Does George Bush deserve death? (just to be fair)

What does he deserve?

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Ferroque said:
Take your tinfoil hat off, they're not coming for us any time soon. ;)
Hahaha! You hope! :O

No, I was just commenting on what a ridiculously dumbass thread this is. If you think he should be tortured or killed, you really aren't much better than he is. We need to look at the bigger picture in regards to what systems are in place that let him get away with such offenses and what can be done about it in the future, not draconian revenge plots.
VictimOfScience said:
We need to look at the bigger picture in regards to what systems are in place that let him get away with such offenses and what can be done about it in the future, not draconian revenge plots.

This deserves to be quoted for emphasis, which I'm not in the habit of doing.
he's but one head on the hydra
chop it off, and it'll grow right back

Torture is an utterly shocking option - sure what Bush has done is beyond reproach, but what kind of society could call itself civilised whilst dealing out torture sentences?
The same, in my opinion, goes for death, but that's a whole other issue.
Hondo said:
Considering that we voted for him and therefore gave him the power to do everything he did, we have no right to punish him at all.
That's extremely specious reasoning. It's like saying "I said my friend could borrow my car, but it turned out he was a terrible driver, crashed the car, killing some pedestrians, but I can't really hold it against him as I did say he could use it."
He was elected by the people and thus should be answerable to the people and to the laws that govern all citizens of that nation.
You people think that Bush is a crimanal and lied to the American people and you think you should kill him. I can't imagine what you people are going to do to Bill Clinton.
Nothing. All he did was screw a woman who wasn't his wife. Which is a shitty thing to do, but it's not a crime.

Besides, good ol' Billy was a damn good president :D
el Chi said:
what kind of society could call itself civilised whilst dealing out torture sentences?

Well, America for starters. :shh:

Wiki "Extraordinary Rendition."

I think (hope?) most people here are being ironic with the death and torture talk though.
The kids love irony.

I put life in prison. There's just been so many injustices done that if he weren't the president he'd be in lock-up serving out his tenth set of triple-strikeouts.
He's a repeat offender and, for all that to transpire in only six year's time, that must qualify one for some sort of extreme sociopathy.
NightBlade2011 said:
You people think that Bush is a crimanal and lied to the American people and you think you should kill him. I can't imagine what you people are going to do to Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton lied about getting a hummer. Bush lied about a war.

See the difference?
Bush really should declare martial law or something.....
NightBlade2011 said:
You people think that Bush is a crimanal and lied to the American people and you think you should kill him. I can't imagine what you people are going to do to Bill Clinton.
The blood of 40,000 people is on Bush's hands, what has Bill Clinton done that's worse than that?
Bill Clinton cheated on his wife. Apparantly thats worse than killing :S
Death is harsh and torture is against human rights <cough> but life in prison is suitable if you ask me.
NightBlade2011 said:
You people think that Bush is a crimanal and lied to the American people and you think you should kill him. I can't imagine what you people are going to do to Bill Clinton.

The stain of blood vs. The stain of semen

Tough choice, I gotta admit.

Any way, I voted for life in prison. Fat chance of that happening though.
In all fairness, anyone who voted 'torture' is really just supporting precisely what's WRONG with this administration.
JNightshade said:
In all fairness, anyone who voted 'torture' is really just supporting precisely what's WRONG with this administration.

Even if its forcing him to watch "Desperate Housewives" episodes non-stop? :p
I think he should be enslaved to act in BBC comedy shows for ever more.

They should comission a new series called 'Yes President'.

Only he gets put in a box when they wrap each episode.
haha big bad europeans want bush in jail.

come and get him you pussies.
I like how you mock the Europeans with 'big bad' and then go all stupid tough guy nation-e-penis +1 as if anybody gives a shit.

EDIT: And yes I am aware you're just trying to provoke some moral outrage/aggressive response. That's called trolling.
Sulkdodds said:
I like how you mock the Europeans with 'big bad' and then go all stupid tough guy nation-e-penis +1 as if anybody gives a shit.

EDIT: And yes I am aware you're just trying to provoke some moral outrage/aggressive response. That's called trolling.
o noes trolling =(

my POINT is that to condemn bush to jail is effectively condemning america to jail. we elected him into office, our congress which we elected allowed him to use military force. this is just another stupid america bashing thread and its retarded.
Fair enough point - if you consider the President and the country anynomous. Which you seem to do. But you'll notice many people in this thread are American, so it's only America-Bashing if Bush is America. But then, for that to be true, he might want to have had a bigger majority of the vote. There's a difference between representative democracy and elective dictatorship - or at least, there should be.

Aren't there also ways to boot the President from power? (Example: British Parliament can pass a vote of no confidence). That's surely what Europeans who want Bush to at least face responsibility for all the things he's done want - for the majority of Americans to wake up and smell their point of view.

The people put him there (apparently) - can they take him away?

They impeached Clinton so surely they can do so with Bush.

EDIT: Of course, it's arguable how much blame Bush can really face for anything he's done - maybe he's just being strung along by others in his administration. Someone suggested Cheney and others should go to jail, and Bush should merely be chucked.
If Bill Clinton was president now during this you wouldn't be talking about this, but since it is Bush you think he is the Devil. You people just need to admit that you just don't like George Bush.
NightBlade2011 said:
If Bill Clinton was president now during this you wouldn't be talking about this, but since it is Bush you think he is the Devil. You people just need to admit that you just don't like George Bush.

Sure, sure. Keep throwing out random, unsubstantiated, stupid accusations.

