Dont you just hate it when....

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Aug 13, 2004
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0 have off today then your boss calls you and wants you to come in:flame:
on a day where I wanted to go to the mall.get a hair cut and buy some new jeans.It makes so ****in mad,Im about to quit that stupid job, I hate it there
Always ****in washing dishes,and the customers are retarded. for ****ing $6.25
an hour,slave money:flame: I cant wait til I get all this weight off of me and get a real job.and then I have to work with this really bitchy 16year old bitch,I hate her always bossing me around,and talking shit ARGH:flame:
happened to me once before...had been at a house party all night...crawled into bed at 6. Was "woken" at 12 to see if I would work on my day off(by my mother)...In my sleep I had agreed to be woken properly at 1 to go!

Needless to was a long day!!!!!
You really shouldn't work for less than minimum wage...

I'm gonna try getting a job an thursday that pays 8.20 an hour to start
And pretty much everyone that applies gets hired
luckily, Im gonna be working for a gamily friend the next few weeks
so I wont be at that place more often
DiSTuRbEd said:
Last time I recall, fat people can get nice jobs....

Im not fat, Im overweight.and I want a certain job,I need to be semi fit to get that job
Spicy Tuna said: have off today then your boss calls you and wants you to come in:flame:
on a day where I wanted to go to the mall.get a hair cut and buy some new jeans.It makes so ****in mad,Im about to quit that stupid job, I hate it there
Always ****in washing dishes,and the customers are retarded. for ****ing $6.25
an hour,slave money:flame: I cant wait til I get all this weight off of me and get a real job.and then I have to work with this really bitchy 16year old bitch,I hate her always bossing me around,and talking shit ARGH:flame:

heh...i worked once in a car wash for 3$/hour and without tips! talk about slave money... :thumbs:
jverne said:
heh...i worked once in a car wash for 3$/hour and without tips! talk about slave money... :thumbs:
Was it with lots of bikini-clad women?
Spicy Tuna said:
Im not fat, Im overweight.and I want a certain job,I need to be semi fit to get that job
Do some exercise and eat like i do then.
Ren.182 said:
That's life. Get used to it :)
I fully agree with Ren.

Stop bitching and exercise, join a fitness club, play a sport. Get off the computer and do something productive.
Also, be pro-active. Noone's going to hand you your job on a plate, you've got to fight for it. Like that guy on the BBC did.
TBH you can sit at the computer all day and stay thin, it takes a special technique I call MEGA-THINKING.

We all know that your brain uses the most energy, so burn off them calories by sitting down and wacking some serious information on your old noggin until it starts to hurt/you go unconscious. This imo is the equilivalent of running till your sick!

Alternatively, count up a series of square numbers for a few hours.
Unless you got seriously ****ed over in the contract, you shouldnt have to come in on your day off anyway.
Jesus, why don't you just say it's your day off and you have plans? The amount of times I've been asked to work OT/Weekends/Holidays and I've said no far outweighs times I've agreed.

Not that I don't do any at all, I just prefer to keep my own time. Work to live.
Well, you'll be a doormat for all eternity!

/me wipes feet
Spicy Tuna said:
luckily, Im gonna be working for a gamily friend the next few weeks
so I wont be at that place more often

Family friend being your mom's clown agent?

That's cute. Glad to see all the little lemonkings working together.
Don't give them your home phone number when you get employed.
haha..yeah....ummm :|
anyway Im leaving in a few minutes

I'm 15 and for a summer job I'm a parking lot attendant in Niagara Falls, Canada (My old hometown!), I just sit in a booth like a monkey and take $3 from anyone who wants to park in the parking lot. :) I get paid $7.20 per hour, yay for tourism!

BTW, try and get a job as a lifeguard at the YMCA or something, a year-round lifeguard, you get paid $14-$20 per hour (Without rasies), and work 6-8 hours a day. You just gotta be 16, and be able to swim.
Spicy Tuna. Welcome to Earth. There are going to be a lot of things that you might not want to do but you know you have to. So just suck it up and go work. There will be plenty of other times for relaxing or going to the mall and for just about anything you want to do. That is my perspective on life.

Edit: After reading I was thinking this might insult someone so let me make it clear that this post was not intended to upset and or insult another member.
Ikerous said:
You really shouldn't work for less than minimum wage...

I'm gonna try getting a job an thursday that pays 8.20 an hour to start
And pretty much everyone that applies gets hired
:O You must tell me what you are applying for NOW!!1111

And lemon king, you should be grateful you even have a job. Personally I would be happy to work on off days, as long as I get paid. :naughty:
because I'm part Jewish (secret nazi message zomg)
Teta_Bonita said:
:O You must tell me what you are applying for NOW!!1111

And lemon king, you should be grateful you even have a job. Personally I would be happy to work on off days, as long as I get paid. :naughty:
Just get a high paying job :\ and make it so that you can't tell there's a message there
I hate it when I go to the off-topic forum and see "Spicy_Tuna" under the name of a thread
Yeah, he's almost as annoying as that Garfield kid that was hardcore X360. Is he still around?
I have no idea who's around anymore...2 week ban really messes with you, I need a ban update, who is and who isn't?
I'm sure you will live or have a mental brake down.
Sparda said:
I'm sure you will live or have a mental brake down.
I know i'll live, I just wanted to see which of my comrades have fallen. Now go back to your hole and stay there till I tell you to come out, which I suspect you know will be never.
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