Dog vs. Garg

Dog vs. Garg, who would win?

  • Dog

    Votes: 67 54.5%
  • Garg

    Votes: 56 45.5%

  • Total voters
it takes full damage from energybeams? the dog should have no problem zapping it to hell.
Dog has gravity gun beams, not lasers. Although, I'd assume that the gargantua would take damage from DMG_DISSOLVE in HL2, because it seems to be a successor to Energybeam. So a Strider would probably beat the Garg, too.

Yes, being a coder does help in day-to-day ownings.

-Angry Lawyer
Wrong...Dog is a way cooler ally than Garg was an enemy.
Apart from the fact that DOG was completely scripted, apart from the bit where you play ball.

-Angry Lawyer
Ok the gard is way bigger, heavier, and stronger than dog. Dog's head is made out of a scanner, I'm sure that scanner is made out of some major bulletproof armor. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing Dog, he's fast, agile and has an in built grav gun. Plus the garg doesn't really have "hands" as such, so it would probably only be able to waddle about a little whilst recieving a good bashing from boxes, dustbins, eggs, fences and whatever else dog can get his hands on...
You spelt Father wrong in your signature. Unless it is spelt differently in America (I assume that is where you are from.)

Dog, is really strong, really cool, jumps really high, is really agile.

Garg is ugly and blocky ;) .
I'm in canada, and i spell it how it sounds.

but yeah, your right....
Dog is like a machanic Gorilla. It can leap through the air, throw objects. What the hell can Garg do? Use a flamethrower at a machine that is size of Garg?

By the way, Garg only attacks those who traspass his territory.
also dog is capable of learning things and would eventually figure out how to kill garg!
Dog can't figure out anything - he doesn't even have AI code beyond basic scripting! ARGH!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Dog can't figure out anything - he doesn't even have AI code beyond basic scripting! ARGH!

-Angry Lawyer
Jesus, man! This is still a speculation thread. Forget that Dog is all scripted, forget that a Gargantua can only take special-situation damage, and imagine their characters if they were real. I'd think you'd be capable of having an imagination if you're intelligent enough to know all this code from HL. The purpose of this thread isn't "who would win if you spawned them next to each other". Imagine all those comic books with impossible versus battles between two popular characters. The reader has to forget that the two characters were from different comic series, different universes, different times, and would have no good reason to fight each other. Same thing here. Ya dig?? :)

Anyway, my money's on the Gargantua, because he's bigger and has energy attacks. Dog has a chance because of his supreme agility, but he would need some firepower to take the big guy down. I'd see the fight going well for Dog early on, smacking the Garg up some, then the Garg connects with one of those floor beams and <melt!> Dog's stuck to the floor and <Bam!> <Stomp!> the Garg crushes him like a can.
Garg would win, they only way it can be damaged is with explosives. And Dog dosen't have explosives.
Danimal said:
Garg would win, they only way it can be damaged is with explosives. And Dog dosen't have explosives.
He could throw explosives at it with the grav gun. Garg would win though.
His flames would cause the metal to melt, turning DOG into a pile of metal with flailing limbs.
I'd just like to point out that the dropship is NOT invincible to player weapons.

It takes 4 RPG hits to kill it on easy, it's just tricky to kill and fairly pointless to try.
Sam2k said:
I'd just like to point out that the dropship is NOT invincible to player weapons.

It takes 4 RPG hits to kill it on easy, it's just tricky to kill and fairly pointless to try.
I shot at 1 for ages but the only thing that was damaged was the trop holder.
I'm pretty sure Dropships ARE invincible except to the uber-gravgun. If you use the rpg you can destroy whatever they're carrying though (ie a Strider, or one of those pods filled with Overwatch soldiers).
they are. Ive pounded with rpg ammo and they dont die.
As i side-note, if you use the G-Gun (Uber version), i pulls a regdoll of the model
What the hell is with you guys how could dog win a garg would just fry him jeeze some of you gotta go play HL1 again. Dogs head is a scanner jeeze its like a friggen hammered together in a garage robot. remeber in HL1 when the garg kicks the car and it goes flying at like mach 2 killin all these soldiers. and the garg is made out of like hard crap so it couldent have its spinal cord ripped out!
KNoX said:
What the hell is with you guys how could dog win a garg would just fry him jeeze some of you gotta go play HL1 again. Dogs head is a scanner jeeze its like a friggen hammered together in a garage robot. remeber in HL1 when the garg kicks the car and it goes flying at like mach 2 killin all these soldiers. and the garg is made out of like hard crap so it couldent have its spinal cord ripped out!

Yeah ur right, but perhaps you were a little ott in your answer :naughty:
do we know what material garg is made out of? Its like the stuff striders are made from
It's exoskeletal, just like the armour plates on Alien Grunts. It contains a higher metallic mineral content than Synth stuff.

-Angry Lawyer
what, so its even stronger? Great mercifull christ
int CGargantua::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::TakeDamage\n");

	if ( IsAlive() )
		if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			flDamage *= 0.01;
		if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );

	return CBaseMonster::TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );

wow i actually understand the code. is it MFC? I think MFC naming convention has a 'C' in front of the class names.
		if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			flDamage *= 0.01;

I suppose bitsDamageType would be an integer and the activated bit in the int indicates which type the attack is, and GARG_DAMAGE is an int with bits activated indicating which attacks GARG isn't resistant against right??? or am i totally wrong?
JellyWorld said:
I suppose bitsDamageType would be an integer and the activated bit in the int indicates which type the attack is, and GARG_DAMAGE is an int with bits activated indicating which attacks GARG isn't resistant against right??? or am i totally wrong?
That's what it looks like. I've never browsed the code before, but yeah. Definitely.
Dog would probably win... he can hurl heavy objects to Garg and wen he's angry... Garg will have no chance of defeating him.
MuToiD_MaN said:
That's what it looks like. I've never browsed the code before, but yeah. Definitely.

Yup, the code states that if the damage bit isn't one of the GARG_DAMAGE bits, then multiply it by 0.01. So he gets to pwn dog.

-Angry Lawyer
So does that mean you can effectively hurt the garg if you have some sort of non-GARG_DAMAGE weapon that does at least a hundred points of damage at a time? This is assuming the hitpoints in the game are integer values of course.
Garg would win easily at close range, it has much more hitpoints and has a much more powerful weapon. Even Gordon Freeman doesn't stand a chance against Garg unless he has an RPG
Maybe Valve are reading this and will include it in hl3.
Anyway, I reckon Garg would win. The only thing Dog does is lob an apc around for a bit, then gets owned by a dropship.