I'll be over here not giving a serious thought to your posts.
gh0st said:
o noes trolling =(

my POINT is that to condemn bush to jail is effectively condemning america to jail. we elected him into office, our congress which we elected allowed him to use military force. this is just another stupid america bashing thread and its retarded.
Amen man.
NightBlade2011 said:
If Bill Clinton was president now during this you wouldn't be talking about this, but since it is Bush you think he is the Devil. You people just need to admit that you just don't like George Bush.
...or maybe the people who think something should be done are of the opinion he's done more harm than good with his wonderful cocktail if incompetence, zealotry and deception.

If Bill Clinton was president now, would you be defending him and saying 'you guys just don't like Bill Clinton'?
I ask again, if it's somehow wrong to impeach a President, would you also not have supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton?
Do you believe that an administration gets elected, and then should be untouchable and unaccountable for their term?
NightBlade2011 said:
If Bill Clinton was president now during this you wouldn't be talking about this, but since it is Bush you think he is the Devil. You people just need to admit that you just don't like George Bush.
Yes I don't like Bush, because he has been behind 2 illegal invasions under which 40,000 thousand people were killed. You just don't fecking understand. If Bush ordered the assasination of 1 US citizen there would be uproar. Stalin was fecking right, the death of one is a tradgedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
ríomhaire said:
Yes I don't like Bush, because he has been behind 2 illegal invasions under which 40,000 thousand people were killed. You just don't fecking understand. If Bush ordered the assasination of 1 US citizen there would be uproar. Stalin was fecking right, the death of one is a tradgedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
illegal says who? the UN? who gives a shit. something illegal has to be decided upon by someone with some judicial background. lets see the court that has determined the war in iraq to be illegal.

oh wait, you wont find one.


:angry: retards
Who gives a **** about legality? It's morality you should be worried about, and no court can legislate that. George Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani insurgents, and over a hundred thousand innocent civilians of the Middle East.

That's not okay. I don't care if he's the President or not.

We've got a man with no will and no thought for himself running our god damn COUNTRY and that not only frightens me but disgusts me.

NightBlade2011 said:
If Bill Clinton was president now during this you wouldn't be talking about this, but since it is Bush you think he is the Devil. You people just need to admit that you just don't like George Bush.
You're one of the worst arguers I've ever encountered. No shit we don't like George Bush, he's a horrible president and he's doing things that are very bad indeed for our country. If Clinton was still president, things wouldn't be nearly as bad as they are now.
Ennui said:
Who gives a **** about legality? It's morality you should be worried about, and no court can legislate that. George Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani insurgents, and over a hundred thousand innocent civilians of the Middle East.

That's not okay.
I don't care if he's the President or not.

We've got a man with no will and no thought for himself running our god damn COUNTRY and that not only frightens me but disgusts me.
so you like the insurgents that decapitate people on a whim and blow up hostpitals schools and other civilian areas? why dont you just swim over there and fight the good fight against the imperialist scum.
gh0st said:
so you like the insurgents that decapitate people on a whim and blow up hostpitals schools and other civilian areas? why dont you just swim over there and fight the good fight against the imperialist scum.
That's not what he said, is it? No, it bloody well isn't.

"I hate Bush because he has killed thousands" does not translate to "I support the bastards that he's ranged against."

It's strange, because it seems like there are a lot more insurgents to go around these days. Saddam was mad and a complete bastard, but I'm pretty sure he managed to keep a lid on the sectarian conflict. Iraq has lost a brutal, totalitarian regime and gained a whole shitload of these insurgents you hate so much.
Sulkdodds said:
That's not what he said, is it? No, it bloody well isn't.

It's strange, because it seems like there are a lot more insurgents to go around these days. Saddam was mad and a complete bastard, but I'm pretty sure he managed to keep a lid on the sectarian conflict. Iraq has lost a brutal, totalitarian regime and gained a whole shitload of these insurgents you hate so much.
yes that is what he said.

many of the people fighting in iraq are NOT iraqi's, they are foreign fighters. saddam didnt keep the lid on them did he? lets try and stay on topic a little sulkdodds id appreciate that.

ps. just because saddam "kept the lid" on his people does not make it any better than what exists today.
gh0st said:
so you like the insurgents that decapitate people on a whim and blow up hostpitals schools and other civilian areas? why dont you just swim over there and fight the good fight against the imperialist scum.
I didn't say that, now did I? Nor did I imply it, in even the vaguest sense. You're not even good at manipulating what other people say, which is usually a conservative's strong point (since we all know that people with opinions like yours have to defy logic, truth, emotion, and every other important governing factor in the scope of the human experience in order to continually fight for and uphold what you believe).

They're fighting for what they believe in, and they're fighting for their country. I don't necessarily agree with what they're fighting for, but I respect them for fighting for it - and for that reason ALONE, to nip any further accusations in the bud.

I merely stated that Bush is responsible for their deaths, which is true, because he incited them to fight by invading their home and murdering their innocent relatives and friends (collateral damage was never this bad).
Ennui said:
I merely stated that Bush is responsible for their deaths, which is true, because he incited them to fight by invading their home and murdering their innocent relatives and friends (collateral damage was never this bad).
yes, then you said

That's not okay. I don't care if he's the President or not.

hence its not ok that bush killed those insurgents. yea what a real asshole
No, it's not okay that he killed ANYONE. What the hell are you talking about, gh0st? It's pretty obvious that I'm morally inclined to think that human death is a horrible thing and should be avoided at all costs, and therefore it's not okay that Bush caused all these deaths, whether they're insurgents or not.

Also, if you're going to respond to my posts.... respond to them in their entirety.