Doing stuff in you sleep?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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I had ice cream last night, and didn't wash the bowl before going to bed, so it was still sitting on my desk.

When I woke up however, it was broken and on the carpet next to my chair. No way it could have fallen off on its own.

Anybody have experiences with sleep walking or anything? I mean, I have some weird recollections of myself sitting in the dark, trying to pick up the pieces to this thing, but other than that I have no memory of it. I would think if I broke a bowl on accident before sleeping, or while waking up to go and take a piss or something I would know about it more than just a hazy thought.

I'm just reminded of it as I get ready to go back to bed again. I didn't really remember anything of it except when I first woke up and saw that it was on the carpet all in pieces and cleaning it up while actually awake and lucid.
I sleepwalk, apparently, but I haven't been caught doing it in a long while.
My brother used to sleepwalk when he was a kid. Once I came up the stairs and he was just standing in the hallway facing away from me, and it scared the everliving shit out of me. It was like once of those cliched movie scenes where someone is like, possessed or a zombie or something, but you can't really tell for sure because you can't see their face. It didn't help any when I called his name and asked what the hell he was doing, but he didn't respond. I had to pat him on the shoulder to get his attention, and when I asked again he just said something like "i was going to make a sandwich." I just looked at him weird for a second, and said "Okay, good night" and I left him there and went to bed. Pretty sure I heard him just walk back into his room. When I told him about it the next morning he had no idea what I was talking about, and my mom yelled at me for leaving him there because she was afraid of what might have happened if he actually tried to sleepwalk down the stairs to the kitchen.

The closest thing I've ever done to something like that is waking up to take a leak and running into another family member who says something. I intentionally try to keep myself in the "sleep mode" when I wake up at night to go to the bathroom (makes it easier to fall back asleep), so a lot of times I'll forget what they actually said, despite remembering the encounter. They often tell me I was sleepwalking, but I wasn't since I remember getting up and seeing them, I just didn't care enough to remember what they were saying.
I punch stuff in my sleep. Woke myself up a few weeks ago after punching the wall.
Last night, my cousin told me that I randomly stood up, stared at the wall for 5 minutes, and went back to sleep. That's some Paranormal Activity shit right there.
A couple of months back I was kicking the missus whilst in bed. I partially remember it happening, but not being able to do anything about it. It was only after she woke up from the kicking and wondered what the shit was going on that I woke up and was like, wha?!
Usually when you're sleep walking you're not like walking around with your eyes closed just messing with things, your consciousness never gets past sleep mode but your body is doing everything normally.

This did remind me, however, of the sleep walking scene in Step Brothers which was ****ing hilarious. I need to watch that again. Prolly the best part of the movie.
I woke up a few times sort of recently and my pillow was missing. Later I found it laying on the floor far across the room. I would have had to have been very frustrated with it to cover that kind of distance.
The most i've ever done is go to sleep in my bed and wake up on the floor with my pillow and blanket. Nothing horrible, but still pretty "wat".

My friend, on the other hand, he's been taking medications forever. Whenever he would come over for the night to play games, he'd fall asleep normally and then it'd always be a wild ass night. Sleep walking, talking, arguing. The whole shabang. One time, when I was at his house, he got up at like 4am, went into the kitchen, put a taco shell in the microwave and just let it burn while watching it. I went in there and said something along the lines of "what's going on". He said "what" in that real almost asleep tone. He then walked back to the bedroom and went to sleep. I took the taco shell out of the microwave and the whole kitchen was stinking like burnt ass taco. I don't know how I put up with his ass. This was a daily thing (since I stayed at his place one summer).
The microwave taco shell thing happened every night? Thats awesome!
When I'm really nervous I wake up lying in my bed the opposite way.

I also sleeptalk on rare occasions when attempts are made at waking me (I'm a very deep sleeper), a few weeks ago when roused I said "Just a minute, I'm in the middle of an autopsy."
EDIT: I hadn't been dreaming of autopsies either, I didn't dream at all that night.
You technically did dream, you just didn't remember it, Jul3 bro.

My friend used to sleep-talk a fair bit during our early teens, where we'd all be in a pile of flesh, drool and vomit, a collective of passed out teenagers in the middle of my old could-probably-do-well-in-a-fraternity-friend's loungeroom.

Amongst the silhouetted pile of clothes, chicks and Metal, my friend would stick his head up.

"That bitch does some sweet-ass sketches, man." While pointing aimlessly.

