Dont taze me bro, I'm naked

He isn't complying because they had no right to detain him as such.

ever heard of the term keeping the piece?
They had every right to detain and remove him all they would have done is kick him out of the room but he had to make a fuss.
Not mention that that Hall isn't' a Public place iirc it's university they remove you if they don't you there for obvious reasons like disturbing the piece.
He was asking a question, he wasn't inciting violence or disruption.
they tasered him because he isn't complying.
he kep on resisting they had no other choice.
Thats not to say that the taser is never miss used,but it's sure better then fist fighting with somebody or macing them.

Physical restraint is used before the use of a taser on most police force continuum.

He isn't complying because they had no right to detain him as such.

Thats not a legitimate reason to resist. If a cop is going to arrest you, you have to let him do it, otherwise you'll be charged with resisting arrest, despite whether or not the thing he was arresting you for was justified.

And its peace, not piece.
I agree, he shouldn't be resisting, but the fact that they are actually going through with taking him down is disgusting.

What's going on with the quotes here?
Physical restraint is used before the use of a taser on most police force continuum.

Thats not a legitimate reason to resist. If a cop is going to arrest you, you have to let him do it, otherwise you'll be charged with resisting arrest, despite whether or not the thing he was arresting you for was justified.

They did restrain him but he kep resisting and was combative,so time time to whip out the taser.
Id make a fuss too if I was being arrested for essentially speaking loudly.

I'd also expect a New York City police officer to understand what is going to happen when a guy 10 feet from the ground gets a tazed. Expect someone to lose their badge over this.
they even said stop resisting or you will be tased the asshat in that second video got what he deserved tbqfh

and they were just escorting him away and since he kicked up a big fuss he got arested and tasered
For ****'s sake, man. The police are supposed to be there to protect the citizens and the public. Not only are they for the public, they're by the public, to add a ridiculous cliche in there. When so many people object to how they carry things out and how things are done, objecting to their very presence it's obvious that the police force is not doing their job.