Dont you get it, Valve?


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
People dont want to be part of 'The Bold and the Beautiful'.

They dont want uncappable NPCs. They want freedom. There were so many more limits imposed on things compared to HL1. I'm going to come clean here. I loved the cloned barneys, the cloned scientists, the feeling of knowing you can kill one with no consequences, other than your own conscience haunting you.

I dont like these "dynamic" characters being shoved down my throat. there's a little thing called subtlety that the first game had in spades. And whats up with dog? he was in the game for like 2 seconds. smashes 2 things then flies away, then comes back and opens a door. great character there.

i loved going through the hazard course then at the end, having 2 barneys, 2 turrets that aim for nobody in particular, a scientist, and an mp5 stocked full of bullets and grenades.


my favourite thing to do was to get him to open the door, shoot the scientist, then wait for the turrets to kill the barneys, then run and take the train to freedom. that was a great feeling. there were no physics, no main characters, just freedom and fun.

i know im gonna get flamed to hell for this but i really dont care.
yeah too bad the game would make absolutely no freaking sense if you went about killing your friends.

maybe its hard for you to grasp the situation but gordon is trying to not be marketed as a friend murderer
Please don't assume that you know what I want or don't want.
Someone made a good post about this recently, they said something to this effect:

You should be able to kill non-important characters in the game, and if you do kill important characters the screen fades to black and you fail, or something.

Then someone replied:

But if there is nothing to fail're not in black mesa anymore, you're not being "watched" per-say, by people who employ you.

Then again, maybe the g-man could interrupt if you kill Barney/Alyx/Eli Vance/Dr. Kleiner and say "No no, Mr. Freeman..." etc etc. in the same way he does at the start of the game with that translucent effect.

How about that? I think that would be cool.
ok whatever, if you want bold and the beautiful you can pay whatever you paid for it not my choice. personally im going to recommend to all my friends they dont buy it cause its pretty toshy. and come on, Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.
You're going to tell your friends not to buy it because you can't kill your allies?

Isn't that a bit much?
Wesisapie said:
ok whatever, if you want bold and the beautiful you can pay whatever you paid for it not my choice. personally im going to recommend to all my friends they dont buy it cause its pretty toshy. and come on, Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.

Well im sure Cleatus and Bubba will be sorely missed.
Wesisapie said:
ok whatever, if you want bold and the beautiful you can pay whatever you paid for it not my choice. personally im going to recommend to all my friends they dont buy it cause its pretty toshy. and come on, Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.

Some people are never happy. Did mom forget to change your diaper this morning? I love the game, and I think most others have too. Maybe if your complaints were half valid... But you are just whining that you can't shoot scientists and can't have two Barney's...? Ridiculous...
What about with the grenades? You can't kill friendlies with grenades?
i find it good that you cant kill friendlies... thing is if you kill someone who is needed your screwed
Dsty2001 said:
What about with the grenades? You can't kill friendlies with grenades?

Even so... it doesn't make for a BAD game...
don't like dynamic characters, who play a part in a larger story?
I guess you could always play Unreal tournament or something.
I fail to see how not being able to kill someone has limited your freedom though.

I mean really, if you kill a main character.. and the game let you, you would be complaining that later in the game he would return for a crucial part of the story?

or would you prefer there were no dynamic characters? and it was merely Doom3 with better graphics?

or if Valve let you kill teammates, would you be here complaining every time you downed your own guy in combat?

Im sorry, but for all the complaints one could have, this has to be the most idiotic.

I mean the whole idea of Hl, and Hl2 IS to put you into a large story (I guess you would call it the bold and the beautiful, but that's not my viewing preferance)

I just finished Hl2 today and although it was shorter than I hoped for (then again I would have said that even if the game were 45 hours, simply because it is so good) I was totally, and utterly blown away.... words can't even express what a good game Hl2 is.
dont forget there's no gibs too. been in a massive explosion? you'll just fly around like a doll.
Not that I would recommend my friend's not buy the game...but I kindof agree. Part of the replay value of HL1 was starting the game, cheating to get alot of guns and ammo, and running through on a rampage. That's kindof hard when you can't kill NPCs.