And fell back to sleep as quickly as he rose.

I think in the same night (Or another), he mentioned the appearance of Cobras on the beach.

EDIT: Though personally I don't do that sort of thing, I woke up once while kicking my window hard with the ball of my foot (The last thing I remember about this dream was being surrounded by people in those Burqa things) but other then that, nah brooooooo.

EDIT2: I was also gonna' say, just take the Taco Shells out of their normal place in the pantry, Hokey.
There have been times where I gone to sleep with a shirt on and woken up with it flung far across the room, just the other day I was using my laptop with it perched on the desk next to the bed and I was woken up with it hitting the floor in the middle of the room as if it was thrown 0_o

Strangest thing that has happened to me was when I was small I was watching tv in the spare room and fell asleep, my dad came in later on when coming to bed to carry me to my room and I cried out 'Egypt!' three times in my sleep. He was like wtf? but carried me to my bed anyway. Next morning a bunch of British tourists were murdered in Egypt, saw it on the news 0_o
I punch stuff in my sleep. Woke myself up a few weeks ago after punching the wall.

This a few times if I get really angry in a dream. Sometimes I'll try to kick someone too.

A couple of times if I dream that something funny's happening, I'll start laughing and wake myself up.
I've got up, turned my computer on, gone back to sleep before. But that is about it.
I've woken up in a different bed a couple of times.
I guess the oddest thing I've ever done was crying out "Hey guys! Line up here!" and then making little machine gun sounds whilst asleep.

My roommates (who were both freaked out and nearly dead from laughter) made sure after that to never let me stay up after they went to sleep. :p
I guess the oddest thing I've ever done was crying out "Hey guys! Line up here!" and then making little machine gun sounds whilst asleep.

My roommates (who were both freaked out and nearly dead from laughter) made sure after that to never let me stay up after they went to sleep. :p

You're going to start WWIII on the DMZ some day. In your sleep.
apparently I kick a lot in my sleep but its probably because I'm running. I also rarely ever sleep walk but my Cousin used to do that a lot as a kid. We'd be camping somewhere and people would be up late at night and he'd just walk around the campsite for minutes, someone always had to make sure they watched him. He'd literally walk 1000 meters away and then miraculously come back. I saw him do it once because I was sleeping on the bottom bunk at camp and he climbed down, and I shined a flashlight in his face because he scared me, then he walked outside, took a piss and came back. it was like he was a zombie
I wake up very horny and whit a boner,sure is not as fancy as your stories but hey is something

maybe the tooth fairy likes me and give me blowjobs at night
I wake up very horny and whit a boner,sure is not as fancy as your stories but hey is something

maybe the tooth fairy likes me and give me blowjobs at night

I woke up with a massive boner today because I slept for around 8 hrs. It took effort to get it back down to a reasonable level :p
I turned off my alarm in my sleep this morning. Always enjoyable.
Two days ago my alarm clock woke me up, I sat down in bed to reach it (it's on the other side of the bed) and clicked whatever to shut it up (in this case the top snooze button). So a few minutes later it beeped again and I repeated the action. Upon the third time I finally switched it off then I flipped it off.

Showing my alarm clock the finger seemed amusing at that time.

The end.
One time, my brother overheard me saying "We don't go to Ravenholm because there's no pancakes" in my sleep. I'm serious.
^Haha, that's pretty awesome

As for alarms, I used to think I was turning mine off in my sleep whenever I missed it, but then I noticed that the "Alarm Set" light was still on when I woke up -- meaning I slept through the entire alarm for 30 or 60 or however many minutes. My alarm is absurdly loud and annoying too. I guess it doesn't help that I set it for stupid things like 1:30 or 4 AM.
My sister sometimes tells a story of me sleepwalking and sleeptalking. Something about trying to watch a turned off TV...
I knew one guy who would have mistaken a pot-plant for a toilet had some other people not intervened. Can't say I have ever sleep-walked myself, but then how would I know?
I just remembered there was this guy nicknamed Sheets in the dorms because once he got drunk and fell asleep -- and in his sleep, pissed on his roommates sheets.

One or two years later, my friend roomed with him. They had a carpet in the middle of the room and some chairs. Again, the guy had gotten drunk and fallen asleep. He got up, pulled down his pants, sat on one of the chairs in the middle of the room, and pissed all over the chair/carpets.

(Obviously he helped clean it up.)