Dont Taze me bro!!!

having finally watched it I agree that he escalated the situation by fighting against the rent-a-cop ..however they had no right to put their hands on him, he wasnt being threatening, he wasnt a danger ..all they had to do was ask him to leave, had he said no then that would have been grounds for using force: trespassing
They asked him multiple times before laying a hand on him
It's bad that the cops did that - a breach of rights - but I definitely lol'd at him going "They're gonna kill me! They're gonna kill me!" like he was actually some political threat, rooofl
Koola, did you not watch the video? There was nothing political about it. The politician was on his side. Its the cops who were out of bounds...
Koola, did you not watch the video? There was nothing political about it. The politician was on his side. Its the cops who were out of bounds...

oh shut the hell up no they weren't.
All he did was mention secret societies, wtf is wrong with some Americans, he didn't do anything. He was clearly resisting arrest because of that fact. Everyones freaking brainwashed into thinking this is justified behaviour by police or something, I know they asked him to get out, but someone should of atleast given him a reason for why they were arresting him.
All he did was mention secret societies, wtf is wrong with some Americans, he didn't do anything. He was clearly resisting arrest because of that fact. Everyones freaking brainwashed into thinking this is justified behaviour by police or something, I know they asked him to get out, but someone should of atleast given him a reason for why they were arresting him.

He was being led out, then he created a big stink about it, thus disturbing the peace. They decided to put him under arrest, which he then resisted. If he is being a twat and not letting anyone talk and fighting them, how the **** are they going to tell him what hes being arrested for. They will tell him after they have ended the whole incident and say "You're under arrest for disturbing the peace and resisting arrest." Just because its not on video doesnt mean they didnt tell him what hes under arrest for. They probably told him when the read him his rights.
That's not my point, tasers were developed as a non-lethal option to bring dangerous situations under control. But law enforcement officials are now using them with wild abandon in cases where simple diplomacy or a little hard work would be enough.

He mustof asked 30 times why he was being arrested ffs. They obviously didn't respond because he didn't get drawn into a conversation, which would of probably been enough to detract his attention from throwing a wobbly.
No, guns are used to bring dangerous situations under control.

Electroshock weapons were developed with the intent of subduing disruptive suspects and neutralize situations that can potentially escalate into being dangerous. They are not non-lethal replacements where firearms should be required. They are tools to be employed in lesser scenarios where use of a lethal weapon would have been too much.

Anybody who watches that video and thinks this is a case of cops using tasers with "wild abandon" needs to take off his ****ing hippy rebel revolution socialist sunglasses for just two seconds and think about this. The student was being a beligerent, disruptive twit. Judging by his hysterics, he was not interested in a conversation and instead intent on his soapbox or otherwise trying to establish himself as the center of the scene. He was tased once after repeatedly resisting the police and refusing to let them handcuff him after he had to be subdued on the ground. Every action made by the student after his mic got cut made the situation worse and placed him more and more at fault.

Cops are not chauffeurs. They're not going to pick up a screaming, struggling man who won't even allow himself to get cuffed and just carry him out of the room. If he's going to make things difficult, tase away.
I just don't understand why they tried to intervene in the first place. He didn't say anything bad.
They are not non-lethal replacements where firearms should be required. They are tools to be employed in lesser scenarios where use of a lethal weapon would have been too much.

Oh lawd, of course their non-lethal, unless your an old man with a pacemaker. Just because you think they should be carrying firearms instead doesn't change that fact. Your turning that around to make it seem acceptable in this particular situation.

If he's going to make things difficult, tase away.

No offence but that makes you sound like an ass, he was just trying to call for opinion, and wasn't being 'dangerous' in any way or form, he was just trying to get away. Resulting in tazering would of been acceptable if they had atleast been seen to be trying to calm the situation down vocally or by not being so intimidating so he wouldn't feel so threatened, but instead they use the 'I'm a stupid f***ing cop' approach.
Oh lawd, of course their non-lethal, unless your an old man with a pacemaker. Just because you think they should be carrying firearms instead doesn't change that fact. Your turning that around to make it seem acceptable in this particular situation.

Yes, tasers are not entirely non-lethal. Thank you for that poignant fact.