I was just looking forward to torturing the early combines with a crowbar. ;) Ohwell....still a fantastic game!
I think the reasons you can't kill friendly NPCs is: 1) Because Valve doesn't want Gordon portrayed as a character that would murder his friends, and 2) If the screen went to black after an NPC died, guess what happens? Level reload. Do you really want that every time you accidentally (or intentionally) kill a friend, and have to endure the long level load? Didn't think so. I accidentally shot Father Gregori several times while fighting Zombies in the graveyard. Imagine he died every time I did that, and it required a reload.

It's the same philosophy with the airboat and buggy. Valve said they could've easily made it so they take damage and blow up, but it would've added to the frustration factor. So they made the vehicles indestructable.
redpoints said:
stfu you whiney fag

Agreed. The story evolved became a lot more complex. They needed to make it that way. It would be any fun if they had clone barneys and alex's in hl2 would completely distroy the game.
Wesisapie said:
ok whatever, if you want bold and the beautiful you can pay whatever you paid for it not my choice. personally im going to recommend to all my friends they dont buy it cause its pretty toshy. and come on, Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.

You're right, this game sucks and I'm mad I bought it and played it...oh wait, I lied. This was the best game I have ever played. You don't seem to realize this isn't HL1. Also, the title is Doesn't Valve get it? WTF is that supposed to mean? You're a friggin' retard. They spent 40 million dollars developing this game and its engine. Do you not realize how advanced this engine is? This is going to be the platform for I believe, well over 100 mods...sp and mp. Hell maybe even higher who knows.

You cant kill pivital characters, like alyx or some guy who you have to follow into a basement fair enough.

But that stupid chick that was sitting in a drain, "you go on, i have to wait for anyone else" i wanted to be able to blow her brains out. Her death would have done nothing to hurt the story.

Characters that you meet along the way, like a few pissy civilians or someone who is tending a wounded man, i want to be able to shoot.
Guess we wont be seeing you around anymore, Wes. No point in being here if you dont like the game.

Funny tho, we've known about the importance of the characters to the plot for a long time. Of course you can't just kill the plot and expect the game to go on.

I loved the characters. It really made the game far more personal.
f|uke said:
I loved the characters. It really made the game far more personal.

I agree. The characters really seemed to be looking at me and talking to me. That doesn't mean I didn't try to shoot them. But I'm not dissapointed that I coulnd't kill everyone I came across.

Wes, If you think the game sucks for this reason alone and there not being any gibs then you have a very warped and somewhat retarded ratings system. Go play GTA or something.
I thought we all wanted Half life 2... they forgot a few things. I want to tk, I want gore, I want fun. I wanted to be able to rip Alyx's head off and throw it down a toilet. Someone mod it please!
Baal said:
Someone made a good post about this recently, they said something to this effect:

You should be able to kill non-important characters in the game, and if you do kill important characters the screen fades to black and you fail, or something.

Then someone replied:

But if there is nothing to fail're not in black mesa anymore, you're not being "watched" per-say, by people who employ you.

Then again, maybe the g-man could interrupt if you kill Barney/Alyx/Eli Vance/Dr. Kleiner and say "No no, Mr. Freeman..." etc etc. in the same way he does at the start of the game with that translucent effect.

How about that? I think that would be cool.

i like this idea! :thumbs:
hey Valve, u guys taking notes for HL3? :p :E
BIG said:
Not that I would recommend my friend's not buy the game...but I kindof agree. Part of the replay value of HL1 was starting the game, cheating to get alot of guns and ammo, and running through on a rampage. That's kindof hard when you can't kill NPCs.

Ewww ewww... I got a game recommendation for you then: DOOM 3!! ;)

Doom 3 was great in its own way (totally classic rampage FPS), but that is not what HL is really about, at least not to me (or neither to Valve it appears).
The thread's title made me laugh. Valve can't please everyone you know. I'm almost done playing, and so far i'm having a blast. It's just too bad you don't feel the same.
Baal said:
But if there is nothing to fail're not in black mesa anymore, you're not being "watched" per-say, by people who employ you.

