

Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Is it just me but is the idea of a robot sidekick-for-the-sidekick kinda lame? :dozey:

What do you think of my conceptual art?


  • dog.jpg
    5.5 KB · Views: 590
Spooky, please stop posting you threads in general forum. If you think this is funny, post it over at OT forum, not here.
A while ago, I said that this piece of HL2 concept art is DOG. Noone believed me. I guess we'll see when the game comes ouit.

Yea, I saw a thing where the devs were talkin about "Dog" it sounded big and bad-arse.
holy shit!! Valve ignore his; choose mine!
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
A while ago, I said that this piece of HL2 concept art is DOG. Noone believed me. I guess we'll see when the game comes ouit.


Didn't Gabe say somwhere that if you tried to take a shot at Alyx, DOG would kick you ass???? What ever that is, tank or DOG, it certainly looks like it could kick my ass and leave it bloody....
I was just thinking the same thing anthrax. Looks like that thing could kick gordon's ass pretty good if he didn't have an RPG handy : )
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
A while ago, I said that this piece of HL2 concept art is DOG. Noone believed me. I guess we'll see when the game comes ouit.


Ah come on, like that thing could actually be DOG. It's a big-ass tank that looks like it wouldn't even be able to fit into a warehouse
Honestly, we don't know how big that thing is. We have nothing to relate it to. For all we know, it could be 2 feet tall.
i'm gonna kill alyx a lot so i guess dog will be killing me a lot.
lol.. gabe said that if you shoot at alyx then she will be pissed and shoot back and if you kill her then dog will try to kill you. it would look soo stupid when a tank wants to kill you, cmon!, its just a combine tank. This is no dog. a dog is a robot! a big ass robot and nobody said it will look like a dog, she just names him dog but i do not believe that the tank is dog
kotik: that first one could be kinda scary to see ingame... :)

where's it from?
Actually, I imagined a small, three-foot-tall droid with a few guns mounted on it. It would just kind of roll around and follow Alyx's commands.
Nathaniel: I think its from terminator3 as the link says... :afro:
Here's the real deal, taken from PC GAMER UK. Looks pretty good to me :cheers:


  • dog1.jpg
    99.2 KB · Views: 349
why the hell do people always get pissed when someone posts shit in the wrong forum? For one thing, it's not their bandwith, and they also dont have to read it if they dont want to.
Originally posted by DeXtRoMeThOrFaN
why the hell do people always get pissed when someone posts shit in the wrong forum? For one thing, it's not their bandwith, and they also dont have to read it if they dont want to.

I didnt see any guy posted in this threath that was mad exept you. :borg:
You think thats the dog, robot.

I hope not, cos its suppost to be one our team.


lol, looks like some nasty shi* whatever it is. Looks fun :D

Hows about we post some more of the concept art cos there is some stuff there we havent discussed :)
btw this shouldnt really go in the media section: its not real media...
yo tequila, is there more concept stuff we havent seen before?

please post it here
I'm not sure m8, I'll have a goosey ganders through the mags tonight and get back to you.

EDIT: Ok I've got 3 (possibly) new pieces of concept art, quality isn't the best but its not too bad:
You are the man. Most of us haven't seen the first two. Could you possibly take screenshots of the entire pages?

This should be bumped. I don't think people realise those babies are in there -- you should make your own thread.
I don't think full magazine scans are allowed m8, and anyway the rest of the pages are just screenshots and info you've all seen/heard before, guarenteed.