Does Steam has to be installed inorder for CS:S to work ?

what they said.

no steam = no valve games.

specially not multiplayer.
I guess thats a bummer for the pirates but not as buyers

They'll still find a way to make CS:S work without steam
Steam is garbage though. So in order to play HL2 or CS:S i have to pollute my pc with that program?

what a bummer.
FoB_Ed said:
They'll still find a way to make CS:S work without steam

Doubtful. Steam knows if you're supposed to own a game or not, and if you try to play it on an account not authorized for it, it won't work. And if you somehow got past that, VAC probably knows how to check for that and it will ban your ass. :)

[EDIT: Oops, didn't realize he was talking about playing outside of Steam entirely. Suppose it could be done, but you wouldn't be able to play on any Steam servers (i.e., all of them) unless you also somehow hacked the server, and even then only your hacked clients could connect. Seems kinda not worth the trouble when the game is only $20.]
Some people did get the first version of the beta working on steam, but then Valve patched it and it stopped working. It's an enormous amount of hassle getting it hacked then distributing the files over bit-torrent then the next day Valve fix it so you can't play.

People could also play Condition-Zero on steam for awhile, before Valve patched it so you couldn't.

It's easier to just buy the games.
Some people did get the first version of the beta working on steam, but then Valve patched it and it stopped working.

It still works but you can only play with other people who have the cracked version, so it's pretty useless, as you said.
GorgeousOrifice said:
Doubtful. Steam knows if you're supposed to own a game or not, and if you try to play it on an account not authorized for it, it won't work. And if you somehow got past that, VAC probably knows how to check for that and it will ban your ass. :)

It's already been done. Steam isn't going to stop determined pirates.
Milo said:
Steam is garbage though. So in order to play HL2 or CS:S i have to pollute my pc with that program?

what a bummer.

Agreed. I'm not a Steam fan, but if it curves piracy for a company who (up and till now at least) has deserved our money, then that's fair enough I say.
Two things.

Firstly they don't have to stop piracy, they just have to make it a big enough pain in the backside for the mainstream people not to want to do it, which they have successfully done. Your right, you can never stop determined pirates, but people will still rather spend $20 rather then go through all the crap.

Secondly I as well don't have a problem with Steam. I admit at first I was anti - steam because it felt like it was getting shoved down your throat but since I've got it haven't had any major problems with it. Now when I ask give me one decient argument against steam people only come out with stupid answers, like "Its exsistance" as above. If you don't like it, don't play it.
I hate all these "omfg steam is the devil" people. Get with the times.
I am truly neutral. I haven't even downloaded Steam yet. Maybe I need to get with the times also. :)
I actually like where Steam is going. It gives you a central place for all your Valve games where you can switch through games quickly, find Friends (hopefully this will be more reliable with the new HL2 version of Steam) and use a really good server browser. The thing about Steam is that you need a broadband connection to lessen any hassle of getting a game. 56k modems are dead, get with the times (although broadband is still expensive as hell).
The price of broadband depends. My wife and I got a deal with Comcast where we get both our cable and broadband internet for around $90 a month. In the grand scheme of things, that really isn't too expensive.
FoB_Ed said:
It still works but you can only play with other people who have the cracked version, so it's pretty useless, as you said.

True but they are stuck on protocol one where as everyone else will be on two and higher.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I hate all these "omfg steam is the devil" people. Get with the times.

Times = bugs, instability, dysfunctional account/cd-key management?
Im still on the "fence". As anyone knows the more you "rely" and use something the more "easier" it becomes a target for "attack". I do IA for Marine Corps systems and if it is not needed we shut it down.

The greatest benefit I see is Steam puts "more" money into Valves pocket. Bad? No.

Is Steam "needed"? Not really. I would much rather DL a "patch" and install it myself then let a program via the internet do it.

Is it the future? O rest assured it is. If this works. That will mean more and more people will be able to sit on their "arses" and not have any reason to get up. Bad? Yes.
Volume, high speed (onsept for satelite) is not avaiable everywhere just to clue you in. O and steam is optimized for broadband but that does not mean its gonna run slower on a 56k than Cs 1.5.
Steam had a buggy start, but now i like it. I mean i get alot less errors compared to 1.5.
I got CS:S, it was no problem... I mean Soruce is 366 megs, i got it in 1 day.. Its not that hard...
Neutrino said:
It's already been done. Steam isn't going to stop determined pirates.

these pirates can go play with other pirates because thats about the only thing they will be able to do :p
they can forget about playing MP with the masses... because every time they figure out a way to do that, Valve will release a patch.. hehe i kinda like that :E
mutt said:
ppl hate steam to try and look cool

Im already cool.

I just dont like people "making" me do something, that I deem unecessary.
Cybernoid said:
Times = bugs, instability, dysfunctional account/cd-key management?

What are you talking about? My steam hasn't crashed in about 4 months, actually, I haven't had ANY problems with steam in the past 4 months. Maybe you should actually try it out before saying crap like that, those problems were only wide-spread in the earlier versions.
Aknot said:
Im already cool.

I just dont like people "making" me do something, that I deem unecessary.
who is making u play valve games?
u dont sound so cool now :p
Dalamari said:
I still have yet to see 1 problem with steam.

I've always liked STEAM too!!! I've had only 1 or 2 problems with STEAM since it came out.Alot of people will just bitch incessantly about STEAM because they have POS c'puters like DELL & Gateway brimming over with viruses from pron sites
/me likes being able to buy key off of ebay, download game(legally), and play within 20 minutes. It's also cheaper, so i don't have to get some stupid box I throw away and never use.