Dont taze me bro' I'm a hollywood actor


May 5, 2004
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Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright, who were arrested this past weekend at a Shreveport, La. bar, were pepper sprayed and tased by cops. And, we're told, police went on a vulgar rant -- and portions were caught on cell phone video.

The incident occurred during a wrap party for Oliver Stone's movie "W" about the Prez. Local station KTBS reports and TMZ sources say Wright, who plays Colin Powell, was repeatedly tasered and pepper sprayed as he lay prone on his stomach in the street. We know witnesses heard the officers using extremely foul language, including the "N" word, directed at Wright.

Our sources say Brolin was observed by witnesses attempting to make peace and standing still as he was repeatedly sprayed in the eyes by cops.

The city attorney has not decided whether to file criminal charges against Brolin, Wright or the others for interfering with a police officer.

actors deserve no special privilege however; **** da police, far too many of them are thugs with badges
The cops will get paid leave while they investigate this and then no charges will be brought up against them. What a wonderful country we live in.
The "N word"? Naked? Nipple? Nacho? Nice?

Oh, you mean nigger? Seriously, what's so bad about the word (and the "F word" as well as the "C word") that forces news media to refer it to the "N word" as if they were a bunch of 5-year olds? The word isn't inherently evil, like some demon's name you can't say out loud lest you be cursed. If it's used to describe what others have said and not used to call people that thing, then what is wrong with just saying it?

If you're going to mention that the "N word" was used at all (which isn't really relevant, might as well said the cops were using "racial slurs") then at least mention the full word. Because everyone knows what you mean but at least then you don't sound so pathetic. Goddammit.
same thing happens here ..****ing cops were arrested for trafficing drugs, possession of a controled substance, assualting dealers and extortion and they were all members of the drug squad ..yup, suspended with pay ..4 years later all charges were dropped.

The "N word"? Naked? Nipple? Nacho? Nice?

Oh, you mean nigger? Seriously, what's so bad about the word (and the "F word" as well as the "C word") that forces news media to refer it to the "N word" as if they were a bunch of 5-year olds? The word isn't inherently evil, like some demon's name you can't say out loud lest you be cursed. If it's used to describe what others have said and not used to call people that thing, then what is wrong with just saying it?

If you're going to mention that the "N word" was used at all (which isn't really relevant, might as well said the cops were using "racial slurs") then at least mention the full word. Because everyone knows what you mean but at least then you don't sound so pathetic. Goddammit.

it's against broadcasting industry standards's not worth losing their license over
Cops here? Caught downloading copyrighted materials on police computers. Punishment? Hell no there was too many instances of piracy occurring and they didn't bother to investigate.

That's like saying there's too many drug dealers so they won't bother trying to stop them.
same thing happens here ..****ing cops were arrested for trafficing drugs, possession of a controled substance, assualting dealers and extortion and they were all members of the drug squad ..yup, suspended with pay ..4 years later all charges were dropped.
Sweet, you just made me feel better. Here I assumed we were the only ones this ****ed up.
nope, cops get a free ride here as well ..I can count the number of times I've had a good experience with a police officer on one hand ..I'd need a dozen hands to count the number of times I've had a bad experience with cops
they were arrested for obstruction of justice but:

The city attorney has not decided whether to file criminal charges against Brolin, Wright or the others for interfering with a police officer.
had I had a dozen donuts at the time I wouldnt have been arrested

"stop in the name of the law, or just wait till I finish my french cruller"
I can't imagine what they must have done that was so bad to deserve that punishment.
What were they arrested for?

Who cares? They could have been getting arrested for rape for all I care, cops are trained to be prefessionals, not thugs with badges (as stern put it).
It would put the situation in a different light though. I wouldn't care that much about a cop using racial slurs if the alleged crime was of magnitudes more severe. So I care. Although in all likeliness it's just hicks in uniforms doing as they usually do.

EDIT: Somehow missed the part where it says he was tazed repeatedly on the ground. So never mind. This is totally unacceptable.
I can't imagine what they must have done that was so bad to deserve that punishment.

not respecting authority is an offense punished with severe beatings/tazers and pepper sraying
Here's an unfortunate reality. Corruption is global. We have to work to stop it, or else it's self perpetuating.
yes beatings usually beget more beatings


a leopard can't change it's spots

...unless it's under threat of a beating
The "N word"? Naked? Nipple? Nacho? Nice?

Oh, you mean nigger? Seriously, what's so bad about the word (and the "F word" as well as the "C word") that forces news media to refer it to the "N word" as if they were a bunch of 5-year olds? The word isn't inherently evil, like some demon's name you can't say out loud lest you be cursed. If it's used to describe what others have said and not used to call people that thing, then what is wrong with just saying it?

If you're going to mention that the "N word" was used at all (which isn't really relevant, might as well said the cops were using "racial slurs") then at least mention the full word. Because everyone knows what you mean but at least then you don't sound so pathetic. Goddammit.

that's America, the only country where looking at your own penis is deemed indecent.
This thread made me think that the guy from the 'dont taze me bro' video somehow got into hollywood acting based on his popularity.

I was sorely disappointed.

Damn you Stern and your attempts at incorperating silly internet trends into your news story titles.