Dont Taze me bro!!!


May 5, 2004
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Student Zapped With Taser Caught On Tape

A University of Florida student was Tasered and arrested after trying to ask U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., about the 2004 election and other subjects during a campus forum.

Videos of the incident posted on several Web sites show officers pulling Andrew Meyer, 21, away from the microphone after he asks Kerry about impeaching President George W. Bush and whether he and Bush were both members of the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University.

As two officers take Meyer by the arms, Kerry is heard to say, "That's alright, let me answer his question." Audience members applaud, and Meyer struggles to escape for several seconds as up to four officers try to remove him from the room.

Meyer screams for help and asks "What did I do?" as he tries to break away from officers. He is forced to the ground and officers order him to stop resisting. Meyer says he will walk out if the officers let him go.

As Kerry tells the audience he will answer the student's "very important question," Meyer struggles on the ground and yells at the officers to release him, crying out, "Don't Tase me, bro," just before he is Tasered. He is then led from the room, screaming, "What did I do?"


video of incident:
You can safely assume something about it is true, i mean they wouldnt have arrested him over it otherwise.

Look at all these programs that show proof of something, then ask the person involved and they just walk away quickly with nothing to say.

Either way, it was funny, but still wrong.
It's weird that he was arrested but he resisted arrest, which is pretty stupid, so the taser was justified imo.
Hah! Ownage by electricity! I wonder how he smells after a minute of that... Wait, I know... smells like CONSPIRACY!!!!!!111111prisonplanet

Not if he was arrested under improper grounds.

That could have been sorted out later. It was his subsequent actions that got him into trouble.

If a cop tries to pull somebody over on a bogus traffic violation, that doesn't make it justified if he leads on a highway chase. Just the same, this guy got what was coming to him if he kept resisting arrest.
what was he being arrested for ...resisting arrest? isnt the University of Florida private property? if so who filed the complaint that led to the arrest?

I havent seen the video so I'm not sure what led to the arrest as the article gives no details
Whether or not that was reasonable is something that could have been argued over and - if necessary- corrected at a later point. Instead, he threw a tantrum and physically resisted. He tried to break away from the officers. He keeps struggling. The tazer was not being used as a cattle prod. It was incapacitating somebody who was becoming increasingly physically disruptive. And I'm not reading anything about multiple uses of the tazer, so I think it's very difficult to frame this as a case of abuse.
Haha. Well, he was warned about getting tazered if he kept resisting, so he shouldn't whine. Police brutality, right, what a joke.
Whether or not that was reasonable is something that could have been argued over and - if necessary- corrected at a later point. Instead, he threw a tantrum and physically resisted. He tried to break away from the officers. He keeps struggling. The tazer was not being used as a cattle prod. It was incapacitating somebody who was becoming increasingly physically disruptive. And I'm not reading anything about multiple uses of the tazer, so I think it's very difficult to frame this as a case of abuse.

but why was he arrested?
****ing yale pricks... Appears to be a usual code when dealing with anticitizens, who show an undesirable behaviour...

but why was he arrested?

Being a disturbance? I dunno. The whole "Skull & Bones" thing could have been construed as somebody who would make a scene.

But that really does not matter here. I don't think he should have been arrested for that, but the point remains that it could have been dealt with later. It could have been rectified if the police's behavior was found to be at fault. Instead, the student made himself a target with his physical resistance and hysterics. He made it into a real problem.
but why was he arrested?

He wasn't being arrested. He was being lead away. I've been "lead away" before, for various reasons. I just walk out, and as long as I walk out they don't touch me. But this guy was being a dickhead. I'm sure if I'd argued with the rentacop (which is what these campus security people are) they would have treated me the same way.
Here's a full video so you get to see how much of a prick this guy is:
Being a disturbance? I dunno. The whole "Skull & Bones" thing could have been construed as somebody who would make a scene.

But that really does not matter here. I don't think he should have been arrested for that, but the point remains that it could have been dealt with later. It could have been rectified if the police's behavior was found to be at fault. Instead, the student made himself a target with his physical resistance and hysterics. He made it into a real problem.

what was he charged with? resisting arrest? resisting arrest implies the person was in the process of being arrested and then they resisted ...I havent seen the video but it seems that he has a right not to be held by force without being charged with something ..they tried to drag him out? did they charge him with trespassing at that point? I'm asking because I want to know if the video explains the reasoning behind

look if I go to store and start talking loudly or annoy customers, if the security then drags me out of the store I can charge them with assualt because their response was unwarrented ..they have to charge me with trespassing beforehand, then they're justified with using force, not before
what was he charged with? resisting arrest? resisting arrest implies the person was arrested and then they resisted ...I havent seen the video but it seems that he has a right not to be held by force without being charged with something ..they tried to drag him out? did they charge him with trespassing at that point?

