Does Gordon have a helmet in HL2?

Does Gordon have a helmet?

  • Yes, I know he has.

    Votes: 26 11.7%
  • Yes, I think so.

    Votes: 42 18.8%
  • No, I dont think so.

    Votes: 91 40.8%
  • No, I know he hasn't.

    Votes: 64 28.7%

  • Total voters

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
I know only too well that this has been discussed many times before, but every time, there is always people that know that he had or knows that he hasn't, so I thought I'll make a poll of it. Please close it if it's found unnecessary.
I think he does. The helmet is a part of the HEV suit, and without the helmet it's not a suit. Isn't the ingame HUD supposed to present the helmet's HUD, making it feel like you're looking through Gordon's eyes. So if he didn't wear the helmet, there could be no HUD.
Seppo said:
I think he does. The helmet is a part of the HEV suit, and without the helmet it's not a suit. Isn't the ingame HUD supposed to present the helmet's HUD, making it feel like you're looking through Gordon's eyes. So if he didn't wear the helmet, there could be no HUD.
That makes sense actually.

- Yellonet
also, explain how he survives in radiation. without a helmet he would ddiiieeeee

also, when you go underwater.. erm you can see clearly.. or maybe thats nothing to do with it.

the helmet looks cool, too
And then there's this pic...


  • ghelmet2.jpg
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Also when you go into xen there are all the failed past attempts wearing the hazard suit and they all have helmits. soooo... yeah he probably does have a helmit
N'Off said:
Also when you go into xen there are all the failed past attempts wearing the hazard suit and they all have helmits. soooo... yeah he probably does have a helmit

Plus the actual fact that he goes to Xen, which I believe is located somewhere in space. How could Gordon breath without a helmet? 0mGzZZ if G0rdan doesn't have a helmet in Half-Life then VAvlE have made the m0st unrealitsic gam3 eVahh!1!!1
I believe he does, I mean, how could the HUD work without it? It's just that VALVe sort of messed up when they used the "gordon" model instead of the "helmet" model for SP (you can see it in 3rd person).
Heh, never saw that picture before. I guess he does have a helmet. But that doesn't mean he actually wears it in the game.
Edit: the post above beat me to it. :hmph: :D


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I'm pretty sure Gordon isn't wearing his suit in the beginning of the game, roaming around City 17. (Before he gets weapons and stuff) Cuz he's a prisoner.

But if he gets the suit later in the game (Well, we know he does) he may be wearing a helmet.

BUT I really doubt it. In the original Half-Life, Gordon had his suit on, but scientists and stuff recognized him, meaning he doesn't have his helmet on, because then you wouldn't be able to see his face.

And ofcourse, there is no helmet on him in multiplayer, and all the concept art has him without it.

And yet, most belive that he has a helmet. The main proof, I think, is that he survives a direct shoot in the head, and the displays that show health/armour, where would that come from without the helmet? His glasses?
its one of those things, the ingame model doesnt show him witha helmet, i also thought that the gordon model wasnt very good at all. mainly due to the fact that it isnt really needed as you cant see yourself in the game.
also, gordon seemed to have worked up quite a name for himself in black mesa.

edit: also, someone explain about when he goes underwater.
he CAN survive quite a while underwater... erm maybe... he erm survives on what little air is present in the helmet? :S

im sure xen has a breathable atmosphere, the xen aliens can survive on earth.
maybe xen has some radiactivity present or whatever.

edit2: i was just reading this fanfic which explains how the HEV suit administors drugs to releive pain, or alter moods. it could explain why he kicks so much ass and is quite feesable.
a quick burst of adrenaline before he jumps out of a vent to take down several soldiers. sounds good.
The ingame model doesn't have a helmet. Fine. Half Life is a First Person - oriented game. The model was never meant to be seen in the SP, and was like that (helmetless) for the MP for reasons of familiarity and the "Hey, that's Gordon! Cool!" feeling, IMHO.

Also, he probably took the helmet off to talk to the scientists. I know there was no animation for it, but hey, there was no animation for him cleaning his glasses/visor either, and he almost certainly would have had to do that at some point :E ...
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't either OppForce or BlueShift feature Gordan running about? He certainly didn't have a helmet on....

Either way, it doesn't particularly matter, although that pic with the helmet does look ridiculous
Maybe he has the helmet on, and takes it off when speaking to someone. Or maybe the visor is transparent or it can be pulled up like in motorcycle helmets. And for you who'll say "omg they other hev guys didn't have a transparent helmet!!" - well, maybe it's because they didn't need faces.
Just look at the HEV suit guy in HL1 Deathmatch, he has the whole suit. Helmet and everything.
Tee hee hee helmet :eek:

I never think of Gordon with a suit helmet, even though he would probably die without it :/
I don't think Gordon has a helmet. How would everyone recognize him and stuff? Like in the one clip with Eli he says "My god, you haven't changed one iota." So he would have to be able to see Gordons face so I don't think he has one. Plus all the concept art for HL2 you never see him wearing one.
i guess its just one of those things that valve never put thought into, nor really cared about. it doesnt really affect the gameplay.
the hev suit is like a convertable, the helmet is retractable.
yup, methinks the flashlight comes out of this thing on the chest plate :)
Strange.. everybody (except Gina) that wore an HEV suit have a helmet.
nimh said:
the hev suit is like a convertable, the helmet is retractable.

But can you pick up chicks with a hev suit? Hmm maybe you can. I need to get me one of those!
Seppo said:
I think he does. The helmet is a part of the HEV suit, and without the helmet it's not a suit. Isn't the ingame HUD supposed to present the helmet's HUD, making it feel like you're looking through Gordon's eyes. So if he didn't wear the helmet, there could be no HUD.

Thats probably the reason for his extra thick spectacles :LOL:
Xen must have a breathable atomosphere. Both Shepard and Barney went to Xen without any protection (apart from Shepards gasmask) and they were fine.

But Gordon must have a helmet. If he didn't, he wouldnt be able to survive being shot in the head and headcrab attacks.

You never see a military zombie. Why? They wear helmets.
yer, why is it that when the headcrabs lunge at your head... they dont engulf your face and mutaaaate you so you play through the rest of the game as a mindless zombie
I think he wears a helmet while we play the game, first of all, the Heads Up Display(HUD), second of all the headcrab attacks as jabber here explained, and last but not least i think that Gordon would die almost at an instant in the radoactive fluids and bio-toxins that are all over Black Mesa, not to mention all the things he recieves damage from, steam, fire and so on.
jabberwock95 said:
You never see a military zombie. Why? They wear helmets.
Weren't there military zombies in Opposing Force? I'm pretty sure there were. There were also some security guard zombies too.
lol yer, or at the end of hl... thered be gordon freeman with radiation boils, burns, bullet holes, fractures and cuts all over his head :D
and you dont get turned into a headcrab zombie during the first 5 minutes of gameplay... helmet!
if he does wear a helmet, shouldnt there be some sort of water roll off and steaming up á la metroid prime. and the occaisonal reflection of old gordons face on the inside of the visor. it really does add to the immersion when playing metroid.
dude, this was developed in two years and released in 1999.
this is half-life. not metroid. go figure. tho they are nice effects