just when one of the scripted jumpouts happens like listed in the post above.

There was this one part where you just get the machine gun, and I was used to the Imps at that point. So I was expecting to get jumped by an Imp and this ZSec (which are evil btw) just shoots me from long distance. Totally caught me off guard!
It's the shizznit. Whatever you do, play it in the dark, with the volume at least halfway through (the sounds are deliciously paranoia inducing). If you can be alone in your house when you play, do it then. Also, the game is supposed to be very dark. It just adds to the tension. Don't screw it up with high gamma/brightness. Use "the flashlight".

If you follow these simple guidelines, I suggest you invest in diapers, because you're in for a "hell" of a ride and you won't have the courage to wipe your ass while you're there.

This game gets a 10/10 from me. Doom 3 is pure genius. They know the gamers - they predict what you're thinking. They know your fears. They will use your fears against you in an incredibly saddistic way. You will never feel safe. Just stick to the above guidelines and you'll know this is it.

FYI I'm playing on a P1.5 512ram GF Ti4200/128vram and 5.1 surround in 800x600 medium settings and it runs smooth as silk.
lazicsavo said:
I'm 11/20 through it (I think) and although I'm entirly calm throughout most of the action, the sounds of the game scare me at the psychological level. Some of teh sounds just freeze me and I just stand in one place looking around frantically switching from flashlight to shotgun as fast as I can (especially the moaning/groaning ghost women, brrrrr).

exactly what I find myself doing lol ;D
Its scary as all hell and I've been playing it in the afternoon. :D
When they lure you into a trap with ammo/armor it gets me every damn time.
Element Alpha said:
It's the shizznit. Whatever you do, play it in the dark, with the volume at least halfway through (the sounds are deliciously paranoia inducing). If you can be alone in your house when you play, do it then. Also, the game is supposed to be very dark. It just adds to the tension. Don't screw it up with high gamma/brightness. Use "the flashlight".

If you follow these simple guidelines, I suggest you invest in diapers, because you're in for a "hell" of a ride and you won't have the courage to wipe your ass while you're there.

This game gets a 10/10 from me. Doom 3 is pure genius. They know the gamers - they predict what you're thinking. They know your fears. They will use your fears against you in an incredibly saddistic way. You will never feel safe. Just stick to the above guidelines and you'll know this is it.

FYI I'm playing on a P1.5 512ram GF Ti4200/128vram and 5.1 surround in 800x600 medium settings and it runs smooth as silk.

I'll have to put a word on all of that, I absolutely agree. :)
This should be a multiple-option poll. It scared the hell out of me at certain moments (the introduction to the CyberDemon was a very underwear-staining experience) but at the same time I can't help thinking how much I like pie.
can my radeon 9200 run doom 3 in 640x480 or even 800x600
Another part that I thought of..

When you come up to the mirror in the first bathroom. I expected an enemy to appear behind me and I would have to kill it. Instead the screen turns red and it makes a high pitched noise. Really freaked me out.
The Dark Elf said:
DIII seems to have a Event Horizon style horror to it, mixed with Aliens of course.

Oh and if Ring scared you, go find Ju-On ;) *grins eviliy and rubs hands together* if that doesn't scare you then I'll unban evilewok :p

Hmm I'd rent it, but I live in Japan. So I could find the Japanese original, but I wouldn't be able to understand!
Dedatorv said:
The third one is when you are on the otherside of the glass when you got your first weapon, I think you pick up someone's datapad and one of those dudes jumps right at the glass.

The pistol? I don't remember this?
It's scaring the crap out of me at the moment...

The radio chatter at the start! -really spooky and cool
Monsters bursting out of the roof/stairs
How vulnurable i feel when i go outside
small spaces with horrible crap in there..
the slow fire rate of the pistol makes me panic :)
B_MAN said:
for those of you that have played it
lemme say this...
remember the mirror?