I was not trying to make an argument that the cops should have been carrying or using firearms in this situation. The tazer was sufficient and with warranted usage. This was totally acceptable.

No offence but that makes you sound like an ass, he was just trying to call for opinion, and wasn't being 'dangerous' in any way or form, he was just trying to get away. Resulting in tazering would of been acceptable if they had atleast been seen to be trying to calm the situation down vocally or by not being so intimidating so he wouldn't feel so threatened, but instead they use the 'I'm a stupid f***ing cop' approach.


I know you have a hard-on for the underdog, clarky. But this is just stupid. I don't give one flying shit what opinion he was trying to express, because that's entirely irrelevant now. He was being seen as a potential danger when he kept trying to break off from the officers. What, should they have just let him run off?

Oh, but wait. I guess he was scared, right? Because cops escorting you out is just so intimidating. Oh yeah, those pigs were really throwing their weight around. How dare they vacate somebody from the premises without trying to negotiate with a drama queen using words like "Please" or "Sir, may you kindly lower your voice? We would really appreciate it."

Which - once more - takes me back to my key original point. Even if the officers were acting thuggish, this could have been settled later by the justice system. He could have contested the officers actions in a court of law. At the very least he could have avoided having five officers pinning him down and shocking him. But he did not do this. If the officers made a rash decision, he was exceptionally worse. He compounded the problem. Even if he originally did nothing wrong, he did repeatedly resist arrest and subject the entire forum to his increasingly disruptive antics. "They're going to kill me"? Please. **** him.
<3 Absinthe.

He wrote what I could say, but in a logical manner. :p
Well in my opinion this partisan bickering could go on all day. It still doesn't justify the thuggish behaviour of the police and their reasoning behind it from the outset, which is why this issue has obviously come to the forefront. If you look at the woman officer with the tattoo she seems to be enjoying it, I'd suggest you watch it again.

And if I want to be crude about it like you, calling me a hippy and all that bs, then on a par I'd say your the one with a raging boner watching the guy say no don't tazer me bro, don't do that, and then climax when he administers the tazer anyway after his plea's. Possibly because you left any ounce of empathy in the womb.

The core of the matter is what he was arrested for in the first place which was from what I read.. after he asked the former presidential candidate why he didn't challenge the rigged election of 2004 and about his membership of the skull and bones secret society. and whether the actions that occurred in the end were in fact induced through intimidation rather than sound policing, which certainly seems so. Why was he arrested for putting a question forward in the first place.
Oh yeah, I came so hard when he got shocked. I was so happy. He really had it coming.

What thuggish behavior? They touched him? Oh, well that would do it. As far as I can tell, he was not being removed for his questions specifically, but his behavior. He went off on a rant and incessantly loaded questions/facts on top of each other for the sake of his own monologue. He was acting like an interrogative loon. Not somebody willing to engage in civilized discourse.
and then climax when he administers the tazer anyway after his plea's.

How dare the police not listen to him. Who do they think they are? Obviously the situation was under control where they could all have a civilized conversation, right?

You need to attain the ability to understand the difference between "thuggish" cops and those who are doing their job.
Very odd. The kid did absolutely nothing wrong. Seriously, do these policemen have to take a basic IQ test before getting the job is it a fallback position for people who **** up their exams and don't fancy flipping burgers?
I just don't understand why they tried to intervene in the first place. He didn't say anything bad.

thats what i dont get, was it because of the skull & bones thing? he had finished his question and then they got hold him of him but for what?
Obviously he came too close to the truth.

Obviously, I think clark should investigate this one. I believe they dragged him away because as we all know politicians can't lie and Kerry couldn't have just answered "no" to the "are you part of the secret organization" question so they had to remove him.

Just don't get it. When someone asks you to leave...why not leave?
they didnt ask him to leave before they put their hands on him ..they didnt even give him the choice they walked right up to him and grabbed his arms can see both rent-a-cops trying to put his hands behind his back (most likely unconciously)
Why was he arrested for putting a question forward in the first place.

