Don't forget, Doom3 episode of "Icons" on G4TechTV tonight


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Comes on in one hour actually.

For those that don't have G4TechTV, it will most likely be on the net somewhere tomorrow.
Yup, it's moreso a history of the Doom franchise than a specific look at Doom3, but there will be new Doom3 footage on it.
I hope it doesnt have that "Please dont let my hairdo suck!" guy on it
He`s better than the lame chicks that arent even interested in games.
I agree. What people fail to realize is that guy is the average gamer type that posts on message boards. At least he's the genuine article, not some washed out actress with absolutely no interest in games whatsoever smiling at the camera with that fake ass happy look (I'm looking at you, Filter chick)
Dave from Portal=Best host on the whole damn channel.
Episode was neat, but they should do one about HL HL2 and all it's mods, that would be, well, I can't find a word to describe it.
Dang, wish I had a TV. Hopefully someone will upload it to the net soon.
It shows quite alot of new Doom3 footage. I haven't been paying much attention to the Doom3 footage though because I don't wanna spoil anymore than I already have.
Most likely. I'll let you guys know if I find anything, but it'd be a good idea to look around PlanetDoom's forums sometime tomorrow to see if anyone captured it.
One thing that bothers me is that Doom 3 is very much focused on the single player (YES, I don't like multi), but the game is only 20 hours. HL2 I heard is around 35-40 and it also has a very broad multiplayer component comming with it (plus the mod community).
yeah...well I don't want to turn this into one of those topics, but I doubt Half-Life 2 will be 30-40 hours. NO FPS is that long, except for the FPS/RPG hybrids.

30-40 is one of those PR estimates, the sort of "best case scenario". I imagine it could be that long if you went really, really, REALLY slow through the game, but the average player will not take 30-40 hours to beat it, I don't care how many stages it has.

Companies always over-exaggerate their games length hours, or go by the slowest possible players.
Well the same could be said for Doom 3 and its 20 hours
It's on again tonight for those of you who missed it :thumbs:
Sparta said:
Well the same could be said for Doom 3 and its 20 hours

Yes, except that the 20 hour comment came from a reviewer, not from a PR guy from id.

Although it's true that some people will beat it quicker than 20 hours.
I thought the 20 hour comment came from someone at iD?

Oh well, doesn't matter. The length of a game rarely detracts from the overall experience. Especially if its a good game, like Doom 3 and HL2 will be :thumbs: :cheers:
I have a problem with length of games. Look at Max Payne 2 and Beyond Good and Evil. Great games, enjoyed them fully, but I can finish them in 6 hours if I really try, and that's especially true of max payne.

But if I had to go for quality vs length, for the love of god go for quality and don't make the game repatetive just for the sake of length.

What doom is going to be around $55, for 20 Hours, that's 2.75 dollars per hour, yeah I can live with that :) (god I'm bored).
Well it might take you guys shorter to beat it but knowing me, it will probably take awhile, maybe a week :) And whens that episode coming back on?
Right after the episode they had the 10 worst games of all time. That was neat to watch :)
lazicsavo said:
One thing that bothers me is that Doom 3 is very much focused on the single player (YES, I don't like multi), but the game is only 20 hours. HL2 I heard is around 35-40 and it also has a very broad multiplayer component comming with it (plus the mod community).

Actually it took the PCG reviewer 23 hours to complete, and he had to get through ASAP, and he couldn't stop and look at the detail, and it was on medium challenge.
I plan to play Doom 3 on easy and HL2 on medium. I don't think I'll be able to handle being scared shitless and having to shoot streight at the same time.
Gotta get me a copy of that new Icon vid... :bonce:
lazicsavo said:
One thing that bothers me is that Doom 3 is very much focused on the single player (YES, I don't like multi), but the game is only 20 hours. HL2 I heard is around 35-40 and it also has a very broad multiplayer component comming with it (plus the mod community).

Can you quit complaining? The game is not Half-Life 2 for crying out loud. Your flash light is seperate from your gun, can your comprehend that? They game will be fun. And it will have mods. And it will have a fun multiplayer. What is it with people thinking that 4 player multiplayer is not fun? :rolleyes: Plus Doom 3 multiplayer will have the remake of the Edge. That alone is worth $55 (or whatever Doom 3 will cost).
hype.db said:
I'm not much of a Doom guru.. what's the Edge?

Its a famous Quake 2 multiplayer map. I probably spent close to a year playing that map. I still have it memorize to this day.

You can still buy Quake 2 and you can probably still find several servers running Quake 2 with the Q2DM1 (the edge) map. It is great fun.
blahblahblah said:
Its a famous Quake 2 multiplayer map. I probably spent close to a year playing that map. I still have it memorize to this day.

You can still buy Quake 2 and you can probably still find several servers running Quake 2 with the Q2DM1 (the edge) map. It is great fun.
Is there a Deathmatch Classic conversion of that map? There has to be, I can't see why anyone wouldn't make one.
That was very interesting, but it just makes me want the game right now even more :hmph:
Hmmm. i've got a dilemma

I've got 34 bucks and it costs 80-100 bucks Australian for Doom 3. do you think i should trade in Deus Ex : Invisible War and use that money to help pay for Doom 3? Because i'm outta options. I'm just not sure if i really want to trade DX:IW in....I never play it....but i might play it agian some day...