Don't drink the water? why, where does it come from?

Hehe never noticed that before. Nice find (if you were the original discoverer)....
Nice, nice, I really need to pay more attention to detail while I play games, would make them so much more immersive.
I just went through the trainstation bink looking for anything I've missed and during the first viewing I saw the vender qiuckly go past in a blur so I started it again and got ready with the 'print screen' button and there we go, it paid off.
I wonder if they put something in the water to make the citizens of City 17 more docile and controlable.
whoa, i wonder if that was the 04 easter egg?

kinda a stretch for that but imo, it's a possibility...
gross, yet, your right there was something funny about the taste,......must....kill.....freeman
1984 all over again people, wonder if they are allowed to have sex in City 17 (poor Gordon).
monkeydust said:
I wonder if they put something in the water to make the citizens of City 17 more docile and controlable.

Without a doubt!
I wonder if thats the brand name or not. =P

Drink Dr breens private reserve water or die!!!! so with this information we must all conclude Dr Breen is truly the Ceo of a soda company that had lagging sales.
I wonder if thats something in the CE...a bottle of Dr. Breen brand water
hmm I wonder if anyone would truly drink it?

You have to.. It's the only water that is clean, beacuse they made all other toxic... or something :)
haha i guess that makes more sense

I thought he was just drunk with the wine bottles in front of him and said they put something in it to make you forget... and he didn't remember how he got there (cause he was totally wasted)
Dr. Breen gets his/her own vending machine?! Sweet! :D
lazicsavo said:
1984 all over again people, wonder if they are allowed to have sex in City 17 (poor Gordon).

Pretty sure there's a thread drifting around about what Breen is saying in the apartment TV monitor that says that the benefactors have removed the ability to reproduce...along with something about immortality.

...I'm sure a search could find it pretty quick, but I'm lazy.
Breen is a dumbass. Every time he wants water he has to pay like $1.25.
Big Fat Duck said:
does anyone actually care about this crap
Obviously, yes.

Valve cared enough to put it in the game, and we care enough to express our impressedness over the attention to detail.

Even you care enough to devote one of your few precious posts to joylessly criticizing the casual discussion.
You have to.. It's the only water that is clean, beacuse they made all other toxic... or something
I meant if a bottle came with the CE would anybody drink that.
If the water harms the memory so much that the man can not even remember how he got to the train did he remember the water did anything to your memory?
They said something about the planets resources being nearly depleted...
maybe they meant drinking water too by that.

Maybe Breen (and the combine) have the only drinking water left and distribute it via these machines.

The water prolly has drugs in it like valium that would let the citizens not care about the state they are in.
marshmallow said:
If the water harms the memory so much that the man can not even remember how he got to the train did he remember the water did anything to your memory?
that's exactly what i was thinking when i saw the trailer
It's simple, the guy would know he didn't just *poof* into the city. He got there somewhere, since the train seems to be the only way into the city that would seem to be the obvious place he came from. He probably remembers drinking the water and he probably knows that at one time he knew where he came from, so he could infer that the water is what made him forget (if he ate or something, then he might infer it's something else).

Maybe Gordon beat him with his crowbar a bunch of times back at Black Mesa, and the guy doesn't even remember that they worked together :p . He's your long lost house mate!.

...I don't see how it can't make sense :p .
AngstyTeen said:
hmm I wonder if anyone would truly drink it?

Seconds after drinking Dr. Breen's water from CE...
"Where the hell have I just been? Where am I?" *Picks up HL2:CE* "WTF IS THIS!? Ah, it's probably nothing..." *Chucks it in the trash*


Good find there though, sharp eye ya got there! Wonder if this affects the plot in any way? Ah, probably not...
i wonder what happens if you interact with the vending machine and get some water from it......A WEIRD SCENE OF HALLUCINATION PERHAPS?
Perhaps I miss something, but wouldn't it be also possible, that the normal drinking water has drugs in it and that these vending machines are the only REAL water but are only available to the combines? Just a thought ...