How about disturbing the peace? Security has every right to get rid of disruptions to maintain order in that situation. It has nothing to do with political messages. If I stood up in the same room and started walking around screaming "banana pancakes mother****er!", I would expect similar treatment the second I made it apparent I wouldn't leave on my own.
How about disturbing the peace? Security has every right to get rid of disruptions to maintain order in that situation. It has nothing to do with political messages. If I stood up in the same room and started walking around screaming "banana pancakes mother****er!", I would expect similar treatment the second I made it apparent I wouldn't leave on my own.

yes but they would have to charge you with disturbing the peace or trespassing ..does he refuse to leave? if yes, he's trespassing however a police officer would have to make that determination
yes but they would have to charge you with disturbing the peace or trespassing ..does he refuse to leave? if yes, he's trespassing however a police officer would have to make that determination

So security can't do anything until an officer makes a formal charge against him? Congratulations, you've just nullified the power of any campus security force in this country.

Seriously stern, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Just laugh at the dumbass that got owned.
what was he charged with? resisting arrest? resisting arrest implies the person was arrested and then they resisted ...I havent seen the video but it seems that he has a right not to be held by force without being charged with something ..they tried to drag him out? did they charge him with trespassing at that point?

It's not that hard to explain.

He was being led out and he resisted the officers. As a result, the officers had to resort to physically removing him. The decision to arrest him came and he still resisted, therefore resisting arrest.

There is no mention of the officers arresting him the moment they cut his mic and began to escort him out (which he went against every step of the way). And even if he was being arrested, so what? Again, this keeps coming back to the point that this student brought the tazer on himself. Had he been wrongfully arrested at first, it could have probably been settled in a court of law. Instead, he resisted arrest, made a scene, and acted entirely out of line in his situation. This kid was an attention-seeking whore.

Ugh, the shriek of that girl by the end really angered me. Also, the most sane comment on that Youtube video:

Very indicative of our culture these days...... Guy makes an ass of himself, show zero sense of decorum, subjects everyone there to his pomposity, degrades the forum of a former US presidential candidate, calls unsolicited attention to himself and then wonders why he's being led off. Just pathetic.
So security can't do anything until an officer makes a formal charge against him? Congratulations, you've just nullified the power of any campus security force in this country.

Seriously stern, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Just laugh at the dumbass that got owned.

man does everyone see my name and automatically think I'm making a federal case about something or other? I'm asking questions because I HAVENT SEEN THE VIDEO
Absolutely disgusting, but I believe both sides are wrong. The kid shouldnt of made a scene and the police shouldnt of given into his drama and zapped him. :)

They warned him that they would tazer him if he would resist further. IMO he really just asked for it.. It might be a vague reason to arrest, but resisting arrest was really his mistake.
You all assume they were arresting him to begin with like he does...
You all assume they were arresting him to begin with like he does...

Yeah, I doubt that too. They were taking him out (and they were in their right to do so), I doubt they were arresting him at first because they wouldn't have anything to charge him with anyway, so that would be stupid. He then resisted, ignored warnings about getting tazered and subsequently got tazered and arrested. Serves him right.
Yeah, I doubt that too. They were taking him out (and they were in their right to do so)

by forcibly doing so? they picked him up/dragged him along right? I'm playing devil's advocate here what point did they decide that what he was saying was enough justification for them to use force to bodily drag him out of the meeting

again for the visually impaired: I havent seen the video yet /me makes hand signs repeating same sentence
by forcibly doing so? they picked him up/dragged him along right? I'm playing devil's advocate here what point did they decide that what he was saying was enough justification for them to use force to bodily drag him out of the meeting

again for the visually impaired: I havent seen the video yet /me makes hand signs repeating same sentence
If I were you I'd wait til you've seen the video to see how he was actually handled before we continue this discussion. How he was treated is too hard to describe. They weren't manhandling him.
degrees of "manhandling" is immaterial ..all that matters is the manhandling <giggle>
The public has such a pathetic view of the tazer in general. Any time its used people freak out. This isn't Rodney King, the officers were absolutely justified in their use of a very non-lethal device. The kid was obvious trying to cause a huge scene and i'm sure he loved the fact that he got tazered on video. If you don't comply with an officers requests then you are subject to arrest. If you resist arrest be ready to deal with the consequences. People like him really piss me off.

cops ftw
From what I read in the article, it sounds like the kid is a prankster, and was being a complete ass. He certainly sounds like a douche in the video. The article said that he was told his time was up, and still didn't leave... then in the video when the cops tried to escort him away, he started yelling even more and struggling, and was quite obviously resisting. He got what was coming imo.
Well why don't you just watch the vid then stern..... Or is there a technical reason why you cannot?
He shouldn't have been led out. If Kerry can't handle the tough questions, get off the stage. (Take that sentence with a grain of salt.)

But, I agree with Absinthe. If he would have walked out, there wouldn't have been problem.
degrees of "manhandling" is immaterial ..all that matters is the manhandling <giggle>

At first he was walking away with them for a few steps, then he quickly steps backwards to get away from them. They grab him by his arms, and he starts wiggling and wrying trying to get away. They get him to the door but then he walks close to the door to get out of their grasp, turns around and lunges back into the hall and falls on the ground when they stop him. Thats when the decide to break out the handcuffs.

He shouldn't have been led out. If Kerry can't handle the tough questions, get off the stage.
He was willing to answer the questions. I think the cops just decided that the kid wasnt serious and was just pulling a prank, so they tried to lead him out.
His intentions were not to question kerry, they were to create a disturbance...and he's is basically just acting like an immature twat.