Dont taze me bro, I'm naked


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...also dead

Police fired a Taser at a naked Brooklyn man armed with only a fluorescent light tube yesterday, sending him falling to his death from a second-floor ledge after he went on a 40-minute rant.

oh and before some of you say the cops were justified; the officer in charge has been stripped of his badge pending an investigation

Asked if police followed the proper protocol for using a Taser, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said, "That's being reviewed."

A New York Police Department lieutenant was stripped of his gun and badge, and the officer who used the stun gun on the man was placed on administrative duty Thursday, officials said.
and then some people wonder why cops using tasers creates such an uproar
It's been noted already, but I'm frightened at the extent to which the tazer seems to be swiftly becoming a replacement for any actual police work.
What the hell is wrong with them, they didn't anticipate him falling? Insanely stupid. I mean seriously, he was using a fluorescent light tube, how badly could he have hurt someone.

You win this round stern
Cop Thought Flowchart :-

Use Gun? Yes/No

Use Baton? Yes/No

Use Tazer? YES!!

If 'No' then Exit.
im actually mad about this, and im usually the first person to defend cops. I couldnt find one thing in this video to even mount a tangible defense. Nice work NYPD, gta 4 will be played later, thats for sure.
It's been noted already, but I'm frightened at the extent to which the tazer seems to be swiftly becoming a replacement for any actual police work.

I bet if you tasered everyone in England, there'd be no more murders.
A casual glance at the pic makes it look like the guy has a mangina. Damn censorship, I want to see dead man's cock.

Jokes aside, this is sad. The poor guy obviously had some problems upstairs. Maybe any cop outfitted with a tazer should be made to experience getting shot by one? Might help teach them about that hippie 'empathy' business so that they're not as inclined to reach for it at the first sign of anything ever.

Iman Morales' mom begged cops not to hurt her son, telling them he's sick

Edit2: The comments make me want to Kill All Humans. Do yourselves a favour and skip them.
well, they do actually get tazed when training for it

but they should of remembered falling over uncontrollably.
Having grown up near the city and seen the NYPD doing a pretty good job, it really bums me out that every couple of years or so, a couple of cops do something incredibly ****ed up and usually kill someone for no reason. These people aren't representative of the average cop in New York, and I'll tend to stand up for the NYPD when talking to non-New Yorkers because they get a really bad rap across the country for these brutal incidents.

However, I'm just as outraged as anyone else at this situation and every other one like it. This is ****ing disgusting, and frankly it was such a vulgar abuse of his power that I can't see it defined as anything but murder.
Jesus, I just looked through the picture slideshow. One of them shows a cop waving angrily at the camera while Morales is lying on the pavement behind him with his skull cracked :(
Being naked is a crime.

Raving is a crime.

This man was a double criminal.

Got what he deserved.
Ever since I played SWAT4, I've been a huge fan of the tazer or any other electroshock weapons.

No more "Drop your weapon! I said dr- *gets killed*"

But instead "*tazer* Shut up and make me a sandwich. *tazers again for good effect*" :D
It's been noted already, but I'm frightened at the extent to which the tazer seems to be swiftly becoming a replacement for any actual police work.
In the future, the term "police officer" will be entirely replaced with "tazer operator."
It's been noted already, but I'm frightened at the extent to which the tazer seems to be swiftly becoming a replacement for any actual police work.

would you rather have the officers wrestle with people?
like the British ones in the video I posted?
most of the time the tazer is the best solution for avoiding a serious confrontation.
Ohh, I guess by comparing this situation to a different situation and applying your logic universally without any concern for the exact situational factors which made this situation so dangerous, you've got me there!

The guy was armed with a light bulb? Wow that's terrifying. The streets are safer now.
Interesting, I didn't know that. That makes the reckless misuse worse, if they know first-hand what the consequences can be.

He's quite right, I've seen video of my father getting tazed on a job training thing. It's not the prettiest of sights, and from what I can see it does reduce the instances of recklessness, well at least in this country as I never really hear of many instances of misuse here.
Cop Thought Flowchart :-

Use Gun? Yes/No

Use Baton? Yes/No

Use Tazer? YES!!

If 'No' then Exit.

sadly this does seem to have the ring of truth to it. It's like the mindset is 'hey it's not going to kill them' therefore it's perfectly acceptable to use it whenever it's drawn...
What ever happened to pepper spray, or just straight tackle that mofo
Ohh, I guess by comparing this situation to a different situation and applying your logic universally without any concern for the exact situational factors which made this situation so dangerous, you've got me there!


you said for any actual plice work,and yes in this case it was a mistake.
you said for any actual plice work,and yes in this case it was a mistake.
I was making a backhanded comment on the frequency with which these 'unethical taser' stories pop up; people tasered before they've even been told they're under arrest, people tasered on the floor to subdue them, people tasered to stop them shouting about how they shouldn't be arrested...the point, as Kadayi indicated, is that instead of using the weapon responsibly a lot of police officers seem to be using it as a short-cut method to a quick arrest. It's 'non-lethal', the line of thought runs, and, therefore, go for it!

You sort of established a false dichotomy between 'wrestling' (as opposed to the entire range of techniques for subduing someone, some of them peaceful) and TASER TASER TASER.
Tasers seem to be a method of simply declaring the person has no more rights.
you said for any actual plice work,and yes in this case it was a mistake.

You gotta be able to tell the difference between a generalization and a overarching statement.
Jesus, I just looked through the picture slideshow. One of them shows a cop waving angrily at the camera while Morales is lying on the pavement behind him with his skull cracked :(

D: I just saw it too.
Jesus, I just looked through the picture slideshow. One of them shows a cop waving angrily at the camera while Morales is lying on the pavement behind him with his skull cracked :(

Yep. They show a dieing man with his head busted open and bleeding on a sidewalk, yet they blur out his man-area.

Wonderful society we live in here.
I was making a backhanded comment on the frequency with which these 'unethical taser' stories pop up; people tasered before they've even been told they're under arrest, people tasered on the floor to subdue them, people tasered to stop them shouting about how they shouldn't be arrested...the point, as Kadayi indicated, is that instead of using the weapon responsibly a lot of police officers seem to be using it as a short-cut method to a quick arrest. It's 'non-lethal', the line of thought runs, and, therefore, go for it!

You sort of established a false dichotomy between 'wrestling' (as opposed to the entire range of techniques for subduing someone, some of them peaceful) and TASER TASER TASER.

you dont have to tell them that they are under arrest lol,if they are not complying and become combative the Officer has a right to taser them,also

tasered on the floor to subdue them
What else would you like the Police to do if the detainee does not comply?
Morales was heard yelling, "You're going to kill me. I'm going to take everyone with me."

He also screamed, "I'm going to die. You're all going to die with me."

tbh seems like a good enough reason to tazer him
maybe wasnt the best idea but it wasnt like they knew he was gonna die from the fall it was a accident.
shit happens
Seems a bit pointless, I mean its a crazyman on the outside of a building with a light tube, unlikely he was going to go on a rampage or anything, but I mean, on the other hand, if your a crazy nut on the outside of a building with a light tube and naked and screaming, it gets too a point where you just gotta say shit happens. :/
Mentally ill != deserving of summary execution.