Believe me, you ARE being watched.
Wesisapie said:
Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.

What are you talking about?

I assume you meant Counter-Strike when you said "Cs."
Multiplayer CS is nothing new.
yea i tried to kill that dike that keeps hitting on you (the ugly one)
damn... if only she would die
Personally I prefer HL2's fully realized believeable characters over HL1's endless parade of clones.
neomesis said:
What are you talking about?

I assume you meant Counter-Strike when you said "Cs."
Multiplayer CS is nothing new.
He was saying that the only multiplayer is CS.

Jeez people, I surf around all of the HL2 boards (OK, not all, but three of them) and all I see are people being total jerks to anyone who has any problems. Jeez, don't be such freakin' Nazis. Some people have the right idea.
Now let's stop and think before we go erroneously make connections between someone's sexual orientation and their gaming preferences, shall we?
Possibility 1: The person is really upset at problem X, be it the game's length, the inability to kill friendly/neutral NPCs, Steam authentication, whatever.
Why is that such a problem for you? Why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Are you Valve? No.
Why is it stupid for someone to have a problem with those things?
Every single one of those bothered me--come on people, let's not be ignorant; there's a mod for Half-Life called "Scientist Slaughterhouse" which consists of nothing more than killing scientists--so tell me again no one wants to do that.

Possibility 2: Trolls. If this is the case, there's a reason people say, "don't feed the trolls," though unfortunately many seem to think that reason is to be witty (hint: if you've seen it at least once a day, it is no longer witty). That reason is because when you see a thread by someone you think is a troll, you let it die. Thus they no longer have reason to continue. Simple.

But, it seems about 50-70% of the HL community sees these complaints as reason to prove their people skills and say brilliant things like "stfu nub," which I must have read 800 times in the past two days, and doesn't even make sense. "Nub" is what's left when you lose most of an arm. Now, nüb I can see, it's a creative way of spelling "newb" or "noob" (or, for those who are simply to 'leet for the rest of us, n00b...or various other iterations).

Frankly, while I like the game--despite my aforementioned grievances, in addition to the fact that I felt the CE was skimpy on contents, I hate CS, and HL:S was the biggest disappointment ever--I never find myself siding with the people who like it as well in these threads. You look like a bunch of condescending elitits pricks with nothing better to do than talk shit to people who don't share your opinion. I mean, jeez, you love the game, play it instead. Don't add to the negativity.

This is seriously disappointing guys. If someone has a problem with a game, why the hell is that a problem for you? How does it hurt you for someone to be upset with something?
I understand defending things you like, but I only really do it when I'm outnumbered on the subject myself, as there's really no point when the majority agrees with you. So there's one person who thinks the game is ruined because he can't kill Alyx or Barney. Why do you care?
Why are you trying to force your enjoyment of the game on those people? Isn't it just their loss?

I just kind of chuckle at the irony though, everytime I see some poorly spelled response to a complaint, which barely follows logically, decrying the lack of intelligence of the post they are responding to. Please, grow up.

(NOTE: no, this does not apply to everyone, and I do want that to be clear)
Wesisapie said:
Blah blah blah

Ah but this is City 17! Can't do anymore of that fun stuff here! Gotts follow the rules, man. Or else the Combine will make an example of ya. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
no i dont think they do
because a lot of other people dont think so
because they dun care :D
Wesisapie said:
ok whatever, if you want bold and the beautiful you can pay whatever you paid for it not my choice. personally im going to recommend to all my friends they dont buy it cause its pretty toshy. and come on, Cs as multiplayer, what a joke.

You are 100% insane. This is the best game ever made. Ever. You're pissed off because you can't kill allies? Someone will mod it in eventually. In the meantime, you can go back to the tremendous fun that is a game with no physics, bad sounds, and dated graphics. Go play HL1 if you like it so much.

(Not dissing HL1, but it isn't near as cool to play now.)