Don't you just love crappy roads and drivers?

Is this an attempt to explain why you can't always drive the speed limit? :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, if you think the roads wherever you live are bad, try Southern U.S. Plenty of primitive dirt roads to piss you off just after washing your vehicle. :angry:

Lime roads are the worst. I'd like to punch the wise ass in the nose who thought of the idea to lay lime rock, a base compound for asphault steets, all around rural communities. Probably some politician who lives in a metro area who never driven through the shit themselves.

Supposedly it's supposed to absorb water to keep the roads from washing out.

I'd prefer unpaved roads to a New Jersey road anyday. I'd have no problem washing my car 5 days a week, I get a great feeling when I rub soap all over it, wash it off, dry it and then wax it.
Also, I always go the speed limit, and a little over when I have to (staying with the flow of traffic on a highway)
Well speaking of driving I just failed my test to get my license. Spent the entire night struggling to sleep only to get 3 hours and wake up at 9 in the morning for absolutely nothing. On that note going to sleep see all of you in hell.

i thought you were older...

what part made you fail?
The part where he drove over a pedestrian, got out and grabbed all the loot.
Nah. They can wait. They are big boys. If they are in such a rush, they should have left earlier.

Maybe their power went out and their alarm didn't go off, maybe their wife got a flat tire and they had to go help her change it THEN go to work, maybe walking out the door the dog vomited all over the carpet, or a car crash happened on the way to daycare, or any number of things.

Shit happens, just let them pass and everybody is happy. I feel like too many people take tailgating personally.
Maybe their power went out and their alarm didn't go off, maybe their wife got a flat tire and they had to go help her change it THEN go to work, maybe walking out the door the dog vomited all over the carpet, or a car crash happened on the way to daycare, or any number of things.

Shit happens, just let them pass and everybody is happy. I feel like too many people take tailgating personally.
This. I hate tailgaters when they have room to pass but don't (what happened to me) but if theres no room and no cops I'll speed a little bit (10 over max, so I can try and fight it in court)
Yes, yes I do love crappy roads and drivers.
i thought you were older...

what part made you fail?
I'm only 17 brah. I failed the computer/written/**** my asshole test part. Missed 3 out of 30 questions and apparently that's enough to deem me a failure.

The part where he drove over a pedestrian, got out and grabbed all the loot.
No I passed that part with flying gay hippopotamus colors mango.
I'm only 17 brah. I failed the computer/written/**** my asshole test part. Missed 3 out of 30 questions and apparently that's enough to deem me a failure.

Man, maybe if you hadn't left this site a while back, you would have aced it. I posted a link to the written test in a thread a while back. I got a 92%. It even tells you what ones you got wrong. Loser.
My message to tailgaters:
You're such a whiny little prick, but hey keep complaining if it makes you feel better.
Don't talk to your father that way. Ask your mother the only thing of hers I'll eat. When I told you I like to eat out, I wasn't just talking about Burger King and The Olive Garden.