ARRGGH thats what scared me, i looked in the bathroom and it was all bloody and crap, i was like... i hate mirrors in bloody bathrooms, so i walked over to the
mirror, to take a look at the cool reflections. if u wanna know. look in the spoilers

if u do. look in the spoiler

the flames... was it me or did he look like he was turning into a zombie or turning old or something?
ARRGGH thats what scared me, i looked in the bathroom and it was all bloody and crap, i was like... i hate mirrors in bloody bathrooms, so i walked over to the
mirror, to take a look at the cool reflections. if u wanna know. look in the spoilers

if u do. look in the spoiler

the flames... was it me or did he look like he was turning into a zombie or turning old or something?

That part kicked ass. Has anyone seen the teleporter effect in mp? INSANE!
Raziel-Jcd said:
That part kicked ass. Has anyone seen the teleporter effect in mp? INSANE!
Indeed. Reminds me of the part of the original Matrix when the camera goes down Neo's throat when he is getting unplugged.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
I tell you a game I was shit scared of? AVP2, now that game made me jumpy and on edge ALL the time, Doom3 is no AVP2 in terms of scariness, but it's made my jump in my seat sometimes, sorta.

Yeah I agree with AVP 2 being scary, especially the marine chapter. I think the radar pings is what made it scary, how they get higher pitched and almost desperate sounding when something is near (and then it sometimes turns out to be just a bug or something!!!)
One of the parts that almost had me shit my pants:
SirOsisOfLiver said:
LOL maybe some people just know the difference between real and game. Demons aren't coming out of my computer from the game to get me, so not scary. Fun? YES! Scary? only if your a coward. Well maybe thats not nice, but I just can'T get scared so easily by a game or movie. If something jumps out at me , sure i jump. But is that fear or surprise? Suppose it depends on how you define fear. Silent Hill series. now that is scary. in a deep rooted creepy way .

Do you even know what a coward is? You can't control fear in a situation where you're facing it head on. If you're afraid, you're afriad. That is that. It doesn't mean you're a coward because of it.

A coward is someone who would run away from a man assualting his child because he is afraid of that man or situation, only to leave his child get hurt. While another man in the same situation, who may still be AFRAID, SCARED, or have FEAR in that situatoin, who fights the man off who is assualting his child to protect his child isn't a coward. Even though he was scared.

I for one am tired of the people putting on a show trying to make the "I'm a tough guy, nothing scares me" posts.
Remember what happened to the tough guy in D3
He went to hell, and came back a phsycotic (sp?) baby and everyone thought he was crazy cause he was ranting about the Devil and that he'd see him....

Over all this game was great, and yes it did make me jump...quite a few times. Alot of them were "cheap" scares...but scares are scares right? :naughty:
Still its a great game, already beat it. Prob going to play it over again just for fun.

Oh and for the scene with the "They took my baby" (it was in a movie released to public so its not a spoiler) I recognized the IMP that came out of the floor, leveled his ass and got the f out of there rofl!
Im sure this game will scare me, I still get scared by Half-life. Im such a wussy.
So far i've only been creeped out by Doom 3 but it hasn't scared me as much as Undying or System Shock 2. I'm getting pretty disappointed with the scare factor
I have to say that this is one of the scariest games I've ever played. I'd put it right up there with Undying, System Shock 2, Silent Hill and Resident Evil.
with sennheisers cranked up and low light, high detail. good recipe for being on edge
DarkStar said:
I have to say that this is one of the scariest games I've ever played. I'd put it right up there with Undying, System Shock 2, Silent Hill and Resident Evil.

Why? Its not scary
another thing that really creeps me out in this game is the growth stuff.

i could swear it was expanding on the wall
Yeah but only at certain moments SPOILERS AHEAD

One part this guy was lying there next to some ammo I walk up and his body mysteriously moves but there is no monsters around in sight.
The part with the first pinky demon was crazy...trapped in that small room. After he had bent the door inward and began walking around to the side the guy next to me just said "Oh, hell no." At which point it jumped through the glass wall and attempted to devour me.