
It's an interactive agency called Secret Location

When I went for the interview I still wasn't sure if it was the real name of the company as the office was super hard to find. Thought it might actually be a secret.

Check out the website, it's pretty crazy.

I'll let you guys know when the games out. It's a MMO launching with a Canadian TV series. Don't know if you'll get the channel outside of Canada but the game worlds will be browser based and free.
Grats on the job man _b

Now about those doodles...
I might be sticking my foot in my mouth here but I started a Half-Life comic.

It'll take some time so I'll post random art here from time to time.

I might also never finish it so who knows? It's scripted out though.


  • poorvampire.jpg
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Hey how is the Fast Zombie coming along?

I don't remember saying I was drawing any more fast zombies.

Here's something new though.
I did it really fast so it's so-so. Too much work these days.


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Free the Vorts

Still finding time to doodle.


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The ones with dog and the hunter and the hunter vs zombie are my favs, you've got some nice talent there.
Not a doodle

But I still made it.
Its my Halloween costume from 3 years ago.
So my PC is busted. I wont even make the start up beep anymore.


I really really do.

I haven't been drawing HL stuff but that doesn't mean I'm not drawing.


I don't read X-men but he's in every marvel comic a few times.


Puff the Magic Dragon


George Carlin was right. Rape can be funny!

These next few are some looks I have in mind for my lead character of a comic I'm making now. It's called 'Smoking-Hot!' and it follows the adventures of a High School girl.




I'll draw something more half-lifey next time.

The last one is new. Just finished it before 2009.




I'll try to draw some half-life stuff soon. I just can't think of anything to do and crap like this is more fun to me.

My post for the Unofficial Art Contest Red vs Blue thing. A day too late.
Haha, you only drew like half of that image besides the guy's face. Clever.
But then who was phone?!?!!?!?!

Hows that job working out for you?
hey man. I hadn't noticed this thread before(I don't hang around the artsy area much).

I love your work!
Oh damn... sorry.

my bad I thought this were everyone posts their doodles. I need to read moarz better next time.
Happy Valentines Day!

or morning after... I've been kinda busy.

doodles of my girlfriend:




I end up drawing her quite a bit.

Many doodles I do, or even commercial work I've done ends up in my sprays if I can find an appropriate use for them.

For example, this drawing was originally done for some secondary school somewhere. I drew a bunch of animals. Long Story. The spray is especially funny in TF2 when somebody is led towards it only to get killed by a sentry with my friends spray behind it (I'll explain later) but its been more useful to me in L4D.

(leading away from the witch here, can also be used to show where pills are etc...)
It's also funny sometimes.

If I can find an inappropriate use for something I'll do that too. My friend and I always play together so I usually make my sprays in twos. Isn't that cute? Here's the ones I could still find the photoshop files of. I have tons more as VTF's.

The one outlined in red is an animation
My entry for the TF2 propaganda contest:

Ripped from this WW2 American anti-Japanese poster:
I really like it, esp. as a comparison piece, though I think where the blue and yellow join is a little glaring considering they are both block colours when the WWII poster has a textural grain to it.

Otherwise, good stuff.