He ****ing wasnt! I already explained this a few posts ago. He was being led out (ie. not arrested). Then when he started causing a commotion and fighting against them, they put him under arrest for that.
they didnt ask him to leave before they put their hands on him

I couldn't hear them ask him to leave over his beligerant ranting. Further, the female security guard clearly goes right next to him, says something to him, he turns and addresses her and returns to ranting.

There are better versions of this video on the net...particularly ones that don't show only the last 1:30 of what happened. Ones that show the female officer say something to him...which I have a hard time believeing wasn't something to the effect of STFU or leave or calm down. The video you posted does not show the whole thing.

My opinion is cops are given too much authority to do whatever they want. As the right hand of the government I feel they should be subject to the same criticism as any other state body. They are people too and make errors and have bias and are corruptable.
I personally would never do anything to catch the interest of any cop, but that is just how I am. I still feel minor events such as this are a prime example of how even the simplest liberties are being slowly wittled away. You may not feel it, but there are people out there being oppressed, right now.
Ass or not, whatever the kid had to say should have been given a fair ear at least for the duration of his excitement. You may find it in poor taste or disruptive but there are those of us who can deal with something so trivial without working up a sweat or an attitude. You have as much "right" to a scripted proceeding as much as I have a right to deviate or entertain deviation of said scripts. If you disagree with this it is because you disagree, not because I am wrong. Your problem is you think I am wrong, and this is why things like this escalate. Everyone wants things their own way.
What I want is the right to express myself however I want, whenever I want as long as it is not physically harmful, without fear of censorship from whiny peers or so-called authority.
He was on private property.

He was blatantly requested to leave the area.

He didn't.

They should have put a round into the back of his head and tossed his body into a pit.
Well, in my opinion, what really matters is anything related to the 1st amendment, and in this case, you have to ask yourself IF the cops had a reason to remove him in the first place?
Sure, he resisted police force. He had a reason too.
He was a bit noisy.
But that doesn't matter to the subject because if he hadn't mentioned S&B, they wouldn't have acted to harsh, and on one vid you can actually see some guy with a tie gesticulating to cut the voice off JUST as Meyer gets to the Skulls.

Imo, this whole thing was simply related to Skull&Bones.
If it had been something else?
Those guys clearly were biased, I mean, he was noisy in the first place, but they ONLY remove him once word of S&B slips.
Think about that, neocons...
It should be noted that he was in fact putting on a show. After being arrested he was observed being extremely calm and polite to the officers, and said something along the lines of "i know you guys were just doing your jobs" etc...Ill find the official transcript and post it.

EDIT: I have watched this a few more times and I have to admit that I didn't see a reason for them to grab him. I think what happened is dispatch gave the OK to take him. You can see the woman abruptly grab him like she was waiting for the OK.
What I want is the right to express myself however I want, whenever I want as long as it is not physically harmful, without fear of censorship from whiny peers or so-called authority.

That's great. You may do so outside of a forum where you do not subject the rest of the audience to your pompous and ridiculous antics according to its rules and regulations. This has sweet piss all to do with oppression or the violation of one's freedom of speech. Top Secret summarized it all too clearly.

He was on private property.

He was blatantly requested to leave the area.

He didn't.

There was a right way to go about bringing up the subject of impeachment or fraudulent elections. This student veered so far away from sane route of questioning that the more I think about it, the more I sympathize with the police's actions. I can completely understand why he was told to leave and eventually escorted out.
There was a right way to go about bringing up the subject of impeachment or fraudulent elections. This student veered so far away sane questioning that the more I think about it, the more I sympathize with police's actions. I can completely understand why he was told to leave and eventually escorted out.

I agree, he was obviously trying to escalate the situation. I dont know why the officers didn't simply explain things to him when the mic cut out. He wasn't screaming at the point.

But resisting arrest and getting tazered go hand in hand, and I think they were in the right in that respect.
"Don't tase me bro" is now a catch phrase at my school.
Oh god I lol'd.

I knew "don't tase me bro" would be an instant classic line the moment I read it.
Indeed! He might just be the next "angry german kid". By the way, those girls in Hammer's video... ****ing hot! Maybe girls really were more pretty in the 80s.
Oh, by the way, maybe not as good quality, but the trend is apparently gaining speed: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

Double by the way: The bumper stickers are out now, too!